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Everything posted by rocketboy2

  1. About 2am every night. only ever sleep 4 hours max a night. since retirement.
  2. Here we go again, a Monday morning brain fart.
  3. I don't know about those in the Op. ( my post was a bit of a joke ) But I have eaten jelly fish here with my wife and step daughter. All a bit tasteless to me, but they love it. But I don't know where they come from, maybe outside of Thailand. Ps I think it's always been in Japanese restaurant's that I have eaten jelly fish here.
  4. Most Thai's have a unrealistic view of what life will be like in the uk. Weather is total crap. cold, ( Thais love the cold ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Work, may only be cooking or cleaning jobs. ( a bit depressing for them ) not the high life they may have thought. some just want to go home as the streets were not paved with gold. But in your case OP, get her phone off her for 10 minutes. Think you will find all the answers there. good luck.
  5. I like the sound of Brummie ladies. Don't like Jockanese or scouse.
  6. They will all be on the BBQ before sun set. when the locals find out about them.
  7. Serving them Australians that third beer chang , was only going to end in tears. You bar owners should know better. And also tarnishing the good name of Soi Buakhao, disgraceful.
  8. Her own, selfish , stupid vanity, has now left 5 kids with out a mum. Just stupid. Darwin 101.
  9. 2027 that will be when he makes his return.
  10. The Hub of the snitch. Just do your job Mr police man.
  11. He must be due back soon, months or years to go ?
  12. What a laugh. Thai drivers and riders do this every day and some. Cops don't care , but if a Falang. well.
  13. Mostly JAV sites or western mature type porno.
  14. Why you want to drink that cheap stuff, peasant.
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