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Posts posted by JGV

  1. Islamophobia is yet a another instance of religious racism which is encouraged by government policy that is discriminatory, poor education and fear - those pointing fingers at muslims need to be reminded that next year people could be pointing their fingers at you

    A history lessons about the rise of fascism in Germany in the thirties should be compulsory for those up in arms about a mosque being built

  2. Thailand is degenerating into the society that exists daily in the states and the UK - 20 years ago when i arrived this wouldn't have happened - this is what affluence breeds - greed , stress and anger and sadly this is now almost a daily occurrence and the authorities  do nothing because they are too busy working on how to screw the average person - just watch the daiy adverts on TV constantly trying to coerce money out of people by lying or bending the truth. Fed up with humans

  3. Prayut's concern about alcohol near schools is heartening now what solutions can he come up to impose control over these mindless men who are in control of these dangerous weapons (Cars) Take the keys off them until they receive re-education because this carnage suggests that 95% of drivers in this country think that driving is a game and the car is a toy - same as 5 year olds

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