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Everything posted by Tiber

  1. Not exactly, not only non sanctionable, but is disqualifying, meaning other sanctionable benefit being received maybe adjusted, not the pension itself. Not I should think has ever been used, but time expired too Years ago, poss. 12,DWP took 2 OAP to county court(Barrow in Furness) one to attempt to affix a frozen pension on them,DWP never turned up to hearing that they themselves instigated. Lost the link to it, the other one was in Bristol county court, same result Local paper in BiF now defunct in which was reported "Some benefits are disqualifying but not sanctionable (Column B) and others are both disqualifying and sanctionable (Column C). Accordingly, an offence may be committed against a disqualifying benefit but the sanction would be imposed on a different but sanctionable benefit. Most benefits are disqualifying, meaning that fraud against them would trigger the loss of benefit sanction to all sanctionable benefits the claimant is receiving. Some benefits are disqualifying but not sanctionable. The reason for this tends to be the reason why the benefit is paid – for example if paid to meet the extra costs of disability or retirement pension. The Department sees these benefits as falling in categories of extra need, for the benefit of others, or protecting claimants that might be especially vulnerable to hardship." A B C Benefits/credits that are neither ‘disqualifying’ nor ‘sanctionable’ Benefits/credits that are ‘disqualifying’ but not ‘sanctionable’ Benefits/credits that are both ‘disqualifying’ and ‘sanctionable’ Maternity Allowance State Pension Income Support
  2. King Charles Close on 15 years,5 in India. Was ideal, everything about it, Spas ,massages, boom boom and all, robbed thru cancer. Had girl friend there, old one, really got on well, like to bring her over, but visa a problem now and need place to live with her. Was in army then fire brigade, funny enough they know I'm ill, and offers of help coming thick and fast. I know I have not long to go, accept it now. Like the food here, blackberries my fav,even now can buy them. Still send money over for her and to take care of my dogs
  3. You will need a UK address for sure ,DWP will write to that address informing of pension rise, plus UK bank account.The rest not needed, even telling anyone ,let them know, cannot do anything
  4. Ive had this prob with Lloyds, said its gone thru, but had not, gave me £75 compensation
  5. He surely will, but cancer has different paths and the progression factor too. Could well be stomach cancer, delay his death somewhat, but he knows what he will die from
  6. Not completely, but do not think Ill be going back permanently. Was ideal, but being stuck in Thailand with illness likened to being in a boat without a paddle. Would be only a matter of time before something else cropped up I'm sure. Was a fantastic place to live tho Still undergoing treatment, finishing soon I hope. Those bi-annual trips to Calcutta surely saved my skin for the short time, see how it pans out medium time. Joining hands with Charlie boy, makes it more comforting
  7. Nah,its a dump, but I did buy a place in Goa,when it was in its prime, lived there 5 years, impossible now, but excellent for medicals
  8. Its all OK,give it a few weeks, back to normal
  9. To be told I've 6 months to live at outset was upsetting to say the least, then 12 hour operation could save me,(all my innards removed),then another op to stich me up again, gave up at that point, elected for radiation, knocked me sideways, still does . Months and months of treatment, every day, have 6 hospital visits this month alone, but seem ok,add months or years to life span,so im told Lived close to Patts,liked it really did
  10. Wherever you live over there, aging and ill health come hand in hand. With cancer now estimated to catch one in two individuals in their lifetimes its a galling thought Was so happy there, used to go to Calcutta there in India for check ups every couple of years, until I got caught out. Came back to UK poste haste for treatment, not poss. there, too expensive and not much good, would have been stage three or four if no check up, before realisation took hold, too late Now treated, and cancer supposedly checked thinking of return, but only thinking, love to return
  11. But it is not,for pension purposes
  12. Only if it comes direct,(IPC), indirect i.e. UK ,OK, not interested except taxation
