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Hunz Kittisak

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Everything posted by Hunz Kittisak

  1. Neither did MFP ‘win’ the elections They couldn’t even from the government and now there’s not even a party to speak of. And about getting nothing coming in 2nd? Pheu Thai rule the roost now…..not bad for 2nd it seems
  2. Pheu Thai party and MFP were the winners of last elections no? only 10 seats separated the 2 parties
  3. Can’t help but look on with admiration and salute Khun Thaksin for his masterful political maneuveringa worthy of a chess grandmaster
  4. Well said For better or worse the Thai people chose Thaksin and gave him the mandate with 2 landslide victories to govern. He has more legitimacy than any other previous governments or those installed by the military after coups
  5. Haha finally the 2 Dino generals who caused much hurt to Thailand for more than a decade be gone
  6. This and Red Bull Boss case Different but same same
  7. Thailand is actually quite progressive in smoking regulations compared to its neighbours. Smokers have rights too dun need to go overboard
  8. Women children and old folks can’t be in the drug trade? For example the Mexican and Colombian cartels rope everyone into the drug trade. Thaksin is like a Robin Hood he may be corrupt but he gives something back to the people there wasn’t anyone like him before not previous governments and not the ones after who got rid of him by coups. You claim he is not least corrupt then pls come up with more evidence than a land deal which is what his enemies with resources at their disposal can only uncover
  9. They are all corrupt pls dun be selective and cherry pick. Thaksin perhaps the least corrupt of all. For all his enemies can come up with for corruption is one feeble land deal. And the drug killings most were drug dealers the rest were mostly associated/related collateral damage. Similar to hamas and Palestinian situation we have now.
  10. History has shown how Thailand always been able to play both sides. First with the colonists and later during WWII. I think they’ll carry on playing China against US and vice versa and do just ok
  11. Thaksin was better than the rest of them. Despite his flaws he made great progress and moved the country forward. He didn’t get away as you suggested, he was exiled for 15 years as was his sister and his family suffered too but Thailand suffered along with corrupt imbeciles in charge. He has return to resume his good work and hopefully Thailand can make up for the lost time. I believe Khun Thaksin’s legacy will be a great one. I foresee him becoming Thailand’s foremost senior statesman. Taking up the role similar to that of former PM Prem and doing an better job
  12. Blindsighted first Uncle Tu now Prawit. Dinosaur generals are no match for Khun Thaksin
  13. The Man has been moving his chess pieces into place since day 1. And I believe what is happening now is all going according to HIS plan which mainly serves to consolidate HIS power and secure HIS position.
  14. Dems are a spent force anyways 20+ seats in the last elections they can’t even be considered a force
  15. No coup this time The dynamics have changed, most notably the command of 2 crucial army units has been altered/transferred
  16. Pls dun be naive Boss is untouchable solely because of who is his daddy so that makes his father Charlern on an even higher level of untouchability. There’s another family the Yubamrungs with the same level of untouchability who’s patriarch is also named Charlerm. He son can even murder a policeman point blank inside a crowded disco without consequences.
  17. Not only the police but also those on top of the police. Such a high profile case so much publicity and yet no progress. The perp not only has tons of money but very deep and solid connections.
  18. The only one that matters. Khun Thaksin knows he’s untouchable now whatever his enemies are planning to do are just noise or mere distractions
  19. Well said Even if he really surrender or is arrested rest assured he won’t spend a day in jail even if he was convicted. Everyone knows that just that no one will admit that outright
  20. Youth Olympics will be a huge money pit Even a country as astute as Singapore screwed up https://www.bbc.com/news/av/business-10988105
  21. The only thing the junta’s been doing for past decade in power is to move the country backwards and run it to the ground
  22. What unbelievable? Isn’t the same thing happening in the US?
  23. Get the MPs from Thammnat’s fraction to defect and get the democrats in. Be rid of Prawit once and for all
  24. His star is on the wane. Khun Thaksin is waiting to stick the knife in
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