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Everything posted by BenStark

  1. My question is for a friend. His daughter has dual nationality, can she enter Thailand with an expired Thai passport?
  2. Correct, one general was killed by his own army. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/may/13/gunfire-bangkok-redshirts
  3. Why is killing not an option, do you consider them pets? I have these in my loft, outside the house in covered drains, as well as on the ceilings from my roof overhangs, and I have no problem with rodents. If occasionally some enter the loft, they are gone within a day. Available on Lazada, makro and tesco. Flocoumafen
  4. He hasn't left office yet, but it's overdue. You wisely changed your profile pic haha
  5. Shares in a delisted company can not be sold, so it was impossible for Pita to sell the shares since October 2014
  6. You do realize that each and every youtube you watch, and I take it that are many every day, are published to make money? And that you, by posting them on this forum, promote them.
  7. However you are a big youtube fan, going by the fact how often you post youtubes to make your point, this went completely over your head because your hatred makes you blind obviously. The guy was showing the kindness of the Thai fruit sellers, giving free fruit to someone who in advance declared he had no money. To make it clear, I hate youtubes and Tiktok, and will rarely watch any for longer than 15 seconds, but I support what this guy was doing
  8. Change the words Trump and GOP in your sentence with Biden and Democrats, and the whole sentence would also be correct. Sour grapes from DeSantis, and you know that very well
  9. I bet you're a lot of fun at parties. Your hatred against anything you don't like, although it doesn't affect you one jota, is simply astonishing.
  10. Unions are the voice of the workforce, and every country in the world has unions in the car industry. So if you want to blame the unions, then it is because the workforce was demanding too much. Brit motors have never been the best. In Europe everyone would avoid British motors, because as you said yourself above, it was known they needed a permanent oil supply, since they were leaking like a sieve. If you opened the motor hood from a Vauxhall or Bedford, you could not see the metal of the engine, as it would be completely covered by thick oil layer. Yet the same Vauxhall would be built in Europe under the name Opel, and they did not have that issue That is only an imagination. I once, about 40 years ago, bought a second hand Roll Royce Corniche, and above the rear bumper you could see through the bodywork from one side to the other. Those cars were imported from the US, as we use left hand steering, and were dirt cheap. That is the main reason. The UK has always lived in the past, and they still do, failing to see the future.
  11. If you do a search in the other newspaper for 2017 constitution, you will find what the changes after the referendum exactly were. That's all I have to say
  12. We all know by now how group immunity worked out in Sweden
  13. Why not search the internet for your answer? Yeah, I think that is also what Biden has to do. Well 74,223,975 US voters agreed with you but 81,283,501 US voters disagreed with you. Do you know there is an election? Otherwise why you keep quoting figures from the past, when the poster clearly pointed to the 2024 election... Voter now know his performance, and his current mental condition, so I doubt he will get the same votes, when even the majority of Democrats polled disagreed that Biden should run again. And that laughing clown he has as running mate, surely not gonna be an advantage
  14. Six changes were made to the voter approved constitution by the time it was ratified on April 6, 2017.[69 Over and out
  15. Repeating a lie over and over again on this forum, doesn't make it a truth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitution_of_Thailand 2017 constitution The National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) unveiled a draft constitution on 29 March 2016.[65] In the run-up to the 7 August 2016 referendum on the new constitution, the army conducted a "grassroots information campaign." There was no debate permitted on its merits.[66] Under the junta's rules, "people who propagate information deemed distorted, violent, aggressive, inciting or threatening so that voters do not vote or vote in a particular way" faced up to 10 years in jail and a fine of up to 200,000 baht.[67] The 105-page, 279-article constitution[2][3] was approved by 61.4 percent of Thai voters on 7 August 2016 with 59.4 percent of the public participating.[68] Six changes were made to the voter approved constitution by the time it was ratified on April 6, 2017.[69
  16. I have a Philips but they are only 700 Watt, while I see smoothie blenders are like 3 - 4000 Watt. So I think that makes a difference
  17. Thanks, can I presume you are using one like this? By the way, why your link says 469 baht while mine shows 509?
  18. Anyone bought a smoothie blender at a reasonable price from Lazada that doesn't smoke, leak or wake up the neighbours at the end of the village? If yes, please post a link to the product here. Don't want to spend big bucks, but I'm afraid that those below 1000 baht are not worth considering. I know I can look at the reviews, but arrived on time, good price, haven't used it yet are not really useful.
  19. You must see different graphs than me since I see a 6.5% difference in only the last 3 months
  20. I guess they want to create a new concept, called roadwork tourism, same as in 2014 they claimed to have coup d'état tourism.
  21. Here I am, woke up early to go to the hospital, and no pain at all. Have tried all possible movements to create some pain, but to no avail. I don't think it will make much sense to see the doctor now of course, because his diagnosis will be that I have no issue. How strange, suffering from this for more than a month, with yesterday actually severe pain, and this morning nothing at all
  22. Just return from Makro. Aro French Fries are now 195 baht, they were 99 baht 1 year ago. I can't think of any more basic food product, and which requires less processing, than potatoes. So what warrants a 100% price increase over 12 months? And no, they aren't imported from Ukraine either
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