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steve down under

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Posts posted by steve down under

  1. Halal certification isn't about Muslims giving non Muslims permission to eat certain products the same as Kosher certification isn't about Jewish people giving non Jewish people permission to eat certain products ! Its a certification given by the councils that the products are prepared in a way that complies with the dietary rules that they are required to follow by their particular religions whether it be Muslim or Jewish !

    It's only peoples ignorance that means they believe that it is anything different the products certified Halal taste and look no different to one that is non Halal or Kosher it just means that people of both religions can enjoy them as much as non muslims /Jews without fearing that they have broken any religious rules on diet !

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  2. I passed through Switzerland a few yrs ago on a coach trip to Lake Como in Italy and along the way the coach stopped of so we could all grab something to eat at a motorway services ,Well I was completely gobsmacked at the prices being charged thinking I could do a weeks shopping for what the bloke in front of me paid for a small piece of Fish with some french fies a small salad and a coffee it was somewhere around the equivelant of 50 quid at the time and he didnt bat an eyelid at paying that amount !

  3. To give you guys a little background info, im 45 and ive been through the marraige grinder in the west, done the scottish lass relationship and that lasted 8 years before going wrong.

    Wan is 38, never married, owns and runs her own small restaurant and cafe bar from home where she lives with her parents, who also own land that they farm.

    We met originally online 2 years ago as I was trying to find products and sources to help my daughter start her ebay shop, I went over to visit her a few months later where I spent a lot of time photographing leather handbags etc for my daughter and eating at wans restaurant

    After watching wan and her helper work round each other for a few days, being a kitchen fitter, I re designed part of her very basic kitchen to make it easier for them to work at the same time and rebuilt her preparation area slightly larger and with shelves to accommodate the amount of ingredients they use, her father being an old carpenter had all the tools I needed to do this and wan bought the materials at a local builders merchants

    My second visit was to build her a small cafe bar beside her kitchen in the front of her house to expand her business, again we sat down together and discussed and drew plans up, worked out materials which she then bought and over a period of 3 weeks I built her a cafe bar, as well as having free food and free accomodation the family took me for a long weekends stay at a resort in the mountains where I enjoyed good food, some stunning views of the surrounding countryside and more than a few whiskys with the father and brother in law

    All in all apart from the car accident ive enjoyed myself over there, wan and I get on very well together, her parents are very nice people not terribly unbendingly old fashioned or religeous

    all of the neighbors are losing their original apprehension and are becoming very open and genuinely friendly towards me now and everyone is eager to help me learn their language and give me small tasters of different foods, fruits etc

    But, and I feel I must stress this, right from the start ive made it clear to everyone that im just a normal working class scotsman, im not some rich farang who has money to throw about everywhere

    after reading this post it seems to e that so far the op has not had to put his hand in his pocket apart from buying himself some tools to enable him to do some of the work ! as he states that his girlfriend has purchased the materials needed for the construction and his input has been in design and some helping out on the building, So maybe all you cynics should maybe just give him a a bit of credit for hopefully finding someone who doesnt seem so far to regard him as the walking Farang ATM that so many Thais do !

  4. Hmmm I reckon thats a cheap night out if they were drinking cocktails all night a total of just over AU$ 61 between 2 of them ,I think in any bar in Australia they might have been lucky to get maybe 2 drinks each for that !

    My guess is they probably didnt have and money and decided to see just how much they could get away with !

  5. But its not just the American people that the U S authorities are monitoring there was a report on Australian TV recently that stated that they are intercepting millions if not billions of E mails ,text messages daily from around the world ! and in my opinion they will probably be monitoring forums such as this one for any anti american sentiment so beware what you say here or you may find yourself dragged off by the Homeland security gestapo if you ever visit the USA !

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