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Reginald Prewster

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Everything posted by Reginald Prewster

  1. Simple answer: He can! A long year known compatriot was renting one of my mates apartments and messed it completely up.. (including a "catus garden" in the bathroom on the white tiled floor) He was actually always a nice fellow but something made him turning into a hermit. Thai neighbors informed my mate, that he made an escape in the night, attempting to skip 2 month rent and the renovation costs. They got him at the airport the same day...
  2. Pacu (Looks like a Piranha but is a vegatarian) But be careful! They grow fast and if you put more than 2 in your size pond they will go through your Lotus in no time.. I have Land in Ban Phe where I stocked them (20) on a 1800 sqm lake.. After 18 month all my Lotus were gone. They are hard to catch once stocked. To be honest. On my farm in Isaan I have a 5500 sqm lake and the Pacu is not welcome. (Leasson learned)
  3. seems you don't know the regulations and laws... I am now 21 years in Thailand and always obeyed to the rules. You MUST have an insurance I mention because I got asked twice to borrow cash for a hospital bill. Both were over 500k. Why? Because this compatriot didn't have one, but as he was healthy he was the big mouth. 800K (or 65.000 monthly Income). Beside a good insurance coverage I have a backup saved within 3 years starting at 2002. (Multiple times the required 800K which adds now yearly a nice interest.) This account I never touch beside the yearly interest print out. It isn't difficult to do if you continue month by month. You didn't made it in your home country, then don't try it in another country. Thailand is not waiting just for you, but if you like the country then stick to the rules... Yes, I agree that the Visa regulations getting tightened. NOT with more money in the Bank but enforcing the rules without bypasses..
  4. Big Joke tackles it. How many people would be gone, if just the "visa service" (25.000 to the agent, 5 minutes 800k deposit, visa stamp and return the money to the service) would be fully banned. Not only many so called 1%er Bikers, but also scums that are permanently living on last grizzle, baloon chasers and other for the country non beneficial subjects, that are living from rip off and tear dropping bad day stories or bothering the wealthy farangs with their perfect business idea whilst the 25 years old scooter is rusting away from underneath their a$$es. The only way is: - Provide your health insurance coverage and fees paid - Your bank account has 365 days a coverage of 800k (or the payment of 65k has been received monthly) - check the criminal records strictly as part of the Visa process.. Unfortunately as soon they are kicked out the "market" is open and new scums and low lifes coming in. And these ones coming, you cannot identify by patches on the back of a leather vest....
  5. better to say pretending DOG OWNERS grow up... I started with 14 in a kennel club and the owner was a well known police leader. His dogs were high priced guard dogs, drug dogs and 2 have been even trained as guides for disabled people with a poor eye sight.. ...Unfortunately this won't happen if you are not spending twice a day 15 minutes and teach your dogs. You can teach it in many ways and also a Pitbull can be a lovely "person" I say "person" because its the owner that reflects the behaviour of the dog.. Most people take their dogs for a run but never teach them the needed lessons.. Unfortunately the owners mostly get away with it because the dog attacks first and outsider.
  6. Darn, whith what kind of people you are surrounding yourself?
  7. No, damaging brings you in troubles and I my opinion stamps you to a low life individual with a very basic mindset... As long I rented any property I always kept the last months unpaid and told the owner I have no money so take it from the deposit. That's the way almost all Thais (Incl my wife) do and so it is common practice.. In Germany the Landlord is obliged to put the deposit into a separate bankaccount which is in Thailand not the case. As soon you have handed over the deposit you can expect the Landlord has a new scooter in front of his door or something similar. Short: The "extra income" will be spent without bad feelings...
  8. I know only Pattaya and that would be the British Shop... But eventually they are buns... Foodland and Carrefour was always good enough for me. The Sauce is what it makes: Ketchup, then add Mayonaise and a squirt French Mosterd until it has salmon color. Salt, Pepper and a shot of Dry Gin and you meet Ronald Mc Donalds...
  9. Since I was working abroad when funerals were due my, wife gave some donations. The two funerals I participated was with beer (For me) and Lao Khao for the Thais. One Family had a tailorshop and paid all themselfes and the other Family was pi** poor. We borrowed them 35.000 which we afterwards donated because they would never have been able to pay us back.. I pulled the wallet a few times for Beer and Lao Khao because the visitors are coming pretty randomly and my wife (as Mia Farang expected) gave a little handout to some of the Villager's Family members so I can round that one up to 50k in total, which included the 7 meter long chimney of the Temple crematorium, that was blewn off during the rainseason before.. (The Chimney was my own decision, if I end up there I want a proper launch with max acceleration) To say that the village has not more than 10 houses and must be called Rigor Mortis. There is barely somebody under 60 Years of age, so I guess the envelopes were filled with Thai Green Bucks (20 bahts)
  10. The cost of death in countryside is around 400k when the Family (or in our case long year Friends) run the show. They and the Village will prepare everything from Decorations to Food, Monks to coffin and so on. We have put 500k aside for each, my wife and myself and about 300K for tickets so my kids and grandkids can fly over. For each of our friends on our farm (6) we have also put 400k in this account, started 2007 and never touched hence it has collected a decent bonus with the interest rates..
  11. Yep, friend requests and suddenly you are a top fan of somebody you never have had contact with.. Time for an update Mr Zuckerbach, berg, bag.... ... That's why I never give my real name on public network..
