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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. The Wooly Jumper quote goes back to the days when a lot of women peace protestors were camped outside US bases in the UK. They all seemed to wear huge wooly jumpers (probably because they were camping), a lot were lesbians and they were all extremely left wing. Following that their 'type' seemed to take part in all sorts of left wing protests and were always on the news.
  2. Do you have a problem reading or have you lost your glasses? I've already said I'm not looking to pay - I've also said that I used to pay. I have never paid a single one of the girls I've met on an App. This is why you make so many wrong statements, you simply don't read. Monger? Yes - ex to be precise but its been a while. Much like the vast majority of Western males who visit Thailand. I have no problem stating that at all. I'm honest about it - I don't claim to be visiting temples or immersing myself in a different culture. Nothing to hide here.
  3. You seem to have a thing about age. Anyway, good night.
  4. I don't know where you're from but a British English speaker will often say 'literally thousands' or similar to mean an awful lot. Yes that makes it a contracdiction but still, we do speak that way. One thing I am sure of is that its hundreds but I never actually kept count. In my first few years in Thailand when I was happy to pay for it, I can honestly say that if I was on a visit - it was every night and I used to stay for a month at a time. When I lived in Thailand (6 months in Bangkok 2002) - even more. Not bragging, I know plenty of guys who do or have done the same - just remember, LT was 1000 baht 20 years back and that was £15. When they go on a ski-ing holiday, people usually like to get as much ski-ing in as possible if you get my drift?
  5. Nope, new SIM card and e-mail address has it sorted already.
  6. Not whinging, trying to deal with someone who's clearly been drinking and doesn't quite get what the thread is about.
  7. 21 years, literally thousands of girls and a couple of failed marriages. 'Something isn't right' - 'Still can't find' - Everything IS right and I DON'T want a serious girlfriend. I do speak enough Thai to get by and I'm improving all the time - like many, I was lazy and left it to my wife to do everything that required language skills. I thought I'd made it clear that I wasn't looking for anything serious - most people would know that from the App I was refering to. I haven't named it but I'm sure most people here will have realised which one it is and what its used for. Let's put it this way, its not known as a place to find a wife - does 'hook up' mean anything to you? Anyway, wite about what you want but if its not 'on topic' I won't be replying.
  8. Why? Been there, done that and don't want any more of that thanks very much. I enjoy my life now but to put it bluntly, I just want a jump with someone who actually wants the same, not because they are being paid - much more enjoyable.
  9. OK, one last time. I am not in Thailand full time and I'm not interested in English women. I use these sites to find potential dates when I'm out of the country and gradually thin them out - down to the ones I'm actually going to meet. You will no doubt deny it but I'd bet a high proportion of ones you 'hit on walking' are either full or part time hookers. If I wanted a hooker, I wouldn't bother with dating apps. You might find it hard to believe but there are a growing number of girls, especially the younger ones in Thailand that are not hookers and don't want a serious relationship - just a 'good time' - as do I. Those girls use dating apps to find what they're looking for. I'm not exactly new to this you know, I've been travelling to Thailand for 21 years. Anyway, end of dating app chat.
  10. Maybe because you were not looking for the same thing I am. Dating Apps are very useful - I've met quite a lot of women on them. You are able to get a lot of stuff out of the way before you actually meet anyone which can be very useful in Thailand where a good proportion of girls using those sites are on the game. Anyway, we are back talking about dating apps again - I'm not prepared to do that further unless its relates to the actual topic. As I've said several times, the dating app was simply an example.
  11. What's your point and what are you refering to? I haven't mentioned 'real attractive women'. There are both attractive and not so attractive on all the sites I've seen and apart from it being against the rules to post such photos, I don't see what value it would have to this discussion.
  12. Are you drinking again? The reference to Sam Smith was by way of an example - an example of the ridiculous demands these people are making.
  13. I don't see anything offensive about 'No Trans' - there is no guarantee that even that would be acceptable.
  14. B.S. Ugly birds and big wooly jumper wearers say that because they never get whistled at. Its been a while since I saw it but I seem to remember girls having a smug little smile after receiving a wolf whistle. And as for 'the kiss' - tosh. It wasn't only her smile - she said it wasn't a problem immediately afterwards. Then Spain's 'ultra feminists' and the lesbains on her team got involved and it went well over the top. Sexual assault? What planet are you from? Again, the vast majority of the people I spoke to at the time couldn't understand what all the fuss was about. Just a few years ago, if that happened and it upset the recipient, he'd get a quick cuff round the chops and the matter would be closed. Is it any wonder the world's courts are clogged up when an unwanted kiss becomes sexual assault. The umbrella girls were banned from F1 too because it was too sexist - I bet the girls themselves never complained though - except about losing their jobs. Madness!
