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Everything posted by ICU Kid

  1. These guys seem terrified of El Trumpo (the most fun president ever for outside observers)
  2. I'm British so don't have as much skin in the game and haven't been brainwashed in the same way as many of you have. I realise that politicians are ALL corrupt AND compromised so I don't buy into either gang (red or blue). All us outsiders want to see is the best entertainment show possible n and let's ALL be honest, Biden is low wattage as an entertainer. He just fumbles his words and falls over. He used to have some good lines (e.g. "dog faced pony soldier") but that was a long time ago. His confused old man act has grown stale and seems to have run its course. For entertainment value, I think you guys should bring Trump back. He's just more fun & better to watch. Maybe Gavin Newsome? - gives off America psycho vibes and has made SanFran & California into a high tax <deleted> hole in just a few short years. That might work as a plot line: homelessness, shoplifting and human <deleted> everywhere in every neighbourhood in the US. Let's face it, the US is going down the s<deleted>r so we may as well all have a laugh as we watch it happen in real time.
  3. Last time they covered up with the Chinese balloon psyOp T this time they're discussing aliens in congress. Anything to keep these grifters off of the front pages Politifact rate this story as half true - draw your own (red or blue echo chamber) conclusions though https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/may/07/viral-image/fact-checking-joe-biden-hunter-biden-and-ukraine/
  4. Yep. In a few short years there'll be compulsory social media bans for calling out this particular strain of degenerates too. Anyone who disagrees will be called a 'bigoted anti-mapper'.
  5. Exactly. If all goes to plan the degenerates and useful idiot supporters will be first against the wall as happened in Mao's China.
  6. Guess I'll have to take your word for it
  7. Woke = The promotion of minority rights/demands *more often than not* to the detriment of the majority. W.O.K.E = Wilfully Overlooking Known Evil Woke is Marxism 4.0 (in order to rebuild society as a socialist paradise [sic] it (society) must first be destroyed). As per the WEF maxim, "you'll own nothing and be happy." Or else...
  8. Maybe they all want to turn to death or, more likely it's nonsense cooked up by the media as per usual
  9. It's always somewhere else isn;'t it? Funny that. Bit like covid. Millions died, just none of the thousands that I know.
  10. Science is never settled - it's an ongoing process. Thats the difference between science & dogma. As this undersecretary at the United Nations explains, the UN, WEF etc. partner with search engines like Google to ensure any sceptical views on CC are not seen by the vast majority. She also says "We own the science" (much as the Spanish Inquisition did back in the day). See for yourself:
  11. Maybe you could look into subletting? or finding someone to take over the lease, As it is now, it's not like you have anything to lose
  12. You counted them yourself did you? Or just relying on a quick google search to confirm your biases? Thought so. If you care so much, why not just give up oil, petrol, air con eating meat etc.
  13. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/breaking-greece-rhodes-fires-firefighters-30534110 Greece Rhodes fires: Firefighters say there are 'indications of arson ... 21 hours ago ... The fires that have engulfed the Greek island of Rhodes may have been started on purpose, firefighters believe. Families are continuing to ...
  14. Current debt problems seem to be a worldwide phenomenon. Everything was fine until interest rates began to rise / normalise (recently it was possible to continually roll over debt onto new near 0% credit cards). Due to recency bias MOST expected near zero interest rates to go on forever. The system relies on ever expanding debt/credit - that's why they never taught you about household finances or debt in school: The entire system relies on dumb debt slaves / consumers - it's better for the system if you're not clued up. Will be interesting to see if the baht can stay at current levels
  15. 70s = Coming Ice Age 80s = Acid Rain 90s = Hole in the ozone layer 2000s = Global warming 2010s = Present = Climate Change All BS. Never ends. More taxes please!!!! “An expert is someone who articulates the needs of those in power” Henry A. Kissinger
  16. Left wing sources will tell you the account de-banking Farage was about account balance (and 'true believers' will accept that) Right wing sources will tell you it's about his political views / punishment for 'Brexit' (and 'true believers' will accept that) If you live outside of the 'left/right' echo chambers, taking a quick look at the file the bank kept a him tells you all you need to know. Maybe they have a file on your political favourites too (and in time, YOU). Keeps everyone in line and 'woke' or whatever the 'current thing' is in the future that the system wants to enforce (15 minute cities / climate lockdowns up next?).
  17. Source? Absolute BS (as per usual) Left wing sources will tell you the account de-banking Farage was about account balance (and 'true believers' will accept that) Right wing sources will tell you it's about his political views / punishment for 'Brexit' (and 'true believers' will accept that) If you live outside of the 'left/right' echo chambers, taking a quick look at the file the bank kept a him tells you all you need to know. Maybe they have a file on your political favourites too (and in time, YOU). Keeps everyone in line and 'woke' or whatever the 'current thing' is in the future that the system wants to enforce (climate lockdowns up next?).
  18. With any luck this defiance of western financial interests will continue be punished by the falling thai baht. Allow Juan Guido (or whatever his name is) to pay them back or face the consequences!
  19. Yeah, "the Brexit the Brexit the Brexit". Yawn. Meanwhile, the EU has officially entered recession and there is a war going on their doorstep (though the riots in France seem to have now eased up or even stopped). Let's hope the war doesn't go nuclear eh (fingers crossed). And Thailand remains under military rule and it's currency has been dropping - Maybe they should give up their sovereignty to China for a few shekels too? - it'd make sense using your logic - would you support that? If not, why not?
  20. Excellent. Also worth noting that the Japanese won't have to give up sovereignty to an unelected commission or subsidise countries who can't or wont get their finances in order. Well played Japan.
  21. Net zero policies + higher flight costs mean fewer are likely to come from the 'west' (NOT more)
  22. Excellent channel btw. Here's the link again for non idiots and repentant wokies: https://www.youtube.com/@newdiscourses/videos If u wokies think it's so bad why don't (super wokey) youtube take it down?
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