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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. What happened was the execution of three suspected Palestinians. How many more timers this has happened we will never know - we only know about this one because they shot their own!
  2. Don't be silly......isn't everyone scared of white flags?
  3. I repeat.......the second time - after the guy had run inside? Another mistake? Wasted enough time on you.....adios.
  4. Oh god, here we go again - on another thread I'm a gay hater, now I'm a jew hater. I have no feelings either negative or positive towards jews. I was simply pointing out the allegiance of much of the US government - which by the way is common knowledge.
  5. Jeez, how much did they need? Civillian clothes, unarmed, waving white flags - a mistake? Why then did they shoot the third man? I don't think they deliberately shot hostages - they clearly thought they 3 men were Palestinian. The Israelis say they are systematically moving forward and show videos of the IDF checking buildings out with binoculars. Unarmed people shouting at them in Hebrew, what more did they need to take a moment and think? I suggest you read the reports - the reports that Israel accept! You'd argue black's white rather than admit you're wrong.
  6. Not their propaganda - that of the UN, Doctors Without Frontiers and many other aid groups. Ask them how many children have died. Where do you get your info from? Israel?
  8. Which time was it a mistake? When they shot the first 2 that were waving a white flag or when they shot the third guy that ran inside and called out in Hebrew? Do you understand the rules of engagement? To be a target, a person has to be a clear threat to human life or infrastructure. Did the Israeli's think they would get beaten to death by a white flag. You're a total disgrace!
  9. Yes..... HAMAS!!! Israel is constrained by its US paymasters.
  10. Again and again and again...............yes HAMAS murdered Thai workers......NOT Palestinians - how can anyone be so stupid?
  11. Tragic incident of friendly fire?? Have you read the reports? The guys clearly were unarmed, they were also waving a white flag. Two were shot ,one of them ran back inside the building and was heard shouting to the IDF in Hebrew - they then went in and shot him. Friendly fire? What have you been smoking!!!! The Israeli's don't deny any of the above by the way.
  12. Yes the city that late last week the Israelis told people to go to, shortly before they shelled it.
  13. Given the treatment the Palestinians have received at the hands of the Israeli's. Who do they expect them to sympathise with? To they best of my knowledge it is not against the law to sympathise with a terrorist organisation - misguided yes but in a lot of ways, its understandable. Note: Sympathise is not the same as Support. I support the right of all people to live - be they Israeli or Palestinian. I hate to say it but I wonder just what the Israeli's would do if they weren't under such international pressure? It seems to me that given the chance, they would simply wipe the Palestinians of the face of the earth.
  14. Yes, the list is almost endless - and all blamed on the attacks of 7th October.
  15. Hate on. Where have I said I hate gays? I have nothing against gays and I've forgotten just how many times I've stated that I support gay rights such as marriage etc. but: 1. Homosexual behaviour is not normal behaviour 2. I don't want to see homosexual behaviour - it makes me puke. Others may not be bothered. 3. I do not consider hetrosexuals as having any more worth than their gay counterparts 4. If you're gay, you're gay, learn to live with it, most people don't give a damn what you do behind closed doors but don't expect hetrosexuals to accept your behaviour - some will, some won't. 5. Why should the fact that there are gay people mean that I should change my views, what right have you to ask that I do? 6. I'm a bigot? Again? I guess you want nothing less than total acceptance - never going to happen. Overall I would defend the rights of a gay person to equal treatment as far as I possibly could. That does not normalise gay behaviour or mean that it should be imposed on others. I would also state, and I know this from having a gay brother, that in many cases, some gays are out to shock and when allowed, will engage in outrageously sexual behaviour in public - to a far greater extent than I've even seen hetrosexuals do. Its neither necessary nor acceptable. If you wish to call me a bigot, I'm OK with that, your entitled to your views but I consider myself far from it - a bigot would not accept gay marriage for example. I'm happy in my soul, its not me that's having problems with accepting who I am. Huge chip on shoulder I'd suggest you try to get over it. I think we've both made our views plain but I find it interesting that you expect hetrosexual people to accept gay behaviour - meaning you have no respect for our rights not to accept it. Now that's biggoted. I don't see what more there is to discuss but I have no doubt that your non-acceptance will mean that you do. You have exceeded yourself in your attempts at baiting me - up from a bigot to a hater, I'm neither but up to you. Can't see the point in any further discussion.
