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Everything posted by BenStark

  1. If that happens, and I'm sure they will dig until they find a silly reason, there will be a civil war. That is what I worry the most about. They will forward MF and PTP cases to the constitutional court, and drag it on for a year, just like they did last election, and in the meantime Prayuth will continue as caretaker PM
  2. Right ???? In the OP is talked about Yam, but the picture shown in the OP is Ping Pong, not Yam. Yam has been found safe. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/british-boy-16-found-dead-in-thailand-as-former-sex-crime-convict-admits-murder/ar-AA1aZ7YA?ocid=mailsignout&pc=U591&cvid=4ad285229f194dc5bdb75fe13629120c&ei=24 Ben's first girlfriend, Yam, has now been found and she is safe. The girl pictured in the OP, Suraphltchaya Khamsa nickname Ping Pong, has been found deceased. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12079637/Body-15-year-old-girl-accused-luring-British-boy-death-Thailand-woods.html Police are now continuing to interrogate sex crimes convict Chaiwat Boongarin, 44, who allegedly admitted killing Ben but denies murdering Suraphltchaya, whose nickname was Ping Pong. Nowhere in the OP is there a mention of that girl.
  3. All this goes way over my head, and when I read the topic about the ballot design, I believe it was done that way with something in mind. Anyway, going by the results this far, what is your prediction?
  4. 57% of the votes counted, and MF and PT combined have more than half of them. I'm sure that if EC uses a trick to prevent them from forming the government and provide the PM, there will be a civil war. The people have spoken. https://www.ectreport.com/overview
  5. What else would you expect from a far left website with a 32% credibility rating? But if it is to defend a senile old man, who doesn't know what day of the week it is, then it all acceptable it seems.
  6. But wasn't it said that PT is not interested in a coalition with MF?
  7. Do I understand correct that if predictions are correct, this means that PT and MF together have more than 50% of the seats, and are gonna form the new government? https://www.ectreport.com/overview
  8. From that post of yours it looks to me that the new PM will be same as the old one
  9. Now it's only waiting what tricks the green guys have up their sleeve. We all know by now, they have many, and don't mind to pull the dirty ones
  10. Someone on this forum gonna spit his dummy out.
  11. As far as I'm aware, every car that has aircon has a filter, and should be changed regularly. Usually 20 to 40.000 km. It not only filters the air, it also protects the evaporator from damage. Most cars it can be done easily. For my truck it cost 120 baht for OEM filter on Lazada https://www.lazada.co.th/catalog/?q=mitsubishi triton cabin filter
  12. Seems every poster in this thread has read comprehension issues. I doubt the OP has a Mitsubishi Triton hanging on the wall of his bedroom
  13. Yeah, very peaceful https://thaipoliticalprisoners.wordpress.com/2018/11/08/lone-popcorn-shooter/ “Lone” popcorn shooter 8 11 2018 As many readers will already know, the Supreme Court has sentenced the People’s Democratic Reform Committee “popcorn gunman” to “37 years and four months in prison for shooting at political demonstrators in Laksi in 2014, killing one person and wounding three others.” A second aspect of the report is that no mention is that Vivat is the only one of several shooters at that event who was arrested, despite claims that others were known to police and military. No warrants were ever issued for them. In the public record, it seems that Vivat remains the only PDRC armed militant to have ever been charged. As is usual in hired gun cases, Vivat was a pawn for wealthy and well-placed plotters. They never get named, let alone charged or even investigated. Who ordered and paid Vivat and his armed cohort?
  14. You can't open an account at GSB without a work permit. Many banks have accounts that pay interest to Thais only. KrungThai is one of them
  15. I don't see anything. Are it ads that are invisible because of my browser settings? Anyway, when state banks start offering that kind of interest, then it's time to start worrying.
  16. I'm sure one of both parties will get dissolved, they are just waiting for the results to make their choice
  17. I thought this topic was about Thai banks? Now, check how many Baht you get for 1 US$ today, and gt back to me in 1 year. What you mean with your money get held hostage in Thai banks? I can withdraw mine each and every day, and can send it back to my home country as well
  18. Imagine nobody would get any interests on their money,. I agree thy have been low for the past years, but are now slowly increasing again. But you imagine 0%?
  19. From what I understand from the last article posted in this thread, is that 2 girls were involved, and the one now found dead is the one who was associated with the murderer
  20. To be honest, I sign up right away for a 4.23% per annum deposit, which is 3 times as much as other banks offer, and more than double the BOT rate. I still smell a rat.
  21. Just straight up murdered at the same time? Lets see how long she's been dead for now they've inevitably found the body. You do realise that there are 2 girls involved, and that the girl mentioned in the OP, and which is the same one Mac is talking about, has been found safe and well? The one found murdered has not been mentioned in the OP
  22. Have you checked the facts? The EC has accepted the case, they only haven't made a decision yet, because they can do that up to a year after the election. When there is no "reason" to ban the opposition they will drop the case, but they only know about that after all votes are counted They did the same with Thannaporn, where they made a decision in February 2020.
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