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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. PT and the rest of their group should be put up against the nearest wall, asap, the whole lot are a waste of space. If any of the "Uncles" get back into power it will be a travesty of justice for all the people who voted for change.
  2. I expect the Junta if they get in power through PT's treachery to reinstate the Senators power before the next GE, rinse and repeat.
  3. We can all sit here in our ivory towers and whinge to our hearts content but it is up to the 14.2 million MFP voters to get up off their bottoms or sit on their hands to make a change, the powers that be will carry on regardless otherwise.
  4. TIT, I know but ffs, have they no shame.
  5. I've renamed that shop, "No have" my local one is always promoting stuff as you walk through the doors, big item things, A/c's, TV's etc. Soon as you show an interest over comes a sales assistant, I'll have one of those please says I, first thing they do is try to sell you the same thing from a different manufacturer which is twice the price, my normal reaction is, why do I want to pay double the price for the same spec or less as was the case of an A/C unit, their answer, oh this make is better, me, I don't want that one, I want one of those. 5 mins on their phone, and sorry no have, me, well why advertise it here then. Happened on at least 4 occasions now.
  6. It's a daft laugh ffs
  7. If I wanted a 5 egg omelet everyday I would make one everyday. If you want to freeze 50 I would break 5 eggs and whisk them up and pour them into a ladle to get the correct quantity, then break 245 into a bowl and mix it up, add the first 5 egg mix to it and using two pans on a good even stove/cooker heat up two omelet pans brushed with melted butter when bubbling add the required amount of egg into each pan, cook as required, when done turnout on to a tray, wipe the pan out, rinse and repeat using this method should take about 2 1/2 hours, 3 mins an omelet, be ready to get a sweat on, but then you will have to package them up and freeze them, don't see the point, just make them as needed.
  8. I'm a Lover not a Fighter ????
  9. Spent 40 years kipping in the back of a truck in the UK, Europe and occasionally the Middle East/Asia, but lived in a little village in North Yorkshire, always picked where I parked up for the night depending what I wanted. Now I live in another rural setting in the Central area of LOS if I fancy seeing the sights of the big city 4 hours to Bangkok, 6 hours to Pattaya, holidays at least 3/4 times a year, happy as a butchers dog.
  10. For me, I treat all Humans the same as I like to be treated, if I ever feel I am not being treated right by whoever, I move on, after 70 years on this planet there are only a handful of people I avoid. Coming up to my first year in LOS and love the place with all it's differences from being English, born and bred. Living as the only Falange in the village and surrounding area, I must say even without much Thai I have loads of local friends (Thai) who go out of their way to help and include us in social gatherings, Google translate is a must ???????? IMHO, life experience is everything in this world.
  11. Maybe not in your house but in mine I'm on a promise at least once a month ????
  12. Mob rule, a coup, Anutin, civil unrest, only my opinion though.
  13. I think that can only work if Settha becomes PM and it's the obvious tactic for PT AND MFP that I'm sure the ruling classes would have seen coming. This is not going to end well for the majority of Thai people or us expats whichever way this goes. IMHO.
  14. I wouldn't be surprised if when he goes for his medical check-up in Thailand he either goes to jail or gets sectioned into a fruit and nut house, or is that another case of same, same.
  15. Love to see him in a nice golden earn with some nice flowers round it.
  16. Have a look on Bookings .com, Agoda etc plenty of choice for 1 month stays.
  17. None whatsoever, especially when you have been decimated in the polls by some young upstart who wants to change everything that the current PM and Government holds dear.
  18. Goody goody, save me a monthly trip to Pattaya ????
  19. All Macro's do a dried yeast, usually in the Baking Dept area, and bread flour is available in most places.
  20. I believe it was several leading legal academics and the Ombudsman who put it to "The Constitutional Court" that it was unconstitutional, surely said court could have made a ruling, or maybe the powers that be didn't have a clue where to go with it, fun and games as usual, please carry on, there's nothing to see here.
  21. MFP 116 MP's? Thought it was 151 MP's
  22. Yes, but they won't be in a coalition with MFP, if they vote with the opposition, and I can't see their partners in government putting anything forward to make that happen. PT at best will keep the Junta in line till next year with small changes to non controversial bills then go for a vote of no confidence after May next year when the Senators power goes, but I would expect the Junta to see that coming as once the Senators go they will be well aware they will have lost without them. Interesting times ahead.
  23. I can see the possibilities' of this but PT will only be given enough rope to keep them happy, and bills going through the Parliament the Conservertive/ Miltary parties are against will not be put forward as they have a majority in this unholy coalition. I do think whatever happens that PT will be decimated at the next G.E. if they go anywhere near helping the Cons/Military consolidate any sort of way to keep the Senators in their current position after May next year. Hope there is a statement from MFP and Pita soon, that could be interesting.
  24. Goody goody, there MIGHT be a Brexit bonus. Looking forward to flying my kite in the sunny uplands of Brexit, I can't wait.
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