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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. The World Has Gone Mad - please tell me this is not true: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12213579/How-schools-allowing-kids-identify-cats-horses-dinosaurs.html
  2. Precisely! Most people I know are anti 'woke' but say nothing. The problem with that is that saying and doing nothing is probably why we are where we are with this today. If anyone tells me I cannot address them in a gender specific way or that stating 'No Trans' on a dating App is hateful for example - they can take a running jump. Scaremongering it may seem but very soon, if not already, we are going to have to be very careful with our wording in everyday life - I'm not prepared to accept that. The old norms remain as far as I'm concerned - of course some of those norms were unfair and a lot of that has been dealt with legally. I think I'm grown up enough to know what's right and wrong. At the moment I believe that anyone who tried to prosecute me for saying 'No Trans' on a dating App would be laughed out of court. However, fast forward a few years when some of these Woke-ists become judges, what then?
  3. Either would be fine by me. I cannot see and don't believe that a Trans person would be offended by my statement. I would not take offence if a member stated 'Trans only'.
  4. The question is - how reasonable such a policy is and whether or not it is right to deem 'No Trans' as 'Hate Speech'. As the site is freely open to anyone who can establish an identity, they are covered by rules, they cannot just make unreasonable rules up - no public flatform can and if they do, they can be held to account. They cannot hide behind their small print - that has been tested in the courts thousands of times. Courts accept that such 'rules and regulations' are so boring that nobody reads them. If I actually said something hateful on a public platform, I could be prosecuted for that. However, I doubt even the best lawyers would be able to successfully assert that 'No Trans' is hateful.
  5. Which is your right and AN won't ban you for that. However, you are also a liar.
  6. Let me answer you with a question - why do use attention grabbing descriptions? Obsessed? Hardly. What I am concerned with is the way things are going generally and what is and what is not acceptable. Just like in some countries men, and some women for that matter, are starting to complain that feminism has gone too far - the situation with the interaction between Gays and Trans & the rest of the population has got out of hand. All this they/them stuff is just rubbish. The dating app in question is widely used and freely available without qualification for membership, it is therefore a public platform. It is perfectly OK for it to have rules and regulations - in fact that is a necessity but they need to be within reason. What I object to is not being able to simply say 'No Trans' as if that's some kind of slur. Its not nasty or directly aimed at degrading Trans people. It was stated on my space on the app - a space which I paid for. To ban me and call what I wrote 'Hate Speech' is well over the top and that is the crux of the problem. I did not want any further Ladyboys to contact me so I stated my preference in a mild and benign way. I doubt that many Trans people would be offended by that. I've seen many Thai girls on the App state 'No Thai's' or 'No Foreigners' that's fair enough and if I saw one that said 'No Foreigners' I would respect the girl's wishes and not contact her - not a problem. Judging by the amount of girls that make such statements on the App, that is OK with the site's owners, how can that be? Are we now discriminating against normality? I don't read such stuff and think of its as racist, I simply think "that girl isn't interested in foreigners so I won't try to contact her". Now if she said 'No dirty farangs' - yes I'd find that offensive and that's the difference. In my eyes simply saying 'No Trans' is nothing like or even resembling 'Hate Speech. To your point on gays in a restaurant, I see nothing wrong with that and have almost certainly have been in a restaurant where Gays have been dating. I have a friend who's into Ladyboys and sometimes brings them to a bar that I also visit - I don't have any problem with that. If they started engaging in any sexual activity, yes I'd be disgusted - its against my nature and I'd take a bet that most 'straight' men would either complain, move away or leave. I don't get your point but I'd state that I'm not really comfortable with 'straight' people engaging in intimate activity publicly either. Where does this end? What is and is not the 'norm' in terms of acceptance - we used to have that but the bar is constantly being raised. Soon we will all be scared to pass any comment in public.
  7. Thank you for your opinion which is sadly, incorrect.
  8. How long before paedophilic behaviour is considered acceptable and those who practice it, who don't consider it as wrong are able to display their behaviour publicly? When does something become acceptable and who decides what is and what is not? You may think I'm being extreme but watch this space - if this 'wokeness' is not brought to an end - it will become never ending and a free for all. It used to be that we had a 'norm' - that seems to have gone. Transgender and Gay people were very unfairly discriminated against and in general I support moves to change that but not when that changes the 'norm'. There is a set of values and behaviours that are/were seen as acceptable and by which we have lived our lives. Granting well deserved rights to Gay and Trans people does not have to change those norms but we are now being asked, nay told, to disregard our norms. I'm not about to open the whole debate again but I strongly believe in the 'norm' and that includes the right not to be confronted by abnormal behaviour that I find offensive.
