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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. New question, same answer, any variations, same answer. As for the P.S., your opinion is valid but not necessarily the same as mine on all counts. opinion,
  2. As said previously, I'll be whatever you want as long as it brings peace to the area and stops all the killing and maiming.
  3. As will Israel, hopefully after the ICJ case of "plausible Genocide" and all the leadership of both parties get there day in court at the ICC in Holland.
  4. You edited out the question Wobblybob Advanced Member 2k Posted 33 minutes ago I have told you what I think of your less than gracious comments and I'm not playing semantics with you.
  5. But you're happy to edit my post, against forum rules and not answer the question.
  6. So you don't agree with this statement? From the Mediterranean in the west to the Jordan River in the east, Palestinians and Israeli's need to be free, not dead.
  7. I'll be whatever you want as long as it brings peace to the area and stops all the killing and maiming.
  8. Lol, a stopped clock is right twice a day, nice deflection as usual when you have nothing else.
  9. Let me ring your bells again, "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," is in the opinion of you and your friends a terrorist rallying cry, my slogan "From the Mediterranean in the west to the Jordan River in the east, Palestinians and Israeli's need to be free, not dead" is in my opinion the same but includes you and your ilk being free and not dead, same same for both sides.
  10. So by refusing Palestinians citizenship the neighbouring countries are supporting Palestinians in their fight against Israel who have been stealing their land illegally since 1948, I'll give you a break, toddle off back behind your borders, mind your own business, keep Israeli noses out of Palestinian affairs, comply with all U.N. resolutions and stop being the (we've all got one) of the World.
  11. The 1946 Anglo-American Committee and the missed opportunity for a democratic Palestine Was another Palestine possible in 1946, two years before the Nakba? The Anglo-American Committee was a missed chance which resonates today, writes Lori Allen. Seventy-eight years ago, on 20 April 1946, six American and six British investigators issued a report on the Palestine “problem” and the fate of Europe’s Jews. Until then, there was still a chance at some kind of peaceful future in Palestine. Those chances seem so far away right now. But maybe we can learn from the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry and see the openings present today with fresh eyes, before they vanish, too. https://www.newarab.com/opinion/lessons-history-democratic-palestine
  12. Campaign Against Antisemitism @antisemitism CAA is a volunteer-led charity dedicated to exposing and countering #antisemitism through education and #zerotolerance law enforcement Non-Governmental & Nonprofit Organization United Kingdomantisemitism.orgJoined August 2014 9 Following 60.4K Followers PSC @PSCupdates Palestine Solidarity Campaign campaigns for peace & justice for Palestinians in support of international law & human rights & against all racism. RT≠endorsement Londonpalestinecampaign.orgJoined November 2009 1,692 Following 101.2K Followers
  13. ‘We’ve built something extraordinary’: six months of UK pro-Palestine marches Despite politicians’ criticism and close police scrutiny, Palestine solidarity demonstrations have continued to draw thousands Max Hammer, 22, is a member of Na’amod, a Jewish group opposing the occupation of Palestinian lands. He is one of the hundreds who have formed a Jewish bloc” – a coalition of Jewish groups that are calling for a ceasefire in Gaza – who attend the marches. He said: “Despite the fact that these marches are often sort of labelled as ‘dangerous for Jews’, one of the things that I found really empowering is to be part of the ‘Jewish bloc’ and see how many Jews are actually out on the streets declaring loudly their solidarity with Palestinians. We are always welcomed very, very heartily.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/13/weve-built-something-extraordinary-six-months-of-uk-pro-palestine-marches
  14. Really. From the Mediterranean in the west to the Jordan River in the east, Palestinians and Israeli's need to be free, not dead.
  15. Words, jumbled up, a rallying terrorists call for all Palestinians and Israelis to be free, thanks for showing your bias.
  16. Liar, liar, pants on fire, where in my post does it say anything about the river to the sea? Try reading it again, useful idiots are not exclusive to the UK.
  17. Where in my post is there any indication of support/denial for what you say? Mere words. that is all.
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