  13. That's funny, never charged a penny on return, and I've cost them a fortune (still am). They ,docs /hospitals knew I had returned for one purpose
  14. Not to hog the airways, or bandwidth, there has been many utterly hilarious comments over the years by posters who obviously are bitter, envious/jealous attempting to justify their own circumstance by dragging all and sundry into that frozen pit, shame really, when most could be enjoying an unfrozen pension. Few of the slayers are now dead, my gawd,did they put the fear of the almighty into the unfrozen bunch they encountered " praying to the magistrates for reinstatement of pension" "do not know how you sleep at night"(could say the same but from opposite position),just solid hogwash,but they were good, very very good, but when challenged it all sank away into a Alice and Wonderland story Two, few years ago, Id call them Dumb and Dumber,set themselves up see how righteous they were, informed DWP( 5 years after event) and invited maximum retribution (Dumber) on itself, needless to say, they( DWP) thought a nutter had set forth.......anyway eventually all came out in the wash, a set up Anyway ,my cancer has supposedly been controlled, like to come back one day, enjoyed it there, if not early diagnostic there in India Id be dust to dust/ashes to ashes by now
  15. If you delve deeper into DWP links( Rules /Regulations) you will find statements from DWP "impossible to commit fraud on your own pension" not all allegations will be investigated" and gives prime examples, State pension being one, its a good read, ......honestly You want to read your own links too Benefits that can’t be reduced or stopped The following benefits can’t be reduced or stopped if you commit benefit fraud: Attendance Allowance Bereavement Payment Child Benefit Child Tax Credit Christmas Bonus Council Tax Benefit Disability Living Allowance Graduated Retirement Benefit Guardian’s Allowance Industrial Injuries Constant Attendance Allowance (where a Disablement Pension is payable) Industrial Injuries Exceptionally Severe Disablement Allowance (where a Disablement Pension is payable) Personal Independence Payment State Pension Social Fund Payments War Pension Constant Attendance Allowance War Pension Exceptionally Severe Disablement Allowance War Pension Mobility Supplement DWP have given prime examples through the press of intended targeting, Universal Credit, Jobseekers allowance, Sickness benefits (yelp I'm one) .Notwithstanding I did not qualify ,2 years of the last 3 resident in GB, they just sailed forth and lashed well over a hundred a week, tax free, thank you There will be no witch hunt
  16. "Just in Time". There are over 40 past pages on this subject, some with links, some full DWP statements, but all ignored, never mind ,soon on page 42,all forgotten, more trotted out rubbish
  17. Benefit fraud You commit benefit fraud by claiming benefits you’re not entitled to on purpose. For example by: not reporting a change in your circumstances providing false information This guide is also available in Welsh (Cymraeg). What happens if you’re suspected of benefit fraud You’ll be contacted by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), the Defence Business Services or your local authority if you’re suspected of fraud. Your benefit may be stopped while you’re investigated. You’ll get a letter telling you about this if it happens. You may be visited by Fraud Investigation Officers (FIOs) or asked to attend an interview to talk about your claim - this is called an ‘interview under caution’. FIOs will gather facts about your case and decide whether to take further action. If you’re asked to attend an interview An ‘interview under caution’ is a formal interview that is often recorded. It could become part of a criminal investigation against you. Get advice on your case (for example from a legal adviser or solicitor). You can also get help and information about ‘interviews under caution’ from Citizen’s Advice. What happens after a benefit fraud investigation If you’ve committed or attempted fraud, one or more of the following may also happen: you’ll be told to pay back the overpaid money you may be taken to court or asked to pay a penalty (between £350 and £5,000) your benefits may be reduced or stopped Losing benefits if you’re convicted of benefit fraud Your benefits can be reduced or stopped for up to 3 years if you’re convicted of benefit fraud. The amount of time they’re stopped for depends on how many times you’ve committed fraud. Only certain benefits can be