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Posts posted by Creeper

  1. Another fool straight off the plane

    hahahaha..........................Take your foot out of your mouth. :o:D

    You assume because I don't spend my time on internet forums ranting about how hard done by I am, I must have been in Thailand a short while ?

    hahaha........... Nice one. :D

  2. However, Southeast Asians are decades behind the West when it comes to attitudes about race. If you don't notice it, you really haven't gotten into the culture yet.

    Yep I guess you must be right, I would imagine the Asians that get the crap beaten out of them in the inner city areas in the UK would agree that the West really leads the way in racial harmony. And of course, racism is non existent in the USA.

    When will these Thais learn to be more like Westerners !!!!!!!! :o

  3. Should I sack the workers and live off the savings and get a Thai drivers license by giving 100baht baksheesh? (Duh, doubt it)

    Why would you sack workers, a little dramatic I think.

    You can get a drivers license without paying baksheesh.

  4. if you wouldn't accept it at home why should you accept what is blatant racism in a different country?

    You don't have to accept it, just don't go to those places that you feel unhappy with, just as tourists in Scotland would if they were charged 100 quid to get into Edinburgh Castle.

    I repeat again, it is NOT a racist policy.

    If it was racist how come I pay 20 baht instead of 200 ?

  5. The basic denominator is that the two-tiered pricing policy for Thai parks is racist.

    Pure and simple.

    If it was racist, then I would have been charged 200 Baht because I'm white, I paid 20 Baht because I had a Thai driving License.

  6. I don't see why Thai people should pay the same as a Farang tourists. It's their country after all.

    I'm a Farang and I get into parks at the same rate as Thais, ( well I have so far ) due to a Thai driving license.

    Farang should look at it this way, they are paying the proper rate and the locals get a cheaper rate, not that the Thais pay the proper rate and Farangs are getting ripped off. :o

  7. ...I only drive the car in and out the city on good roads...

    This makes it easy - no need for 4wd. In a "normal" Vigo you are already a good pice higher over the street compared to a car.

    If you are under 1.80m it will look ridiculous see you climbing on / jump off your Pre-runner...

    Is it also ridiculous for a guy of 180cm to be seen entering a Honda Jazz ?

    I can't see your logic, maybe you can explain.

  8. Yes, there are many terms that Farangs use for Thai women, I specify Thai women as opposed to women in their own countries.

    In their own countries they can rarely get close enough to them, so most terms are derogatory, like fat , ugly, mouthy, bitchy, scruffy etc etc....

    Then all of a sudden, they are transformed into some kind of sex gods when hitting the shores of 3rd world South East Asian countries, the fact that they are paying goes over their heads.

    Oh , nearly forgot, Thai Visa forum members don't pay for women, they all met their partners at the gates of the University or at the local library, and the local women where just bowled over by the fat guts and spindly white legs, grey hair and bad breath.

    Must be great to be so desirable. :o

  9. I think it's a case of the majority suffering for the actions of the minority.

    Over the years I have met many people in Thailand, I lived in Pattaya for a long time, quite a few of these guys ended up Teaching in Bangkok, the only reason they did this was cos they couldn't borrow any more money and did not have the airfare home, so teaching was all that was left to survive.

    I would imagine there are many Teachers who really do have the students education in mind when they enter the classroom, but there are those that also enter the classroom to nurse last nights hangover.

    Some may ask why on earth someone would risk working with no work permit for such low pay, its not like the money is worth the risk, so why the attraction?

    What is it about Thailand that people will risk Jail and deportation for a sum lower than they would get on the welfare in their own countries?

    If I was in charge of policies regarding Farang Teachers, I would also want much tighter controls over who was in charge of children.

    Can you imagine just any broke drunk teaching in UK schools , just cos they wanted to stay in UK and happened to have pissed all their money away?

    Tighter controls had to happen, I believe one could earn high wages in Japan years ago, just be a white face and earn big, I believe times have now changed dramatically.

  10. The way I see it is this...................

    You guys go on and <deleted>' on about how great you are, how great and lucky your partner is, like she or he would have never survived without you..............................well, they would survive without you, just like they did before they met you, and just like they will after you are gone.

    A guy with thousands of posts on an internet forum does not exactly reek of a socially adept person, it actually stinks of a guy with very few social skills who is inventing a new life via the internet.

    Do you really believe that your partner is the luckiest person alive cos they met you ? :D

    Be realistic and look at yourself more closely, take a good long look in the mirror and tell yourself that your partner is so fortunate to have met your sorry azz.

