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Everything posted by Tiber

  1. One more thing, taxi drivers pain in the ass one wanted 4to5 thousand he ended up with 100
  2. I'm on voice call now very very good anyway my time is up in India soon just hope I can clear this cancer otherwise I'm up the Suwannee thanks for anybody that's taken interest it really is good good here so many investigation clinics for whatever the problem is just remember anybody following in my footsteps bring cash over far better razor Street Trader you will need Google Maps on your phone practice with it before you get here you most definitely will need it unblock your ATM card but try not to use it too expensive once my tests are completed on Monday I will change plane tickets and return all the best of everybody bye
  3. Can get room for 50 baht I'm I Mayfair fab hotel 3 star 1500 for 3 nights, had to rebook here for another ,4nights twice that amount could not use UK debit card on agoda India is not that bad, a dump, yes, lived there donkeys years ago and food is OK always eat 2 slices of lemon after meal, keep the trots at bay.... Eat wherever, heats a problem, but queen .Victoriactorias place good place for shade r
  4. Can get room for 50 baht I'm I Mayfair fab hotel 3 star 1500 for 3 nights, had to rebook here for another ,4nights twice that amount could not use UK debit card on agoda India is not that bad, a dump, yes, lived there donkeys years ago and food is OK always eat 2 slices of lemon after meal, keep the trots at bay.... Eat wherever, heats a problem, but queen .Victoriactorias place good place for shade r
  5. Thanks for that, but that's the place. Excellent par excellent, but 100s if not more 1000 s more probably of specialty clinics Wonderful 10 bucks now for visa but that applicant form is a headache
  6. I'm using a small phone It's sonascan multispecialty kolkata. Calcutta in other words The finest treatment that is available for a fraction of prices in Thailand I've been going for years, prostate, hernias, piles anything and everything
  7. Been with her for years, built her own house, nothing from me for crippled son and mother cept 10 thousand a a month, hard worker. My jobill give her a pension if I die
  8. It's sonascan diagnostic and multi specialty clinic, 6 floors impressive place, but they all are Rupee is on its knees, get really good rate now
  9. On phone fat fingers
  10. Calcutta, so many to choose from, search clinics with whatever u want, take money change with street money changer better rate than atm no change at airport robbers also Google maps on phone. . Sonocare or something just like, 100s of them
  11. Pure fluk I found out. Had colonoscopy 1600 baht few months, thought nothing amiss, bombshell when eventually realised, need to marry girlfriend quickly if further test on Monday shows anything
  12. True, seeing what results are next few days and I'll go back. Bit indecisive first test but thanks for the kick up the ass
  13. India right now no colon cancer, but more tests. Mri 3.tesla 1600 baht, pet ct with contrast, colonoscopy, endoscopy plus plus blood works etc bundled 6000baht Seen instantly really good. 7000 to get here, hotel 700 per night
  14. Stay stum, treat yourself as still in UK, no loss of income
  15. Yes, he was def bushed, rushing, not too pleased colonoscopy was not to standard, but he wanted more tests anyway, so on my way Nice place bch. First doc spoke to him at length on phone earlier about me while he was interviewing Got over shock of cancer, know in few days time results Thank you
  16. Thanks Sheryl on my way to India, one flight for 5000 or so, pt with ct contrast about 4, 500 baht may have mri too, about the same, just want to get on with it 2 docs there @BCH first would operate, but the prof wanted more scans, could not believe price here 40000for colonoscopy Have the op at Chula. Thanks again
  17. Again, thank you Sheryl, feel like bursting into tears at times then surreal, feel too like reaching out for my mother, not there for many a year Catching bus to chonburi cancer hospital in an hour, see what they say, seeing as ive a day in hand, but I know I'll be put on hold Tried ringing bch yesterday, I'll try today
  18. Thanks Sheryl, I'll cert seek the prof, but I feel India will be fine too, maybe take a flight towards weekend but I'll make appointment at bch. To each and everyone this will happen to you too, one day, feels like an out of body experience
  19. Feel so sad for my mutts, had them for years, yes will have to say goodbye, maybe put to sleep, save them suffering, God help me Worlds in turmoil, cannot believe it's happening to me. Got nothing left in UK, but if life is short span, yes go back
  20. Feel so sad for my mutts, had them for years, yes will have to say goodbye, maybe put to sleep, save them suffering, God help me Worlds in turmoil, cannot believe it's happening to me. Got nothing left in UK, but if life is short span, yes go back
  21. Sorry, I was editing when u asked
  22. Thought I'd live a million years, then staring at death. Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma is the wording. Which way to go, can see long waiting Thailand . Where it was discovered, probably back to India. If pet scan and surgery can be completed in a day over there, but radiation maybe required, if that can be completed in Thailand without need to travel would be good it's bowel cancer, pay my own way, no insurance Have to say, at peace with the world ,. I'm 76, no idea of anything, just dry letter..... Go seek medical hrlp
  23. Been caught out... Lab results.. Colon cancer... Either chonburi cancer hospital, or red x si ratcha hospital or even back to India, they pos drool over cancer, still shock to system .... Pet scans cheap India 7000 baht, getting bag packed
  24. Fat fingers, small phone make it difficult. It's all there to be had bkk to calctta likened to regular stopping bus, that popular, anything but everything it's way cheap, but ask prices first. Went to goa this time, few days there then back. No cataracts, dry eyes tho 200 baht, bone doc for knee200baht, 10 pages ofbloodtesting 800 baht and so on... 10 pages longer than long I should add.. Hotels, booze whatever half price
  25. Akin to having kiss of death. just got back from India looking at new knee prices. Cheap, but had both ends done while there colonoscopy etc 1800 baht, 2 polyps found, bit disappointed, they grow fast, 200baht for analysis, expensive in Thailand
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