  9. Are you infering that those of us from the previously 'normal' world, have no rights?
  10. Apparently the UK singer Sam Smith is fond of fishing and when someone called him a fisherman he stated that he is a fisherPERSON...........jeez!
  11. Although I don't want to make this about my use of a dating App - more its about the context that is being set, you are correct, I don't have to use their services. However, they have taken my money and shown no signs of issuing a refund even though I am now not able to use the site. I have absolutely no doubt that their defence will be that I have viloated their terms and conditions and therefore, my subscription is forfeit.
  12. Very well put. It seems however, that we are not even allowed to state 'don't bother me' these days.
  13. I've asked the question - where is this going? I'll tell you where I think its going - very soon, even the word 'Transgender' will be seen as hateful. Those who have had their gender changed will start asserting that they are doing nothing wrong by choosing a person born of the opposite sex as their potential partner. I'm pretty sure that the surgery involved will not be particularly convincing so the first time some people will know that they are dating a Trans is in the bedroom - blood will flow.
  14. I agree. However, the world of dating has changed and using Apps and Websites is now the norm. For the younger generation its now their choice. My experience has been that the particular App in question has produced far better results. Its is known as a 'Hook Up' site and that is exactly what I'm looking for.
  15. Yet again, you are missing the point. I don't need to use that app to meet women but it did make things very easy. The point is about what is and what is not 'Hate' and where this brand of thinking is taking us. People like me are branded 'haters' for simply not wishing to see gay activity on mainstream TV or in movies. Now I can't even state that I have no interest in meeting Trans people. What I find odd is that the site in question accepts membership from Ladyboys who state their gender is a 'Woman' and their preference is 'Straight' - both of which they are not. But that is acceptable because in today's world a person can 'identify' as they wish and we are all supposed to respect that. So, I identify as a horse - don't dare say I'm not!
  16. Like many, you are missing the point. Expressing a view or a preference should be someone's right. However, such expressions do not need to be nasty. My account has been banned for 'Hate Speech' - how the hell is simply stating 'No Trans' hateful? I have no interest in dating Trans people and was receiving constant 'likes' from them. I believe I can spot 90% of Ladyboys but some of those who frequent the site in question are very convincing. Had I stated 'No Nasty Transgenders' - that would have been hateful and I would understand the ban. I cannot see how simply stating 'No Trans' can be considered hateful. Using what I consider to be the site's ethics, I believe that stating 'No Blondes' would be acceptable but if I stated 'No Black Girls' that would lead to a ban. A person should be allowed to politely express their preferences - especially when choosing a partner. It seems that someone has decided that even stating that you are not interested in meeting Trans people is discrimination. Where does that take us next?
  17. That's not obvious? If you're having prblems understanding, the clue is in the title.
  18. You're missing the point - this is not about me using a dating site, that is just what sets the context. We all have likes and dislikes - take the example I wrote about blondes and brunettes. How long before you're not allowed to state any sort of preference at all?
  19. Naa not desperados. Its the popular way to meet these days and I've had a lot of success on that particular site - more than any other. You are however, correct that they are all full of scammers and liars but I guess its the price you pay. I just don't see how stating 'No Trans' is wrong. One thing that is possible - I believe that this particular site intitially reacts to anyone who reports your profile. It could well be that my profile is re-instated once my 'appeal' has been looked at. If not, they'd better damned well refund my Gold membership fee.
