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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. A Tory former Foreign Office minister is being investigated by his party after giving an interview in which he called for two Conservative peers and a minister to face repercussions for their support of Israel. Speaking to LBC this morning, he said the Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI) group had been "doing the bidding of [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu, bypassing all proper processes of government to exercise undue influence at the top of government". Sky News understands the party has told Sir Alan he is being investigated - although this could take weeks. In the interview, he singled out Lord Stuart Polak, the honorary president of the CFI, and Lord Eric Pickles, as among those who should face punishment for their support of Israel. https://news.sky.com/story/tory-ex-foreign-office-minister-sir-alan-duncan-investigated-by-party-after-israel-comments-13107785
  2. Suella Braverman has been sacked as home secretary, after she defied No 10 over an article accusing the Metropolitan Police of bias in the policing of protests. Mrs Braverman was accused of stoking tension ahead of protests in London. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-67401753
  3. Netanyahu’s office says it will allow “temporary” aid deliveries via its border with the northern Gaza Strip “to ensure the continuation of the fighting and to achieve the goals of the war”. US President Joe Biden tells Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to “empower his negotiators to conclude a deal without delay”. Hamas official Osama Hamadan earlier told a news briefing negotiations were “stuck in a vicious circle” with Israel refusing requests to withdraw troops, allow aid, and for Palestinians to return to the northern Gaza Strip. At least 101 Palestinians have been returned to the Gaza Strip from Israeli prisons, with some having suffered fractures and other injuries, according to a medical source. At least 33,037 Palestinians have been killed and 75,668 wounded in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7. The death toll in Israel from Hamas’s October 7 attack stands at 1,139, with dozens still held captive. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/4/5/israels-war-on-gaza-live-biden-presses-israel-for-immediate-ceasefire
  4. The three-point announcement to ease aid flows into Gaza represents the most significant move by Israel since this conflict began six months ago. It also starkly undermines Israel's own oft-repeated assertion that it has not blocked or impeded aid movement into Gaza. It follows a call between President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. https://news.sky.com/story/israels-decision-to-ease-aid-flows-into-gaza-is-an-incredibly-significant-move-13108130
  5. 'Things have gone far too far' - Former foreign secretary Jack Straw | Israel-Hamas War Jack Straw tells Sir Trevor Phillips that he supports a halt to arms exports to Israel because 'I think things have gone far too far'. He goes on to say that 'there isn't in my view any doubt at all that Israel is breaching international law' https://news.sky.com/video/things-have-gone-far-too-far-former-foreign-secretary-jack-straw-israel-hamas-war-13107962
  6. In February 2024, Proactiva Open Arms announced that their Open Arms tugboat would conduct delivery to the Gaza Strip towing a barge of food and water provided by World Central Kitchen. The ship had been reportedly stationed in Cyprus since 16 February. The president of Cyprus had proposed a maritime humanitarian corridor at a conference in Paris in early November, and held conversations the following month with the Egyptian president and Jordanian king. According to Cypriot authorities, there were also "technical discussions" with Israeli officials. In an interview with Tel Aviv Radio, the Israeli foreign minister said in December that "It can start immediately". On 11 March, the ship was in Cyprus awaiting departure, after Cypriot authorities claimed that permission had been granted. The goods had reportedly been checked by Cypriot officials with Israeli oversight. It contained "nearly 200 tons of food". The shipment arrived on 15 March at a beach south of Gaza City. According to WCK, this was the first boat to reach Gaza in nearly 2 decades. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Central_Kitchen
  7. Nice deflection away from the OP, which this has nothing to do with, well done.
  8. Twisting this story into it's there fault for being there ain't going to work either, they were in contact with the IDF throughout the whole attack, as stated by the Israeli unnamed military spokesman.
  9. Both sides are as bad as one another, still 7 innocent people were killed trying to halt a humanitarian crisis, but you don't care about who or what as long as Israel doesn't look bad, not a good week for you is it?
  10. Whatever Al Jazeera thinks is irrelevant as they were quoting Israeli press and unnamed Israeli military sources, from my original post below. Israel’s Haaretz newspaper reported on Tuesday that an Israeli drone had fired three missiles at the WCK convoy out of a mistaken belief that a Hamas member was travelling with them. The report, which cited unnamed Israeli military sources, said the drone fired on three separate vehicles in succession, despite them being clearly marked with the WCK logo and even after the aid workers informed the Israeli military that they had been attacked. WCK CEO Jose Andres said in an interview with Reuters on Wednesday that the Israeli military had targeted his employees “systematically, car by car”.