  12. I bought years ago an Old Timer Pocket Knife from lazada and it's still in mint condition, even used often on my farm.. I know you won't go for online buy but I really highlight the Brand here. Leatherman is in my opinion only "as good" but you pay for the Name a lot more.. Pocket knives are a must all my live and a good old "Loewenmesser" (Lion Knife) Made in Germany was gifted in the 1972 from my Grandpa (as it was still required for boys, to have a pocket knife at school) and till about 5 years it was following me everywhere. Offshore, on my farm and in the house use. But I must admit that after a "Walther" (Gun Manufacturer) Blade snapped by dropping it, A Swiss Army knife given away after 2 month use, the Old Timer Knife Made in USA is my absolut Favorite...
  13. Just a day after they have been stopped by the police two of them had a nasty accident in which one had leg injuries that was close to an amputation. Lessons learned? Zero... I had years ago a discussion with a guy from Oman and his words were. We enjoy ourselves and now go out of my way and <deleted>** your mother... ...I am a nice guy nowadays and neither throw motorbike keys onto a rooftop nor punch the drivers. Funny was, it was in Walking Street right in front of the bar that had the sign: "We respect your religion, but in this place we drink beer and enjoy girls, so no A**bs are allowed in this place" Since I moved to isaan I often ask myself if that sign is still there?
  14. Street vendor selling Pa Tong Go in Pattaya Darkside and now proud Farmer in Isaan, (but still making the best Pa Tong Go which lures the customers by the hundreds into our farm shop...)
  15. useless to say that there are no Thai thieves, they are called: HGPRE's (highly graduated property redistribution experts) so why they should selling fruits? Crossbreeding would be a solution: Cambodians and Thais ... The outcome might be a thief too lazy to steal but allowed to sell fruits..
  16. Well she has taken a job that I Thai can do, that's the law. Hence, a Thai sells now fruits instead of Yaa Baa and does't become a criminal addict, mugging or passing at high speed by and snatches your necklace.. ????
  17. 2006 I have done it. Price too high, The stress on your body is too high to even slightly enjoy the trip and when you are back you will realize that you have not much more memories than a face of the guide, some funny moments and lots and lots of struggle.. I felt the sherpas are just a human kind of donkeys, friendly but really not close up and also not really happy. If you climb the Alps is not much of a difference beside you do not need the long acclimatization times and feeling a permanant lack of oxigen...
  18. Daughter: (Step) Mom (mae, chang mai mi tang) I am a bit broke, can you borrow me a 100 quit? You know when I ask Dad he is always angry and blames me why I cannot handle money... New wife: ok I go to Western Union in one hr you got, is 300 EUR enough? We tell Dad next week... Did you learn from your mistake? Daughter: Yes I did, Thank you mom, I'll be at western in about 30 minutes.. Happened not only one time behind my back... And when I complained my wife would say I am a bad father... Lucky its about 15 years ago, they are now sorted, have good jobs and don't ask anymore...
  19. In Mahasarakham area the rain is below that of last year but still fair. I started up my Permaculture farm and we have one employee 70 years old who was telling us to invest a little money by renting the surrounding rice fields. This old fellow is a real wealth of knowledge and he also said due to last year heavy rains we will face a year or two dry spells which are fully normal for that area. As soon we did what he said he popped up with his family and a load of used blue pipes which he laid through the borders of the rice fields to our lake. Lucky enough we have him, the result is more than satisfying... Lake before. (The lower clay step is about 4 meters) Lake now after a few rainy days Well thought uncle...
  20. That's where I got it also from, helpful suggestion in my opinion.
  21. The Immigration will ask for a bank book with the amount of 800k for retirement and 400k for marriage visa. I have it on a Bank account where I have no card for, and I have to come to the bank in person with my bank book. Pretty safe I guess..
  22. You can have the best lock and locking systems, they are still an easy picking for professionals.
  23. Nice one mate, even it took me 100000 times longer to read than publish it here... Solution? Nope, I have none and it scares me... Examples of the above? At work I need to use a mobile Phone and Laptop, I apreciate the payment in day rates coming from people I have never seen in my life, 1000s miles away.. After work, I shake my head seeing ALL the people walking remote controlled around me, with their mobile Phones in their hands. Even with friends having their dinner... Action taken? I bought a Farm and expand it (beside a fractional saving for a pension that might never come), I built a fence around and expand it and I feel that I (and my wife plus a few Thai friends living with me, with the land, from the land and on the land) became the richest people on the world... Want a fried Egg? I'll get you one. Salad to it? Sure which leafes? Oil on the salad, Nok made just Marula oil and has still some Moringa Oil if you like. BBQ, good idea, lets go over the bridge to the island where the Grill and Pizza oven is standing, sit down in the hut, catch a fish from the lake if you are not into Pork or Chicken meat... The fridge is stashed with beers, help yourself. (They are bought because its quite some work to make it by myself) No worries, you can touch it, its all real and comes out of the soil we walking on. And please do me a favor and put that <deleted> mobile phone aside when you are here.
  24. I see only an individual locked into a golden cage, sorry... All of the above she must have now more nothing, than the nothing she had before...
  25. If anyone in Pattaya has known the owner of the first Titty Twister on Darkside? His wife got hit on a Songkran night by a Motorcycle in front of the new TT bar and became a permanent case. The Thai inurance of his wife covered 400k He put up another 3 Millon from donations, sold belongings and savings after the bill added another 2 Million she was kicked out of hospital and the Hospital tried to claim him. That was all for 3 month approximately...
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