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Hunz Kittisak

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Everything posted by Hunz Kittisak

  1. They have political dynasties in the west too everywhere in the world infact Dun cherry pick
  2. Not happening as the 1st and 11th infantry regiments are now under direct control of THE Commander in chief
  3. A lot of thai people disagree with you. the red shirts, those in the north and north east, the Pheu Thai voters etc etc
  4. As per your post. People who lay siege on police station should expect full force of the law and retaliation against them, no? People who supply weapons to ‘insurgents’ are also terrorists, no? War on drugs was supported and welcomed by many though ONE Important person didn’t supported it and voiced his displeasure swaying public opinion and turning the mass media narrative against Khun Thaksin
  5. There were no winners in the last elections The Thai system of elections defines a winner as the party that win more votes/seats than all the other parties combined. An example of this is how the Thai Rak Thai party won both the 2001 and 2005 elections
  6. Lesser of 2 evils Thaksin is no angel but he did good at the same time, at least the country was making progress and inching towards democracy under him and he didn’t use coups and other means to stay in power. After he was disposed the country has been regressing since for more than a decade on every front.
  7. You dun need to be an ex general to be defence minister. Many first world countries even those with a strong military do not usually have defence ministers with military background or experience. The current UK defence minister is a case in point. Even the current NATO secretary general who already served a few terms has no military background before taking up the job.
  8. Those deaths was an accident Those who died weren’t angels either, they were in actual fact terrorist supporters.
  9. I reckonThaksin has a better and more valuable collection of watches than Fat Boy Prawit.
  10. To put in perspective 1991 coup leader General Sunthorn Kongsompong left behind usd150 million worth of assets in 1999 when he died. That’s almost 300 million in today’s value. His salary was only about usd1000 per month as supreme commander of the Royal Thai Armed Forces.
  11. The 2 most prominent ones Prayuth and Prawit who did the most damage to the country. And also the lot of those related to the coup
  12. Those people wanted to challenge the police to release 6 terrorists. No sympathy from me
  13. The most powerful ONE and the only ONE that matters is on his side now. Khun Thaksin would be wise to make haste while the sun shines to rid himself of his enemies
  14. The manner which Thaksin is proceeding you know he has secured carte blanche backing from the One which matters. I would really love to see the 2 thieving generals getting their just desserts finally
  15. Well said Thailand is one of the few Asian countries without casinos. Better late than never
  16. My brother in law a senior police officer with a lucrative posting is doing his utmost to become a judge or rather a magistrate. This should tell you a lot
  17. Well said Khun Thaksin might not be the poster boy for western styled democracy but he was doing a great job for Thailand and for most of the thais especially the common folks. Then you understand why he is so beloved still and why the elites are so scare of him that successive elected governments after him were removed by coups
  18. Democracy is not always needed for development especially in Asia. Just look at China. Thailand is going well. Thaksin back in charge will make it great again
  19. Khun Thaksin is making the moves to get rid of the 2 vile generals. Better the democrats then PPP. I would say Pheu Thai is living up to its election promise of ridding the coup generals from government.
  20. I believe him. There’s no need for any agreement, he just need the endorsement of The One. It’s good to see Khun Thaksin back in the saddle. Hope his rivals get what’s coming for running the country to the ground in his absence.
  21. Are they related to Coca? That chain has an even longer history but sadly in recent years the outlets has also dwindled
  22. Dismissal? Not happening Moved to inactive post at most His patron is Prawit so his fortunes are also dependent on Prawit’s continued hold on power.
  23. How can you say thais did not vote for her? Her party and her won the 2nd highest votes in the land. As to why the MFP can’t formed the government and why Pita can’t be the PM, I don’t need to repeat recent history to you. And blaming the system is flawed argument coz Thailand political model is such that the people do not chose the PM directly.
  24. How was it overturned? MFP couldn’t form the government. They couldn’t even get any partners for a coalition. This is how democracy works
  25. You are allowing your hatred for this man cloud your judgement. Despite his flaws Khun Thaksin did a whole lot of good. Lesser of 2 evils you might say. Prayuth was the the absolute worst PM in recent history
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