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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. Will there ever be a time when the Thai government ISN'T trying to lock one of its opponents up? Not only do they insult the intelligence of the Thai people with their antics - they make themselves a laughing stock abroad. I doubt many of them are 'squeaky clean' - a team of independent auditors looking into public infrastucure project finances for example, would probably land most of them in jail. 'People who live in glass houses'..........and all that. This Thaksin saga has gone on long enough, he ain't going to jail - just cut the c%*p and do something about the real issues affecting the country - like road deaths and air quality!!!! Also, more bad reporting on AN - first story says 'has now been charged', second story says 'hit with charges' in the title then 'facing charges'in the text - which is it?
  2. Then you are lucky. I am not saying there is no decent weed in Thailand but I will say that I am yet to see any. A lot is grown outdoors which is problematic and often leads to a low resin content. Many Thai sellers mix in leaves and crushed stems to 'bulk' up a bag for obvious reasons but in doing so they reduce the strength and spoil the burn. By the way, whereas 20% THC should be good enough for anyone - in the UK customers have become used to and indeed demand, a THC content of over 30% these days. I'd guess that the situation would be the same in Thailand if it was available. With well grown Californian strains such as Stardawg and most of the Gelato's - 30%+ pretty easy to achieve. There can be a reduction in yield though and if you don't know what you're doing, they can be a PITA to grow and are prone to pests and less resistant to disease and fungi such as powdery mildew. Quite why people want to get so 'off their heads' that they can't even remember it with this 30% + stuff is beyond me but try selling them something that doesn't achieve that.
  3. That's not fair - his predecessors were much the same .
  4. Yes, I just wondered if they'd loaded your policy as a result of the claims you mentioned - like they did with my house insurance.
  5. Interesting - did then not increase your premiums following those claims? My house (Thai) was broken into a couple of years back - my insurance had been 7000 per year but at the renewal following the break-in the premium increased it to 21,000. I'd been insured for 8 years with the same company (MSIG) and never had a previous claim. I dumped it and spent the money on extra security.
  6. The head of the nail is in your penultimate word - news! I wonder how many Thai's and men of other nationalities have also been arrested recently for similar crimes? The 'news' is an unfathomable phenomenon in terms of what is reported and what's not. Think back to your days back home - how many murders actually make it to 'the news' compared to the actual figures? As per my posts in a similar thread, perverts and paedophiles exist in all countries and societies - some crimes are reported, some are not, some are covered up and in some societies, paedophilia is simply not discussed. Certain societies even have ways of making it 'legal' - google 'Pleasure Marriages' in Iraq. Middle aged and old men 'marry' very young girls for a day (often arranged by the local Imam), sleep with them and divorce them the next day. As far as I know, prior to a BBC investigation, that was never reported on - never made it to 'the news'. Some AN posters would be better informed if they did some checking on what goes on in rural Thai villages every night.
  7. Can't agree with that. I've been riding more years than I care to admit (20 in Thailand) and never had an accident on a bike that I've been in control of. I ride in Thailand as I did in the UK - except in Thailand I use 3 pairs of eyes instead of the 2 I used in the UK but no matter what care you take or how defensively you ride, there is always a chance of an accident. I have however, been knocked off the back of a motorbike taxi in Bangkok that eventually cost me 200k baht in hospital fees - and that was almost 13 years ago. Being unconscious and bleeding, I wasn't in a position to argue about which hospital I was taken to. I of course have a good quality helmet and an armoured jacket but even so, bikers remain very vulnerable if they are hit by a car or truck - protective clothing or not. If I can find it (doubtful), I'd like to try and find insurance that will pay for repatriation if I am seriously injured.
  8. Give 'em a break - you can be sure that building safety standards will have been discussed many, many times. Much like road safety measures...................................................talk a lot, do nothing.
  9. Cheers, that would be better, I can't see 200k going far in terms of hospital bills. 400k probably won't go far either but its better. Both a far cry from my travel insurance that gives me up to £15 million (GBP) in emergency treatment - total premium £144. Sadly that will not be valid after I make the move to Thailand later this year.
  10. Its not only the Thaiger news articles. A hell of a lot of the news articles on here contain mistakes and inaccuracies - sometimes the mistakes are critical to understanding the article as with the above where a woman 'plunged almost 20m to her death' but then was seemingly resurrected and able to describe her dealings with the insurance company. Either the proof readers are not competent in English or they are not proof read at all.
