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Irish star

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Everything posted by Irish star

  1. Don’t forget Grandpa in the Moobaan creeping young girls
  2. You ever been to India , no rhyme or reason
  3. Look at Russians it’s all over the world , why blame USA
  4. Trumpanzee being amused about Liberals , Qanon Cult Nutters , Amuse us , Keep Culting , Orange Tail
  5. What a POS now they celebrate his diaper as being a Real Man , you can’t make this <deleted>e up
  6. Qanon Much… Trump said he doesn’t want the border fixed so he can attack Biden
  7. Says The Member of The Cult of Lunatics
  8. Last three times in last 4 months , No meter used at Airport Subanabhum
  9. Bla bla bla , you jealous , you never got s green card 55556
  10. Have you ever driven in one , I thought it sounded like the Flintstone Mobile , Rubble Rubble , and an Aussie guy hid don bought the truck Gearbox hone in 3 months lol
  11. People waking up to propaganda, And Truth Social going down the Drain
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