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Jeff the Chef

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Posts posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. 2 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       Sounds like you are disappointed that there were no civilian causalities. As its still quire recent, Hamas may yet claim that 500 innocent  Woman and Children also died in the attack 


    You never know, maybe the most moral army in the world got one right for a change, eventually, even a stopped clock is right twice a day. DF

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  2. 11 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    It wasn't a comedy post, the fact some people take in that rubbish is laughable or sad, I decided to laugh. But again you keep on the off topic nonsense


    Back to the topic and a lovely targeted strike:


    A squad commander in Hamas's elite Nukha force during the October 7 terror onslaught was killed in a recent airstrike in northern Gaza's Beit Hanoun, the military says.




    Great shot and no civilian casualties, wonders will never cease 🍉

  3. 13 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Well as long as he says so that's it then............:cheesy:


    The US rendered Asadullah to Guantánamo 2007. His family feared him dead for many years and for the first nine years of his captivity, he did not have access to a lawyer, despite multiple attempts to obtain legal representation. Reprieve and the law firm Lewis Baach Kaufmann Middlemiss filed a writ for a petition of habeas corpus on his behalf in 2016, in which they demanded his release. 

    After years of litigation, in October 2021, they prevailed: the District Court for the District of Columbia ruled that Asadullah’s detention was not legal, because he had only been a part of Hezb-e-Islami (HIA), a group that has been formally at peace since 2016, and he was not a part of Al Qaeda. The judge thus ordered his release. Asadullah was the first Guantánamo Bay detainee in over ten years to win a habeas case.  



  4. 4 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    I'm waiting for Al Jazeera to pass this one on........when  it gets to the stage they are asking ex detanees at Guantanamo then it says it all


    Haroon, who won his case against the US government for illegal imprisonment in 2021, was held without charge in the notorious Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba for 16 years following his arrest in 2007. Without a doubt, he says, Palestinians held in Israeli prisons now are enduring similar treatment to that he experienced.

    “It’s like in the first days when I was arrested, I was beaten to an extent that I was standing; I couldn’t sit down or if I was sitting down and beaten up, I couldn’t get up. Same with insomnia and I was assaulted for several days. A lot of the prisoners were bitten by dogs. We were provided very little medical care.

    “Physical torture was really bad but the worst was mental torture in different forms. I believe there isn’t much of a difference in the torture of prisoners of Palestine, Guantanamo, Bagram and Abu Ghraib.”

  5. 5 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


      So it might not have been the IDF , just "likely" .

     I suppose one of the Hamas terrorists could have knocked on the tanks door and asked if they could have a go with the tanks FN MAG machine gun to shoot up a Kia Picanto that was up to 23 meters away, now is that possible or likely?

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  6. 18 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


      So the conclusion was it it was "likely" and not definitely .

    So it might have been the IDF firing and it might have been Hamas .

    So, they dont know who fired the bullets

    Well it was "likely" fired by the Israel Defence Forces the most moral soldiers in the world in a Merkava tank.

    Earshot found that with the minimum registered interval of 24 milliseconds, this tank would have to have been positioned just 13 metres away from the car. With the maximum interval of 40 milliseconds, the tank would have still been only 23 metres away from the car. This analysis suggests that the tank had to be positioned within close range (13–23 metres) of the car when it fired the shots that killed Layan. At such proximity, it is not plausible that the shooter could not have seen that the car was occupied by civilians, including children.

    Earshot’s audio ballistic analysis supports the final words of Layan Hamada: the gunfire came from a tank that was next to them.



    • Thanks 1
  7. Forensic Architecture probe concludes Israeli tank likely killed Palestinian child Hind Rajab 

    Five-year-old Hind Rajab's mother said she was injured and trapped in a car with relatives in northern Gaza.
    Investigation reveals Rajab's car was hit with 355 bullets and finds it 'not plausible' that Israeli tank couldn't see children inside car

    Forensic Architecture said that the gun used for this attack was "firing at a range of 750–900 rounds per minute", and that this range exceeds that of the AK-type assault rifle that is commonly attributed to Palestinian fighters operating in Gaza.

    "This range of rounds per minute is consistent with Israeli army-issued weaponry such as the M4 assault rifle or the FN MAG machine gun on a Merkava tank," the investigation said.



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  8. Armenia has formally recognised of the state of Palestine, the Armenian foreign ministry said in a statement on Friday. 

    The ministry cited the "catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza" among the reasons behind its decision, which was welcomed by the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Hamas, and prompted a rebuke from Israel. 

    Yerevan rejected violence against civilians and hostage-taking, the foreign ministry's statement said, adding that it was committed to establishing "lasting reconciliation between the Jewish and Palestinian peoples". The statement reaffirmed Armenia's support for a "two-state" solution.



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  9. Israeli army investigation suggests many 7 October casualties caused by friendly fire
    The findings of the Israeli report are consistent with the results of a UN inquiry earlier this month.

    During the operation to counter Hamas-led forces that broke into southern Israel, there were "multiple incidents of our forces firing on our forces," according to the investigation, as reported by Israeli outlet N12.