  11. Thanks, do you know if the Axa cover can be increased for a higher premium?
  12. As my bike is classed as 'too old' it is almost impossible to get 1st Class insurance for it and even when I could, the accident insurance covering personal injury wasn't that high. I believe its possible to get stand alone accident insurance that covers using a bike - does anyone have any recommendations?
  13. Thanks for stating that so clearly Tod. So many times I've seen people on here saying 'I've been entering visa exempt for years and never had a problem, you must have done something wrong". It happens, they don't like people doing visa runs when they're on exempts, they suspect they are working illegally. The fact that lots of people get away with it is of no help at all to someone who's been refused. OP: Make sure you have 20,000 in cash with you when you enter next time - take away one of the spurious reasons they use for refusal.
  14. A little outdated but correct in the fact that its deliberate. It used to be that you could 'open up the governer' on the injection pump - at one time popular with European HGV drivers. These days its done with a computer linked to the vehicle's ECU and in the worst cases the same + modified injectors. The ECU also needs to be modified to stop it throwing the vehicle in to 'limp home' mode.
  15. I don't believe that for a minute. People all over the world smoke weed in their home countries whether its illegal or not. In many countries where it is illegal, the cops are not interested - they have other fish to fry. I can't imagine anyone I know wanting to visit Thailand simply to have a joint or two when they're already doing that every day at home. Then there's the question of quality. Since everyone's jumped on the bandwagon, the only stuff I've seen is total rubbish - especially compared to what's easily available in Europe for example. Granted the Thai price is far cheaper but much of it is still junk. It must also be considered that strictly speaking, only medicinal use is legal in Thailand. How long before the BIB realise the opportunities there and start tapping up all the guys on Beach Road happily puffing away? "Doctor's note?" "No officer".........."500 baht!" Beats the hell out of stopping Thai motorbikes and fining the riders 50 baht for not wearing a helmet.
  16. Are you absolutely sure you've explored all download options? I can either download a plain sheet or a full copy with the bank Logo etc (subject to installing the correct programme to open the file). I'm also pretty sure that my branch manager would happliy give me a letter confirming my downloaded statements are genuine and accurate for a fraction of £190.
  17. Is this a report on the rock band's deportation or is it a general news roundup? The report is all over the place. If this is an example of AI, god help us all.
  18. Just another example of the poor reporting/translations of news we seem to be getting here on a regular basis recently. The headline states 'Immigration Officer gets 42 years' - which suggests one officer. The report itself goes on to state:
  19. A phenomenon created I'm afraid, by the internet and in particular, social media.
  20. Number 4 in recorded crimes perhaps, that does not necessarily reflect the true position and I would suggest, almost certainly does not. There is no justification whatsoever for any theories that suggest that paedophilia is more prevalent amongst any race or type. Perhaps you know nothing of the practice in some Muslim countries, for example, of 'marrying' a young girl for a day - simply for the purpose of having sex with her and then divorcing her the next day? This practice, known as 'Pleasure Marriages' has been the subject of televison investigation in Iraq where local Imams often arrange such things with girls as young as 14 or possibly younger. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/oct/06/pleasure-marriages-iraq-baghdad-bbc-investigation-child-prostitution In the same country, around 7% of (normal) marriages are to girls under 15 - something that is abhorent in many societies. https://www.girlsnotbrides.org/learning-resources/child-marriage-atlas/regions-and-countries/iraq/ The above is not in any way an attack on the Muslim faith per se, they are simply explanations of just 2 ways in which what would in many countries be considered paedophilic practices, are covered up. Such things go on all over the world - closer to home, you might look into what goes on after dark in many Thai villages. You cannot base your crude ideas solely on what is reported. Finally, you might note that crticising someone's typing or spelling is against forum rules. I think I know how to spell 'countries' thanks - it was simply a typo as, I'd suggest, most would recognise. Again your criticism only damages yourself. Before you make sweeping statements, you might wish to consider the accuracy of your claims.
  21. And its just as likley to be far higher than reported in all countres. Don't spout such uneducated nonsense, you only harm yourself.
  22. Another load of utter rubbish. I'd suggest you base your accusations on the news that you read. I doubt you ever read news in, for example, the Turkish language? These things happen all over the world - sometimes they are news, sometimes they are covered up.
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