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Reginald Prewster

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Everything posted by Reginald Prewster

  1. Well, in almost every fast food shop in Germany it was common that the Mayonaise or Ketchup on the fries were 30 cent on top... But 2 GBP is a bit odd isn't it? On the other hand in Pattaya Darkside I was watching customers having a cheap breakfast with lots of cold meats, eggs, bread and rolls for 169 baht. The owner to please his customers, imported a special Mustard brand in tubes and there were customers that went through a half tube for one breakfast. The waitress could later take a yellow plate from the table, but these customers took it as their right to take as much they want. To charge these greedy selfish customers came right away in my mind, considering standart European Mustard is already 170 baht a 200 gram glass/tube..
  2. I was living 2002 - 2020 in Pattaya but in the beach road gogo bars and walking street I must have been less than 20 times. Only when I had to bring out a customer for a job interview or if friends came for vacation. I used to have my beers in Pattaya Darkside... until I moved to Isaan
  3. Psst, it's SECRET!
  4. The Bridesmoney (Dowry) was a negotiation in front of our dinner and a beer after a day sugar cane harvest... No special event or announced with drums and trumpets.. 2002 I asked my wife to pay the respect to father (widow) and we had from day one a tight bond because he was former Thai Reconnaisance and I was German Seal. Within one year he was my father and I his only son.. Luckily, money was never standing between us.
  5. LOL, my wife to that time 35 years old, was the oldest of 4 girls. Father: "she is an old bone, you can have her and the dowry is upto you!" Me: "Ok dad, the dowry is 300k and after the wedding you give me 100k back" Father laughing: "Why so much, you are anyway the long whished son I get, when you marry her." Me: "You raised her to a good wife, strong and hard working woman!" Father: "for 200k you can have the youngest daughter Pi, she is only 21 years" Me: "She is too young for me, I love Sr" Father looking to the other Family members and loughed loud: "He must be blind!" My wife: "Ok, the dowry is seddled, I put the money on my Book bank and pay father small amounts as he needs, otherwise he and uncle will pickle themselves in Lao Khao until the money is gone." Later I found out that most real and traditional Thai dowry negotiations are like that... hence: 1 Million dictated from the Familily is just the beginning of the iceberg, I fear he loves and marries a barrel without bottom.. The parens really seem to be "pro farang" NO KEEPER!
  6. https://discovery-garden.net/ if you are looking for trees that are not common in Thailand.
  7. Let me guess Russians? the last I have seen -before I moved in a tourist free area -hugged a Monk for a Photo, As I asked them politely to read a bit more about Thai culture, she hissed at me and said "FuXX Off, what is wrong to make a photo in my holiday, if he not want it, HE should learn Russian and tell me and not you" In a Temple and also outside you want to be quiet and polite...
  8. Very well said @FritsSikkink, everything has a barcode hence nowadays you cannot just change things without going through the register... The staff has most likely not access for cancellations but are the ones who must deal with such customers.. But are you so broke to create a sh*t storm about a pack of garbage bags? They are always handy to have for multiple uses...
  9. 22 years married hip bone replacement and both knee surgeries are overdue... nuff said
  10. I have been (forced by my visitors) several times at the floating market and always thought, how they can get along with their "twist wire/tape electric installations" and 2 phases without grounding. Especially when everything is made from wood. There is a reason that in Europe an electrician goes through a three years apprenticeship before he/she can be called an electrician..
  11. There is one thing I realize in Pattaya (entire Thailand) when it comes to broken relationships and losses (finacial or other). The feign response of many: Saying: Oh man, keep your head up, there are better times ahead. Thinking: It's the same old story and do not bother me with your emotional baggage, I have no time to be your shrink. This above answer is based what I have experienced since 22 years in Thailand: I am sure he went into a place, met some other farangs and tried to tell his story. Last Winter I had a mate from Denmark, same story. Bar Girl, 2 years already no sex, and she was gone with all belongings. He wrote me on Messenger and I replied, to be honest I thought excactly the above: "It's the same old story and do not bother me with your emotional baggage, I have no time to be your shrink." But he started crying and somehow I had in mind I could be the last person he talked to.. I booked a Bus Ticket and asked him to help me to build our farm. He stayed for 4 week paid in beer, food and a resort hut and told me then he had to leave. But he thanked me nonstop and said it was helping him so much not to be alone. I paid him 30k for the month which he only took because he was broke. In June he sent me a Picture on WhatsApp: Remember that breakfast in the Sports Bar? I was stunned because I not remember that a Girl was sitting at our table. It wasn't about a girl at his site. He is back in Khon Kaen and has a Noodle Shop Lady who takes care of him, just 30 kilometer from my Farm. He prepares things in the house kitchen and she runs the shop. Hopefully a happy ending. Would this have helped this poor fellow as well? Just another Farang who helps him on his feet again? Maybe this headline was not necessary to exist: Norwegian Man Hangs Himself in Pattaya
