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Everything posted by Tiber

  1. Yes and yes I've tried charities in UK to help me out nothing, just feel helpless I'll see what the prof says on a couple of hours
  2. On endoscopy I have report from India I'm dreading the out come. Got total of 4 reports plus scanned images I'll go public if he will do op went to India again last wrrk
  3. I'm at bch now awaiting the prof, have scans from India, but it's stomach cancer now just a nightmare I feel old now really really really old I am old and I know but I've never felt this bad ever I came yesterday to the CH but wrong day but today is here anyway some of messages wrong because I'm using voice I hate typing on the phone
  4. Two are old other two a labrador and a half and half? One one eye perhaps 3 years old
  5. Do not think it could get worse... Well defined adenocarcinoma, some tissue lined with squamous epithelium or words to effect, running around like a headless chicken. With the good professor at bch tomorrow get going on this India is out like to go back to UK asked social services to help out but I'm waiting it gets worse
  6. My work pension to thai wife
  7. Bought the farm, scrambling now options
  8. Wording I have just picked up, at bus station now going to bch, like have treatment in UK nowhere to stay I'll put details up later. Stomach cancer
  9. Unfortunately I'm going to die, I need to. Marry her quickly, is there a place in bkk that does official weddings thank you
  10. At going on 77could haw sworn by now cataracts, but no, but am going for lense correction, laser soon
  11. It's ivermectin point 75 dose not 100 from China I use tick flea powder too couple of shakes on back couple xs a week not had tick flea for year s
  12. On and on actually 4xs,only have a couple up Please no upset, yes no insurance, but excellent way around it, without forking out a bundle lol
  13. 10 different languages... That will be 10 different members of staff Whoever is on call maybe. I say its a good job that there are enough insurance types keeping these private hospitals alive
  14. And I hope he does, value for money I'd say Your experience of over priced hospitals is at odds with mine, very few, if any, we're anywhere near conversant in english, fact no English, the late kings message to his subjects to learn English went unheeded to the point of going native, to hell with it Anyway he, like moi, have found alternative routes to good value medical care and , not with insurance
  15. This is ivermectin, nothing less, lazada have it cheap
  16. Ivermectin will do, cheap on lazada
  17. There is pattaya optical. Klang not far from 2 road 400 baht, do not sell glasses, but will if pushed 038428170
  18. Will be returned to calcutta next few months if cancer results are OK, mmy hearing is shot one twenty of cost there Gf wants to take me to family home for rest, depression guaranteed, near kanachanburi, 20 year old royal engineer died death railway 1943 buried there, always paid visit to him, given few years same situation, I was 20,20 years later, in royal engineers, still army days, couple friends shot dead in ni, lot topped themselves....... My son, thy will be done... From mum and dad.... his inscription on grave Still on small phone, sorry E
  19. It's hard to get situation settled, had.further report stating to disregard earlier cancer diagnosis, too little to go on, have to await second This clinic will not do the ct or pet unless family member is present should have bribed hotel staff, did a mri tho Got 3 option if things go downhill, but I feel good, blood work OK liver function one test down from 70plus to 50,fact one test the doctor showed results to staff and had it retested, liver obv doing it's job
  20. It's hard to get situation settled, had.further report stating to disregard earlier cancer diagnosis, too little to go on, have to await second This clinic will not do the ct or pet unless family member is present should have bribed hotel staff, did a mri tho Got 3 option if things go downhill, but I feel good, blood work OK liver function one test down from 70plus to 50,fact one test the doctor showed results to staff and had it retested, liver obv doing it's job
  21. They clamped up when asked, would not say cept something thing is there Only looked at sample bottle, lesions and mass are two words I recognise, doc wants me to return 7 days or so, I'll get him to send report instead
  22. Had to be, mass detected stomach, endoscopy, boy that spray on the tongue method sure sucks. Hope springs eternal tho, no cancer blood marker, and more bilirubin flows thru my pipes than blood, supposed to kill cancer not too good A job tho. Not the usual 500 for biopsy, but 6 times amount sample goes to Delhi That place sonoscan in India is truly a marvel, cannot praise it highly enough
  23. DIY from UK
  24. Just finished in India 7000 there and back 1500 endoscopy Colonoscopy The finest treatment ever come by, 3 telsa mri, 1500 baht Wonder ful. cancer probe went OK log in details later 40000quote from chonburi cancer hospital for colonoscopy a complete turnaround India, a public disgrace dreadful places the public hospitals in Thailand packed longer than long queue
  25. Seen few times now on Facebook. Renewmyukpassport, 12000 baht for extended paged passport delivered Seems to have something needed, but DIY about 150pounds.trace and tracking guarantee it's arrival
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