  20. No mate, I've had a lot of fun thanks to that site.
  21. There was a recent thread on AN regarding being exposed to gay behaviour on TV programmes etc. I was strongly criticised by a couple of members on that thread for stating that I don't want to see such behaviour - it honestly makes me feel physically sick. I was accused of being a 'Gay Hater' which is ridiculous, I don't hate Gay people in any way, shape of form. I believe that Gay people have the same rights in life as anyone does and I would defend that to the death. I was simply answering the question posed by the thread and stating my preference. Ten days ago after a brief 'holiday' from the site, I re-joined a popular dating app and paid for their 'Gold' subscription - thankfully only for one month. As usual I received several 'likes' each day with some coming from Ladyboys - some of whom do not state their sexual orientation in their initial contact. I have no interest in dating a ladyboy and so to try and reduce the amount of contact from them. I wrote 'No Trans' in a list of preferences my profile. I also get regular 'matches' on the site from 'girls' who's real intention is to try and sell me Crypto Currency - so I also include 'No Crypto' in my profile. I have no interest in hearing from either. Today my account has been banned from the app for 'hate speech' - I presume because of the 'No Trans' statement, they don't say. Just banned me and no offer to refund the fee for Gold membership. An appeal is allowed but strangely the site does not offer the facility for someone to state why they are appealing - there is just a button to click that says 'appeal'. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I've offended Crypto Currency - in this screwed up world, who knows? So I ask you, what is the world coming to - has this PC sentiment gone too far? It has in my opinion - way too far. How is simply stating a group that you do not want to hear from 'hate'? How long will it be before Gay and Trans people are allowed to take someone to court for refusing to date them? Will that be classed as 'discrimination'? Will we all be required to date a 'Trans' person if they wish to date us? IMHO, there is something very wrong with today's world. Genuine hate speech should not in any way be tolerated and should be treated in the same way as racial discrimination. On that subject, I have no particular preference on the skin colour of the girls I date but if I did, would I not be allowed to state so? I clearly state in my profile that I am straight, surely a person who makes such a statement is within their rights? If I had stated 'NO Pervy Trans/Queers' in my profile, that would be hate speech. But when did simpy stating your preferences become wrong? Careful in stating that you like blondes lads, the brunettes will be sueing you! If we, and by we, I include moderate Straight, Gay and Trans people, don't make a stand on this and 'nip it in the bud' - I can see a time, not so far away where simply stating you are 'straight' will be classed as discriminatory - think about it. I'll be completely clear on this - there are moves afoot - maybe even already in existence in some countries where Trans people are able to alter their birth certificate. This is just as opinion and I believe we all have a right to one but I believe that for example, having an operation, taking hormones etc. etc. does not alter the gender of a person. I can never see, for example, a day when a male to female Trans will be able to have a baby and breastfeed it. All the operations ect. do is to alter the sexual orientation of that person and give them the physical appearance of a female. Now, there are those amongst you that are attracted to Ladyboys and that is fine for you but in itself that is a distinction - they are attracted to the fact that Ladyboys are transgender and many specifically visit Thailand in order to meet them. How long before such people also come under fire for only being attracted to a person BECAUSE they are Trans. Will that also be discriminatory? Will Ladyboys start complaining, 'You don't like me because I'm a woman, you only like me because I am Trans'? The way things are going, if we are 'straight' we will all be compelled to offer relationships to any person who presents themselves to us, regardless of their actual gender. Taking it to the extremes, will you have to date a fat person or someone you consider ugly , even if you do not find them attractive in the slightest? If you refuse, will that be classed as 'hate'? Is it discrimination? Will each one of us soon lose the right to choose the factual gender of our long term or sexual partners? Lose the right to choose what attracts us and what doesn't? In all honesty, I'm glad I'm the age I am because as far as I'm concerned, the world has gone mad. We've gone from giving gay and transgender people equal rights in law - to which they are very much entitled, to utter madness. There are websites and other places I believe, where you are not allowed to call someone 'he' or she' its 'they or 'them' - you must refer to them not as what they actually are, but as per how they 'identify'. What the hell is going on and where will it end? (Purely as a footnote - to the 2 or 3 people that jumped on me on the other thread - I have honestly placed you on ignore so you are wasting your time replying directly to me, all I am able to see is that you have posted - up to you, I care not.)
  22. I think you may have hit the nail on the head. I believe the more lenient punishments apply to those who are actually leaving the country? If his flight was domestic, I doubt that would qualify - that could be why we are seeing other similar reports arising at Phuket airport?
  23. Unlikely but not unknown. My travel policy covers me for riding motorbikes and provides emergency medical insurance up to £15 million providing I hold a licence for the bike. The premium at last renewal was £144 for a multi trip (45 days per trip) 12 month policy. Probably cheaper for someone younger with no previous medical conditions. https://www.allcleartravel.co.uk/annual-multi-trip/
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