  12. My Cock is still straight but I swear I will stop smoking spliffs from now on to avoid a bent one.....
  13. C'mon @steven100 be gentle, there is an "afterlife" or more likely "life after I giving up my ghost"... I told my wife to cremate my body and then dig my ashes in the soil of our farm. As soon done plant a tree on top which can benefit from the fertilizer. As the tree grows stronger I hope I have done my share and somebody still alive benefits from it by harvesting a fruit or two more... That is what I see as "afterlife" or realists may call it "bio recylcing"
  14. Toon and Leigh are breeding red claws but quite pricey. I contacted the breeder in Bangkok and in Surin, they sell to way more reasonable prices. For adding fresh blood I might consider porpeangfarm but with a very limited amount...
  15. Some guys like Timothy Leary or some Doctors and Professors in the Duke's Universtity in Durham did a lot of research about... The normal brain in operation is about 20% activated, but under influence of LSD, Psylocibin or Ayahuasca it increases to 80%-90%... During your "Trip" you can reach a lot more informations hidden inside (memories, learned stuff and so on) and if you keep it going, you actually open too much "windows" at once and eventually all stuff taken out doesn't find its way back into the previous "storage" cell. Result: "Tilt, Game Over! Ya, stuck on a Trip, turned into a proper fruitcake now and the shrink needs at least 1 year to get you back on the track. Often with minor leftover damages like having sometimes the sudden need to pick Daisy Flowers under the Table in a street café " Sorry, its not spiritual. It's just your brain with a few more fuses blown...
  16. Good described Bert. Jeffrey, If you really has done a research on this matter, I would assume that 3 days per case wouldn't bring you anywhere near the proof, but would have made you 41 years older... (just make it 5000 cases) By adding the time the average pupil has left School, you must be 57 years of age. Have you had a job inbetween or was this job a full time reseach with good payment? So I guess don't eat more magic Mushrooms or LSD Trips, or at least stop smoking Spliffs and lose reality, get a life as long it last and leave a nice carrion when the time is due...
  17. you find them everywhere in the world... I had to dig about 50 lbs of cat poop between a garbage skip full of rubbish, in one of my apartments. Lucky that these cu*ts had no money to escape too far and so I had 2 scums, who renovated me 4 more Apartments for free to avoid "enforced overstay"...
  18. higher level thinking than you do.. That's basically all..
  19. Falling and falling is always the thin line between: - UUUUUaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh, SPLAT! and -SPLAT, UUUUUUUUaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!
  20. Everyone is his own fortune's blacksmith.. Some forge a stone table in Thailand with their luck and others a wealthy life at his pool, or like me at my own fishing lake... But I need luck not to drown in it, when the biggest fish in my life is hooked. Till now i wasn't lucky to catch it.. That's life, isn't it?
  21. Here you go. No drama at all, beside they might consider you a hippie with a stash of drugs in the guitar bag... Oh, the guitar will not fit in the overhead compartments, hence you put it to your luggage and let the cargo staff deal with it, they usually throw it not further that 4 meters... Maybe you could declare that this guitar has a high "symbolic" value for you and it has only a bootsale value... A cool receipt from a 2nd hand shop could help too...
  22. Do we not all put a bet on the wrong horse from time to time? ????
  23. Well as far I noticed the time is forgotten and no lessons learned, all is back to normal: Bouncer outmannig the tourist again for a good beat up Motorbike taxis in front of walking street punch a russian because he didn't accept the price and called a bolt motorbike in front of them Jet ski rentals scam Indians again on daily base (Even Jacky the Lacky is back and has still the same haircut!!) Bullets flying in walking street and on the beach day by day... and much much more. Pattaya was always the place for low life individuals and scums and it will always be...
  24. Wrong, not long ago they took out a few Thais using the same trick... Pity is that compared to Nigerian prisons the Thai Prison looks a holiday place alike.. Wouldn't bother him to hang off for a decade...
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