    The investigation comes as evidence continues to mount of some Israeli deaths on 7 October being caused - both intentionally and unintentionally - by their own forces.



  10. US, Israel and Argentina slip down World Press Freedom Index
    Press freedom declining around the world as a result of political pressure, suppression of independent media and harassment of journalists, RSF says

    Press freedom is in decline around the over as a consequence of political pressure, disinformation, suppression of independent media and harassment of journalists, according to the latest World Press Freedom Index.

    The annual index is compiled by Reporters Without Borders, or RSF as it’s known by its French initials, an international nonprofit focussed on safeguarding the right to freedom of information.

    The 2024 index, published on Friday.



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  11. Some Israeli's know what they want, such a nice man, or is he, discuss?


    Israel: Former MP invokes Hitler in call to expel Gaza's 'Islamo-Nazi' population
    Moshe Feiglin in TV interview calls for resettlement of Gaza and expulsion of Palestinians.

    In a panel discussion on Channel 12, Feiglin called for resettlement in Gaza and argued Israel should transform the Palestinian territory into a "Hebrew Gaza".

    "We are not guests in our country, this is our country, all of it," he said in the video shared on Sunday in Israeli social media. 



    • Confused 1
  12. 45 minutes ago, transam said:

    Because you and other folk are demonising Israel for sorting its aggressors out, yet your, my, others countries did the same thing to finish their problem.


    Why are you trashing a country when your own did the same, you even worked for the R.A.F.

    Scroll down to Germany........



    A nice history lesson but the topic is https://aseannow.com/topic/1328831-children-die-of-malnutrition-as-rafah-operation-heightens-threat-of-famine-in-gaza/page/2/


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  13. 27 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Yes I know it does  including all other accusations that they make without verifying first..........:saai:


    Considering there are 19 paragraphs about Israel and the State of Palestine in the report and of those 14 were verified, of the 5 that were not verified.


    Paragraph 94 was the opening statement on the conflict from 7/10.


    Paragraph 97 has already been discussed in this thread.


    Paragraphs 102, 103 and 105 are Statements of facts, which I have included below.


    Paragraphs 102,  Perpetrators include Hamas’ Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades and other Palestinian armed groups (54), individual Palestinian perpetrators (12), and
    unidentified perpetrators (4) including during crossfire between Hamas’ Izz al-Din
    al-Qassam Brigades and Israeli armed and security forces (4).


    Paragraph 103. Sexual violence against Israeli civilians, including children, in the context of the 7 October attacks in southern Israel, was reported.


    Paragraph 105. A total of 47 Israeli children (20 boys, 27 girls) were abducted by Hamas’ Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades and other Palestinian armed groups in southern Israel, 36 of whom were held hostage and subjected to ill-treatment in the Gaza Strip by Hamas’ Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s Al-Quds Brigades, the Palestinian Mujahidin Movement Mujahidin Brigades and other Palestinian armed groups. Two boys were still being held as at December 2023. Children held hostage in the Gaza Strip continue to be denied humanitarian access and assistance. The remaining 11 children were abducted by Hamas’ Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s Al-Quds Brigades and other Palestinian armed groups during the 7 October attacks in southern Israel and escaped or were released (8) or were killed (3). 


    The remaining 5 paragraphs were to do with Developments and concerns.


    I can understand Israel's concerns as it does show to the rest of he World that they are as complicit as the Terrorist Groups in the death, maiming and grave violations against children as can be seen in the report.


    In my opinion both sides need to be tried at the ICC. 



  14. 8 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Yes a good idea to verify and not rely on Hamas figures


    Yes, this does need to be verified but as it says in paragraph 97, and I quote


    97. Owing to severe access challenges, in particular in the Gaza Strip, the
    information presented herein does not represent the full scale of violations against
    children in this situation.
    2023 saw a significant increase in violations, and the last
    quarter of the year witnessed widespread violence by all parties to the conflict; over
    23,000 grave violations against children (3,900 Israeli children, 19,887 Palestinian
    children) by all parties to the conflict were reported and are pending verification.

  15. Buy 3 jars of ordinary marmalade, warn all 3 in a pan of hot water, pour through a strainer into a saucepan, put the unwanted peel back into one of the emptied jars cover with some strained marmalade, replace lid, do the same with the strained marmalade, then send the peel one to me, don't mind paying for 1 of the 3 jars plus postage.

  16. Almost 3,000 malnourished children are at risk of dying before their families’ eyes in Gaza, where the eight-month-long war continues, according to the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) as spokesperson James Elder told UN News on Saturday about the situation on the ground in the besieged and bombarded enclave.

    Speaking from Gaza, Mr. Elder described a dire landscape, with a focus on child malnutrition and the devastating impact of the ongoing conflict amid growing concerns of famine.



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  17. During a Wednesday press conference in Doha, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was less than honest about a United States-proposed Gaza ceasefire deal.

    During the course of his opening remarks and the question and answer session, Blinken made several statements that are either transparently untrue or deeply misleading.

    First, Blinken insisted that the three-phased ceasefire deal announced by US President Joe Biden on May 31 was an “Israeli proposal” and that Israel fully backs it.



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