Another of the great Thai "Lets put a sign there and they will follow it" it follows the 100% helmet signs, the no fishing signs and no left or right turn signs and many others.
Without a mobile police force nothing will change and then make 50% of fines to the police pension fund and the rest to police operations.
True in Lam Plai Mat, they still scream up the main road out of town every night and every morning on the road next to town water supply never stopped.
So another sign failure then the 100% helmets in the village or school arent working along with so many other signs they put up and think will be obeyed
You say it in the last sentence, undocumented, who or what are they, oh thats right they wouldnt lie, then you cant find them how the hell did that happen, if thats not open border I dont know what is.
From a non american why does anyone with more than 1 brain cell support Hariss, just because of 1 thing, OPEN borders that she had control of, you have a huge ticking time bomb in your country
As to the yellow housebook use, i will tell you shortly after I go to Nang Rong to do mine.
My car license has my name in the thai slot in english and in the english slot in english
My bike license has in the thai slot my name in thai and in the english my name in english
My yellow book has my name naturally in Thai
I dont want to get a residency certificate as for 5 or more day turn around its 100 baht for same day its 500 baht, Im no scrooge but Im not an idiot either.
WOW all the anti truumpers are the name callers putting people down it seems
Im not American but if it was my country I would have a single problem that would sway me, so many illegals who you know little about already causing trouble and it will only get worse, call me all the names you want it just shows who you really are.
In fiscal year 2023, ICE spent $420 million on transportation and deportation for just 142,580 removals. So hell those other years they must have really got their fingers out.
So where were these when doddering Joe was runninthe country and you didnt really even need to have a degree to know he was spaced out every time opened his mouth