    You guys are so socially adept, you count amongst your friends anonymous names on an internet forum, you know how sad that is ? :o

    By the way, my girlfriend is very lucky to have met such a great guy like me, I'm quite sure she could never have survived another day without me................... :D

  11. I don't trust them. I know some people who use them - there are a lot of scamming Thai women. I've known old guys to lose their savings in a year or so. Be careful!

    Someone pointed out that you were thinking of opening a similar site a year or so ago. :D

    You say you know old guys lose their savings in a year or so to scamming Thai women. :D

    Why did you want to open such a site then? :D

    You know what I think, you missed the boat and have sour grapes against a guy that actually did open a site and is probably doing well, now you say its all bad and people should not use such sites.

    Bit similar to your rants about Pick ups and 4WD's, you know what I think, you would like a Toyota Fortuna, but you ain't got the dosh to buy one, so anyone who has one must have a small appendage..... :D

    More sour grapes me thinks......... :o

    Did the guy that opened an introduction website make enough money to buy a 4WD Fortuner...... :D:D

    Now that would really pizz you off eh ?

  12. Thadeus, you're scaring me - your avatar, number of posts(666) and this on All Saints Day :o
    QUOTE(Neeranam @ 2006-10-31 11:53:59)

    How many poor farmers are driving around in a brand new 'toyota I've got a little dick hilux' paid for by a middle aged taxi-driver from Essex?

    They are happy.

    Is the fact that nobody will buy you one the reason that you always appear to be unhappy ?

    Why would I want one - I'm big enough already thanks, I have a car and I'm not a farmer.

    Why do you have a racoon on your head?

    There you go again, mentioning size, you seem to have a complex about size for some reason.

    Now let me get this straight, if a guy has a 4WD truck, its cos he has a small dix, and if he has a small runabout car, he must be hung like a grand national winner ? :D

    I reckon you are a Farang with a small old car, you go out and see Thai people in brand new 4WD motors and it does your head in. :D

    As for my hair, it is called style.

  13. Well, no choice to be happy with that.

    Other options than cooking, sewing, weaving, planting and harvesting rice they don't anyhow get. Additional choices are sending your daughters and sons off to the sex business, or work a dead end job in construction sites or a factories far from your home with murderous overtime.

    A nice life... :D

    I guess they could always, like you, have a nice life banging out thousands of useless posts on an anonymous internet forum.

    Now that's what I call livin'................. :o

  14. Laugh? I think it's scary!! I often see people who can hardly stand up drive around in Pattaya, nobody seems to care. Scary!

    I often see characters that are obviously unfit to drive on motorcycles or driving cars in Pattaya, the ammount of Farangs that do this surprises me.

    Considering the possible consequences if involved in a bad accident whilst drunk and driving, many Farangs still do it. :o


  15. I make sure that i gonna blow my smoke in your direction.

    Generally i am nice and easy going, always ready to compromise. But when i have to listen to such intolerant crap from these militant non smokers, i make an extra effort to make life bad for them.

    You don't like my smoke, well, then stay out of my way with your intolerance.

    Have a nice day.

    A wonderful example of why Laws are needed to protect non smokers.

    I think there is enough evidence to state that smoking is a health hazard, so why is it so difficult for smokers to accept the fact that non smokers are not happy at the prospect of breathing in second hand cigarette smoke in a public area?

    Smoking is not seen as cool anymore, I'm actually quite sorry for smokers that are addicted to this drug, but smokers should realise that their habit is offensive and a danger to those that breathe anywhere near them, including their own family members.

  16. i would love to see a state whwere alchohol and smoking are banned and the Death sentence passed for any abuse of the law.

    then all you wonderfull do gooders can go and live there and leave all the sinners alone.

    my mother has arthritis and has smoked from the age of 15 would you take away some thing she enjoys, she has contributed taxas and worked hard for her country,


    Didn't see any mention of alcohol till you raised it.

    Then playing the Mother card to try to justify polluting the air that non addicts breathe is a bit lame.

    As I said before, addicts should be herded together away from the rest of us normal folk, then we do not have to breathe in the toxic smoke that you enjoy.

    I for one have no desire for you lot to stop polluting your lungs and the air that you and your loved ones breathe, just stay away from me and my kin. :o

  17. Good news I think.

    Smoking is a disgusting, smelly filthy habit, I for one will be delighted to NOT have other peoples smoke drifting over my space.

    Should be like airports where nicotine addicts can herd together in a small room and stink their clothes up and pollute their lungs together in harmony, without subjecting normal people to such disgusting treatment.

    Well done to The Thai Government, now make them 500 Baht a pack.

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