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  1. It may not stand for anything, just their name? It's a privately owned business so might even just be the owners initials?
  2. So does that make it a German bar now?
  3. Are you sure it's not the submission report you recieved? I did my first online report last week and got an email with an official looking form I thought was the approval, only to get the actual approval the next day. Difference in the form is that it had the following next reporting date on it. I understood you had to do the first report in person so that they could then set up the computer system to accept your online submissions?
  4. Even if it was open, that's a long taxi ride from Pattaya 😆
  5. Boxing Roo has been closed for years. Roo Sign is still there if that's what you mean by life support?
  6. Billabong Bar on the elbow of LK Metro is still going strong. Good for an early evening session with cheap beers and band (and freelancers). Good place to park to check out the LK Metro crowd Also Kiwi & Wombat bar near soi 9 Jomtien beach road is a popular Aussie/NZ hangout Frasers on way into Jomtien also an Aussie run bar for good food and sports
  7. Here is the walkabout Creek now, it's long gone. Same with Boxing Roo. It's been closed for years
  8. Why are made up troll threads allowed? Is aseannow assessing OP to see if they should pay him for future troll threads like the other paid up trolls they have? For AN, this is the worst fake story I've ever read, so don't hire him
  9. What is that as it doesnt look formal at all? Is it just a sign in one rougue office as the online user manual clearly says to submit within 15 days? https://tm47.immigration.go.th/manual/IndexForeign.html Also looks like they maybe confused the "can apply 7 days after with no fine rule" which cannot be done online in that 7 day window
  10. Not sure where you got this reduced 7 day window from but to file a 90 day report in person is within 15 days of due date and that is the same timeframe indicated in the TM47 online application user manual
  11. Fair enough, meanwhile I pay 1900 baht to do it myself which is no annoyance to me. 40 minutes per year at immigration when retired is not a big stress concern in my life
  12. The whole thread is about someone already having the 800k in bank and just using the agent for hand holding so your post is ridiculous
  13. I'm happy to take your 8-12k to wait in line for you for the whole 40 minutes at Jomtion with all the so called stress involved. Geez I'll even do it for 4k including the 1900 baht immigration fee 😀
  14. Well you have 3 months to figure it out before your DTV runs out. Just do like people said in your other thread about extending your DTV and just do a border bounce instead
  15. Yes I remember those days too, but it's all different at Jomtien now. They have two new air-conditioned buildings built in the car park with plenty of seating. Last 2 times I was there in July and September there was hardly any queue and everything seemed to be flowing very smoothly.

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