  11. Don't hold your breathe, if you want a post about Iran arming Hamas breaching international law, go find it yourself.
  12. Former supreme court judges say UK arming Israel breaches international law Exclusive: More than 600 prominent lawyers sign letter that calls for end to exports as a ‘measure to prevent’ genocide. Three former supreme court justices, including the court’s former president Lady Hale, are among more than 600 lawyers, academics and retired senior judges warning that the UK government is breaching international law by continuing to arm Israel. In a letter to the prime minister, the signatories, who also include former court of appeal judges and more than 60 KCs, say that the present situation in Gaza is “catastrophic” and that given the international court of justice (ICJ) finding that there is a plausible risk of genocide being committed, the UK is legally obliged to act to prevent it. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/03/former-supreme-court-judges-say-uk-arming-israel-breaches-international-law?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
  13. ‘Not good enough’: Australia’s PM slams explanation for aid workers’ deaths Australian leader says he demanded ‘full accountability’ for Australian’s killing in call with Benjamin Netanyahu. Israel’s Haaretz newspaper reported on Tuesday that an Israeli drone had fired three missiles at the WCK convoy out of a mistaken belief that a Hamas member was travelling with them. The report, which cited unnamed Israeli military sources, said the drone fired on three separate vehicles in succession, despite them being clearly marked with the WCK logo and even after the aid workers informed the Israeli military that they had been attacked. WCK CEO Jose Andres said in an interview with Reuters on Wednesday that the Israeli military had targeted his employees “systematically, car by car”. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/4/4/not-good-enough-australias-pm-slams-explanation-for-aid-workers-deaths
  14. So one Israeli baby who is sadly probably dead anyway is worth more than 7 aid workers, got you. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/29/hamas-says-10-month-old-hostage-kfir-bibas-was-killed-in-israeli-bombing
  15. There already two different Police forces, The City of London Police and the Metropolitan Police.
  16. But quick enough to say the 3 British killed were part of a security team apparently, and wonder if they also had weapons and maybe mistaken for Hamas?
  17. Wondering if the 3 British killed, who were security for the group were armed or not, will be obviously one of the first things checked by the investigation by the Israeli's I've no doubt.
  18. Some good information in this post, hopefully we will get some form of protection for all aid workers after this investigation is concluded. Mr Netanyahu said in a statement: "Unfortunately, over the last day, there was a tragic incident of an unintended strike of our forces on innocent people in the Gaza Strip." He said officials "will do everything for this not to happen again". US President Joe Biden said he was "outraged and heartbroken" by the deaths and said he had spoken to WCK founder Jose Andres. "Israel has not done enough to protect aid workers trying to deliver desperately needed help to civilians," he said. "Incidents like yesterday's simply should not happen. Israel has also not done enough to protect civilians." He said an Israeli investigation "must be swift, it must bring accountability and its findings must be made public".
  19. Good job Susan Hall has about as much chance of becoming Mayor of London as I do. From the current Mayor's spokesman, featured at the end of the piece: A spokesman for Mr Khan said: “Sadiq is spending record amounts on the Met, including an additional £151 million in this year’s budget for policing and crime prevention. Sadiq has now doubled the amount of funding he’s given to the police since becoming mayor. He has also funded the recruitment of 1.300 new police officers. “By contrast his Tory opponent, Susan Hall, has strongly backed the Conservative government’s cuts of more than £1 billion to the Met and youth services since 2010. She has furthermore suggested police misconduct against women should be dealt with behind closed doors and is solely down to a few ‘bad ‘uns’ and ‘wrong ‘uns’ in police ranks. “The mayor has no operational control over the police and any marches can only be banned by the Home Secretary – something the Tory candidate either knows full well, or should do.”
  20. Great, I'll try to not post facts confirming comments made by the UN General Secretary are not as reported by other posters which get called out as misinformation.
  21. Yes I get that you tried to insinuate that the statement was a lie by the Palestinian State and that was not what Guterras said. Now go to my post that called out your misinformation and you will see that is exactly what he said.
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