  16. Yes, warned to leave and go to another area that will then be bombed. Nobody seems to consider that Palestinian civillians are not the ones who carried out the 7th October attacks. Given Israel's actions though, they may very well be Hamas or some other militant group members in the future.
  17. Oh I'm sure your right but I don't give a damn. Israel's claims of collateral damage were shot to pieces forever when they shot 3 of their own white flag waving young men last week. Very sad though it was, it showed without doubt that their true policy is nothing less than shoot to kill. The really sad part it that if it had been 3 Palestinian civillians that had been shot - nothing would have been heard of it. How many times has that happened I wonder?
  18. Well I'll give it a go........... But first I will state that the attacks on Israeli civillians on 7th October were horrific and the work of animals. But let's be clear here, those attacks were committed by Hamas. They were not committed by Palestinian Civillians. So, returning to war crimes committed by Israel - since the start of this war, Israel has been accused of the indiscriminate killing of Palestinians. Israel have used as their reasoning that such civillians are actually the victims of Hamas who force 'collateral damage' through hiding amongst the population. The Israelis also made out that Hamas sited their weapons storage and other infrastructure in public buildings and schools. Even that Hamas had a major heaquarters in the Al Shifa hospital. The photos I've seen, provided by the Israelis after the capture the Al Shifa showed a handful of weapons, some clothing and, I think, one laptop - hardly a headqaurters. I have never believed that the Israelis were taking much care of where they were bombing or have any particular care for Palestinian civillians. That conviction was totally justified last week when Israeli soldiers shot dead 3 Israeli citizens who were un-armed and waving a white flag. If they have no care for anyone waving a white flag, what hope do Palestinians have? The Israelis actions are both indefensible and futile. The amount of 'collateral damage' has been stated as far higher than that in any other war and what do they think they are currently creating in Gaza? They may well defeat Hamas but just how do they think the remaining Palestinians will regard them? Their actions are creating a force far bigger than Hamas ever was from people who won't care - what have they got to lose? Unless the rest of the world steps in they have no future. Prior to this the Israeli right wing regarded Palestinians as little more than dogs - how will they treat them once they are defeated? What do such actions breed? From the start of the conflict the Israelis have ordered the Palestinians to move from one area to another and then shelled the area they told people to move to. They did exactly that again last week when they told some Palestinians to move to Rafah City then bombed it the next day. Although it is in no way an excuse for the 7th October attrocities, the Israeli government's behaviour over the last few years has been a huge contributory factor in the situation that lead to the current situation. Even as I write, Israeli 'settlers' are stealing Palestinian farms and land in the West Bank and shooting Palestinians. As the UN's Anthony Guterrez said - this situation was not created out of a vacuum. In 2015 Netanyahu stated that there will never be a Palestinian State and has repeated that several times since - last week he said it will never happen. That cannot stand and neither can Hamas's intent to destroy Israel continue. Like many, I have always believed that any solution to the decades old conflict in Israel/Palestine must include the disolution of groups such as Hamas but Israel must also get rid of its right wing government and stop encouraging the stealing of land. Both sides must recognise each other's right to exist. My overall concern at the moment is the huge amount of Palestinians being killed by Israel's attacks every day. There is no and can be no - excuse for what is going on at the moment. Its not collateral damage, its slaughter. So War Crimes: Indiscriminate bombing of civillian buildings/homes Shooting of unarmed Palestinian civillians Shooting of unidentified/unarmed people waving white flags Failing to allow adequate humanitarian aid to some areas Failing to allow sufficient humanitarian aid overall Deliberate turning off of water supplies Carrying out military operations in refugee camps They will, I have no doubt, add to that list as time moves on. I am also sure that Hamas have also committed War Crimes but that wasn't your question.
  19. Will those dealing with the accused police officers be squeaky clean themselves? That's the problem with rotten apples, you often find that the whole sackful is much the same. I'd suggest that sorting out the corruption and wrong doing in some areas of authority (picking my words carefully) is an impossible task. People who live in glass houses............and all that.
  20. You know exactly what I mean. Neither Alexander or Oscar produced children with another man. If you know different, add it to the book of miracles.
  21. A gay relationship will not produce children. Any mix of colour will.
  22. No, I just mean that colour - be that white, black,, brown or pink is not a fault.
  23. Black people don't have any faults, black is simply their colour.
  24. They are not my norms - they are both physical and societal norms. Now, I have work to do.
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