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  1. Pretty sure they annilated Iraq in 1990. I know because I was there...
  2. You riding the Manila night train as a 62 year old tough guy should come in handy. Put that on your bounty hunter resume 😉
  3. I've been sitting in a beach road bar for 4 hours today and not a single Motorbike has ridden past on the footpath. Could it be OP's complaint to City Hall worked, or maybe there was no complaint needed as it's not a problem?
  4. I'm in 5 star bar on the beach and a US military guy just came in and asked to see the manager. Gave her a card and said if any trouble from navy guys please call this number. I thought days of navy people getting drunk an causing problems in port was long gone due severe consequences.
  5. You sound like an OH&S person who created careers for themselves by making over complicated rules to keep themselves employed. Most people don't have a problem with the Pattaya baht bus and it's my sole source of transport. I think the simple and cheap baht bus system is one of the things great about Pattaya I do think people stupid enough to get up in a moving baht bus should be banned though
  6. Rubbish. If anything Baht bus in Pattaya have very slow drivers as they're always looking for passengers to pick up.
  7. Everyone blaming the baht bus driver. Passenger might have just got up to get off without pushing the buzzer so how's the driver to know?
  8. No wonder Pattaya is so busy right now, seems place is packed with undercover cops and feds 😀
  9. Yeah I'd amended my post to say it doesn't specifically say onward flight. Unfortunately every country is different as in Australia I only needed to enter made up return flight details to get a SETV (I booked a one-way ticket only after I got the visa)
  10. Not odd at all. It looks like you didn't check the Thai Embassy site before applying. They clearly spell out they need a flight to be uploaded (although doesn't specifically say onward)
  11. Please note the tourist e-visa hasn't needed a bank statement since July 2024, the same time they increased Visa Exempt to 60 days (they removed all financial requirements from SETV) So I would just tell them you're only a tourist in Japan so are not a resident and do not have an employment contract and see what they say.
  12. I provided the formal Thai Embassy document requirement list which included a tourist only having to show entry stamp Please check for yourself before posting what I said was wrong https://site.thaiembassy.jp/en/visa/about/13037/
  13. Then I think they just made a mistake and think you are a resident of Japan? I would email them to explain that you're only a tourist and maybe include the screen grab I gave to say that's what you thought you needed?
  14. I find this a strange request. Looking at the Thai Embassy site in Tokyo they require a non-Japanese tourist to only upload a passport page with your entry stamp to Japan to prove you're in country. As you already paid I'd be saying I'm not employed and only a tourist? Unless you have a residence card you provided?
  15. That's not what the press release I posted above says. For the online TM6 they say: The online system will be mandatory for all foreign arrivals, whether they enter by air, land, or sea, and registration will be free of charge.
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