reduced or stopped. These are called ‘sanctionable benefits’. But if you commit fraud on a benefit that cannot be reduced or stopped, your other benefits can be reduced instead. Sanctionable benefits The following benefits can be reduced or stopped if you commit benefit fraud: Carer’s Allowance Employment and Support Allowance Housing Benefit Incapacity Benefit Income Support Industrial Death Benefit Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit Industrial Injuries Reduced Earnings Allowance Industrial Injuries Retirement Allowance Industrial Injuries Unemployability Supplement Jobseeker’s Allowance Severe Disablement Allowance Pension Credit Universal Credit War Disablement Pension War Widow’s Pension War Pension Unemployability Supplement War Pension Allowance for Lower Standard of Occupation Widowed Mother’s/Parent’s Allowance Working Tax Credit Benefits that cannot be reduced or stopped The following benefits cannot be reduced or stopped if you commit benefit fraud: Attendance Allowance Bereavement Support Payment Child Benefit Child Tax Credit Christmas Bonus Disability Living Allowance Graduated Retirement Benefit Guardian’s Allowance Industrial Injuries Constant Attendance Allowance (where a Disablement Pension is payable) Industrial Injuries Exceptionally Severe Disablement Allowance (where a Disablement Pension is payable) Personal Independence Payment State Pension Social Fund Payments War Pension Constant Attendance Allowance War Pension Exceptionally Severe Disablement Allowance War Pension Mobility Supplement Exceptions If you commit benefit fraud and you get any of the following, none of your payments can be stopped or reduced: Maternity Allowance Statutory Adoption Pay Statutory Maternity Pay Statutory Paternity Pay Statutory Sick Pay
  18. Please, its in DWP regulations, all you have to do is go to DWP" benefit fraud" Its not hearsay, its there in print
  19. Benefits that cannot be reduced or stopped The following benefits cannot be reduced or stopped if you commit benefit fraud: Attendance Allowance Bereavement Support Payment Child Benefit Child Tax Credit Christmas Bonus Disability Living Allowance Graduated Retirement Benefit Guardian’s Allowance Industrial Injuries Constant Attendance Allowance (where a Disablement Pension is payable) Industrial Injuries Exceptionally Severe Disablement Allowance (where a Disablement Pension is payable) Personal Independence Payment State Pension Social Fund Payments War Pension Constant Attendance Allowance War Pension Exceptionally Severe Disablement Allowance War Pension Mobility
  20. They will always nudge you to do the best for you(depending on who you speak to}
  21. Its in past quotes ,probably pages 1 to 8,Ill look later. State pension is a non-sanctionable, disqualifying benefit, nothing ,but nobody can touch it DWP rules
  22. It did more for me when I found I had cancer, hopped on plane,and the extra money i received through unfrozen pension, did indeed keep me alive
  23. None, DWP cannot reduce ,stop,take money back, or shove a frozen pension on you. They cannot do anything, except continue (by law) to give you your State pension, in full, except of course if you make voluntary statement ,then will freeze it
  24. Where is the guilt? None Spinning yourself (and others) into some fantasy. If you eventually get around to reading DWP regulations,(go on, give it a go) not hard ,perfectly logical, instead of spewing your rubbish Whether anybody chooses to have UK or other address the DWP have on file, is not illegal, especially State Pension. Every year DWP will write to that address informing of pension rise, be it mail forwarding There is no fraud to wherever you state the contact address is, impossible be sanctioned Says so ,DWP regulations (State Pension, among 3 others) Go on give it a read, or write to them for informed answer, doubt they will answer, as its jobs for international pension bunch, do it as Freedom of Information, obliged to answer Please, inform yourself, instead of rubbish pouring forth
  25. Too true. Nobody on state pension ever has been sanctioned, cannot say same for pension credit,sickness,or host of other benefits. Easy to find out Freedom of Information from DWP. I'm on PIP since returned to UK,soon £109 per week, tax free, not bad, but not risking it, state pension ? untouchable, of course "I know someone brigade pipes up" Nobody has ever been punished. If u want frozen, International Pensions the way to go
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