  15. Well if you cared to read the subject of this thread, you'd note that it has just happened to me.
  16. Errrm, he wouldn't like it if he saw you calling him gay - he's 'non binary' 😁
  17. Naaa - everything has its limit. When someone who likes fishing objects to being called a 'Fisherman' and says its 'Fisherperson' - as with the singer Sam Smith, when we are not allowed to call a female 'her' or a male 'him' things have gone too far, way too far. Any man or woman that objects to that can take a running jump, I will not ever refer to them as them/they instead!
  18. Agreed. I think I've been clear that the rights etc. that have been granted to minority groups was long overdue. Even though I'm more than uncomfortable with openly gay behaviour that's about as far as it goes - in most other aspects I support all types of people - 'All Men Are Equal' and all that - oh, what am I saying, no doubt some nutter would object to me saying Men. But back to your sentiment, you are correct and just as minorities have a right to put their case, people have a right to have an alternative viewpoint - publicly. But as you say, its getting so people are afraid to do so. That does not mean that its OK to attack (verbally or written) a particular group but people should be able to make their point. Just as, in my opinion, I should have been able to state 'No Trans' - I really don't see what's wrong with that. I previously stated 'No Ladyboys' and never had a problem with that. If I had stated 'No Dirty Trans', I would fully understand. These minorities seem to have large chips on their shoulders. I will say one thing though - there are a lot of Ladyboys on the App in question and many of them make requests for people to be respectful in their profiles - which appears to indicate that disrespectful treatment is common. That I really would not support. The ones that don't state what they are and enter into a conversation with a member before doing so or don't until questioned, deserve everything they get but when its made clear in their profile - just swipe left and move on.
  19. Jeez, is that not apparent on reading? I was setting the scene that I had been called a Hater on another thread - something which I certainly am not. In much the same way, I have been accused of 'Hate Speech' by the staff of the dating App. The fact that I don't want to watch Gay behaviour and that it makes me feel ill hurts no one. Likewise, I don't see how stating 'No Trans' harms anyone. If I was a 40 year old man and came across a profile I liked but member stated they only wanted to date people between the ages of 18 - 35, I'd simply move on to the next profile. Do you think the same dating site would accept a claim of 'Ageism' from me and ban the member? If I'd stated something like 'No Trans Perverts' that would clearly be offensive and a ban would be fully justified - and that's the whole point. The wokeists are seeking to stem basically innocous statements etc. when the problem in reality is their over sensitivity. In the case of the App itself, I think its the fear of law suits and bad publicity that drives them. The particular App itself is full of girls openly stating they are 'Freelance', 'A Working Girl', girls stating No Indians, No Thai's, No Foreigners etc. etc. etc. So they may appear to accept illegality and what some might consider racism but mention the topic of the moment - Trans, and the ban people! However, I think the truth is that they don't actually police any profiles, they certainly don't vet them on joining. They may I suppose, use AI to search for key words but I doubt it. I see the same girls stating the above week after week but they don't seem to get banned so most likely nobody is objecting. What happens is that some overly sensitive 'Woke' thinker reads the profile, reports it and bang, its banned. I wonder if the same ban would be handed out to a gay man who said 'No Straight People'. Why should anyone have the right to object to a 'bland' statement anyway? Surely someone should be able to state their preferences. My underlying thought, if you hadn't got that already, is that this is just getting crazy - people have to step back and think before they make the blandest of statements already - where is it going. Look at the limitations placed on comedians, its now illegal to wolf whistle at a girl (in the UK) and a football chief who kissed a girl in the euphoria of winning the world cup has not only lost his job, he's facing sexual assault charges. Before anyone chirps up about that 'kiss', I suggest they take a look at the videos on Youtube - althougn its a rear shot, as the girl turns and moves along the line to the next person, she's smiling. She was so horrified that she smiled. Immediately afterwards she made a comment something to the effect of 'it wasn't a problem'. Only when the feminists got involved was the matter escalated to firstly, an 'unwanted' kiss and then sexual assault. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/wolf-whistling-lead-two-prison-111727932.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvLnVrLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAL2dxAwsYtMAv1hM08Hdb7RqKudycufcgdBpQ-awKYzaIoVLi4QiZtQ_E1mh2OXfOu0QKig_47eI3GzJmSr_yoFf8ktYTyoROHj5xnyQsh2sCwsU2T04rk957kWpsWQk1h7as4wWBq0LUXuNI-tYEEuTPwE1SQXbs5VjfgI1ayQp This is the woke society folks and for me, they can stick it as far as it will go.
  20. You are drunk, either that or crazy. I've said all I wish to and as you have nothing to add to this discussion, I think you should go to bed. I certainly won't be replying to you further.
  21. It exists everywhere - clearly you don't take notice of the news reports that have been around for the last few years. Just because you have no experience of it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
  22. You're getting confused. I don't live in the USA and I'm not a US citizen, I can't vote democrat. I think you should put that bottle down. Just so you understand, my time is spent between the UK (my home country) and Thailand. I have a home in both.
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