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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. I've heard of Chomsky and Musk and I'm sure they have their merits but to say Peter Sellers was not a funny man I can't agree with that, Bluebottle.
  2. Brexit has failed, now who said that?
  3. You can all faff about with Brexit till the cows come home, nothing will ever convince me it was a good idea to leave the EEC for the working man of the UK. I've held that view since it all began, the good thing for me was I was at the end of my working life and after 50 years of graft was lucky enough to get out of it while the going was good. I'm sure the usual subjects are all convinced that the sunny uplands are just around the corner in 10/20/50 years, I hope you're right for the sake of the old country but I think the arguments for and against will drag on forever, sadly.
  4. If his lips were moving, of course he was, same as Farage
  5. That's going well in it LOL
  6. Okay, so Immigration had nothing to do with why we voted to leave the EEC.
  7. Enjoy https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/net-migration-uk-hits-record-606000-2022-2023-05-25/
  8. One of the biggest problems is a lack of HGV drivers in the UK, currently running at about 70k, Brexit saw 12.5 EU drivers leave UK employers mainly because of waiting times at UK borders. Most of the EU traffic is paid by mileage, so if the wheels aren't turning they don't get paid. 40years in the industry.
  9. Pic of the bird might help, have a look here https://www.thaibirdspot.com/photo-albums
  10. I'm sure there could be a lot more then those 3, I'm sure Tower Bridge has a weight restriction of 18tons, average amount of people in a ton is 12 to 15, so the whole of the Conservative Party MP's would possible bring it down. Might be a better idea to use the Tower of London walls to crucify the lot.
  11. From the OP, what part of FAILED do you not get.
  12. I think I know the answer to that one, being a know nothing Richard Head.
  13. Soon as the body gets to the Morgue there will no doubt be a post-mortem but will there be a follow up report on here, I doubt it. RIP
  14. The Krankies were on holiday in there new motorhome until it broke down or was it snatched back because of finance issues. LOL
  15. Now, that would be funny, leaving all the little Englanders to stew in their own little world.
  16. I left in October 22, after selling up, came here for a holiday on my way to Australia, long story short, did Aus and N.Z. visiting family over Xmas and New Year, wasn't impressed with either so came back to Thailand where I am very happy living out in the sticks. Judgement on Brexit I made in 2016 as soon as the result of the referendum was announced, my view was and always will be, that Brexit will be bad for the UK whichever way you look at it, unfortunately Covid came along before I could finalize everything, other wise I'd of been here in 2020.
  17. Happily living in Central Thailand.
  18. Have you been to the UK lately? Brexit is a disaster, whichever way you want to cut it and it will only get worse. As for your " if Thailand makes it difficult to get retirement visas " and moving back to Europe, never going to happen as far as I'm concerned, there are plenty of other places in this world I can live.
  19. Whatever way you look at it Brexit is/was a failure for the UK. How so few could persuade your average man in the street to vote for it beggars belief. History will show that we joined the club, then did as much as possible to disrupt it. No fan of Thatcher but she did get us a better deal than we had, only for the Establishment to still keep whining about it until Cameron came up with the Referendum never expecting the Turkeys to vote for Xmas. So we are where we are, in the mire and it will only get deeper. Personally it did make me get off my backside and quit the sorry mess and come to LOS, best decision I ever made.
  20. Labour had the ideal candidate before the MSM and backstabbing Starmer got the job but now we'll never know.
  21. Was it ever going to be anything other than a failure, if the EU has any sense they will leave the U.K. where it is now, in deep do-do.
  22. I was in a similar position to you, been in and out of Thailand twice, within the visa on demand dates, i.e. 2 x 45day, always left in good time. Went from DM to Saigon at the end of March for an overnight stay, flew back to DM the following morning with no problems with immigration, no questions, just presented Passport did the fingerprints and photo, quick look up and down, handed back stamped Passport and welcome to Thailand. 70 year old Englishman.
  23. Anybody know of a bar in Phichit where you can play pool?
  24. Local Thai, services my A/C,s for 300baht each, includes a refill if needed, cheap as chips and no problems now, even though we've had a couple of weeks in the high 30's to 40's in Phisanulok area.
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