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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. Very few problems opening the site now. However, one ongoing problem is that once the site is open and I go to 'notifications' - clicking on particular notifications produces nothing. If I close the site and re-open it, it works, every time. So now the norm for me is to open the site, close it and then re-open. Its as if something doesn't fully load the first time.
  2. I fully understand your problems. I have never understood why some native English speakers use their accent and/or colloquial language when speaking to foreigners. I have a strong localised accent and may speak colloquially when I'm at home in England but I can also speak what is known as the 'Queen's English' (now King's) and I use that when I'm abroad. I believe that most if not all other native English speakers can also do the same - they just don't. How they expect people who have been taught basic English to understand them is beyond me. There are other problems too, the fact that so many English teachers abroad teach American English instead of the official international standard of British English can also be confusing for foreigners. Many's the time I've heard a Thai national say 'trash can' or 'sidewalk'. There is no excuse for this, the teachers know the differences between US English and British English and should be teaching the correct language, regardless of which one they use themselves. The whole point in having an international language is to enable communication between the speakers of different languages - installing confusion into that mix is not at all helpful. Most native English speakers know the differences between US and British English but non native speakers are unlikely to.
  3. Please explain your answer - precisely what is because 'English food is crap'? My post pointed out to you that Australia has a higher % of obesity than the UK so I'm having a little difficulty in understanding where you are coming from. Or is it that you've run out of accurate things to say - so now you just spout nonsense? And, as a non British citizen, please elaborate on exactly what you think 'English food' is? I can tell you this, quite a lot of your countrymen live and work in Pak Chong. Many of them eat and drink at the same British owned bar/restaurant that I do. I don't see much difference in their food choices to mine - especially when it comes to breakfast. However, one of their favourites seems to be a massive burger that I would never eat - I once had the misfortune to spend a couple of days working at a butchery that supplied meat to burger and sausage makers, I haven't touched either since. I'd be very interested to learn exactly what you think we eat in the UK.
  4. Those of us with even a modicum of intelligence would never say that all Americans are this or all Aussies are that - because we know that people are different the world over, there are very few traits that can be attributed to one nation. However, I find it interesting that someone would claim 'most poms are fat' and a little while later, extol the virtues of Americans who are 'up there' with the fatties of the world with an obesity level of 36.47% Those who make such claims might possibly gain from doing their homework first: Australia 30.57% United Kingdom 27.88% https://data.worldobesity.org/rankings/ A case of engage brain before putting mouth into gear.
  5. The Thai police need to get on top of this quickly - not that they will. Things are getting notably worse and will start to affect tourism. I frequent clubs and bars and where there's alcohol, there will always be punch ups - goes with the territory unfortunately. Punch ups mind, not knifings and shootings!
  6. Well you would, wouldn't you Dan? You may call it whinging and whining - we call it refusing ro taking it up the a*s. If you like that, that's your business. My experience is a little different to yours - most of the Thai's I've met know very well that I'm English and tell me they find English people to be very polite and respectful. Of course you are always going to get drunks and idiots but that applies to all races. I also think the same applies to learning Thai, I have always made the effort and my Thai is reasonable/improving. In all, I think your post contains mainly inaccurate comments, purely intended for effect.
  7. Further complaint sent to Savannakhet, Immigration and the MFA. Not holding my breath over a reply. A Multi Entry Non O based on marriage allows a stay of 90 days and is for those not resident in Thailand to visit their spouse, it should not be subject to the same requirements as a 12 month Extension of Stay. I do not believe the regulations require this.
  8. Several people have taken your meaning that way so far - its the way you wrote it. Sorry if that 'antagonises' you.
  9. Well there have been opposite ones. It does however, need clarification. MENO's based on marriage are intended for those who don't live in Thailand but visit their wives. They cannot demand that someone who doesn't live in the country has a Thai bank account - not when technically non residents are not allowed to hold bank accounts (yes I know many do, including me).
  10. There's more to this than meets the eye - the Thai's son wasn't sent to prison for nothing. Even if he was disposing of the rubbish outside the Thai guy's house - that is no excuse for murder, as I suspect, the Thai man will shortly find out.
  11. I have no idea and Savannakhet don't seem to be able to answer e-mails or read facebook posts.
  12. I have absolutely no doubt that our resident 'experts' will shout me down on this or, as they did before, report my post as containing innaccurate information. So, I will simply tell you what happened to me a few years back (the same thing happened to a friend and I will gladly ask him to confirm this if our resident 'experts' disagree). I cannot say this happens to everyone but it happened to me. After a few years of having a Multi Entry Non O (MENO) based on marriage but only staying for 2 - 3 weeks per trip, I decided that it was a waste of money and entered using the 30 day exemption. I was pulled over and asked "no visa this time?" I was told in no uncertain circumstances that visiting a Thai wife was not classed as tourism and that a 30 day exemption is only for tourists. They would let me in that time but told me to get a Non O next time or I would not be allowed in. I got a Non O. Relating it to your suggestion, a while later I also noticed that a Multi Entry Tourist Visa (METV) was being promoted by The Royal Thai Embassy in London and the wording on their website stated something like 'for tourism and short visits to family members' - a wife is a family member. That would suite me as London had stopped issuing MENO's based on marriage and obtaining one would mean a visit to Laos or Vietnam. So, on one of my next exits I went to the immigration counter behind the passport booths at Suvarnabhumi, told them they had previously told me to return to using a MENO (obviously a single entry non o would be acceptable) but the embassy in London were now saying a METV was appropriate - was that OK. I was again told that visiting a Thai wife was not classed as tourism and I must continue using Non O's. The officer made some sort of comment about the embassy not being them and that they were the ones who decided if you come in or not. So, if you do go for a METV - I would suggest you have a way of opening the E-Visa website at the passport booth so that you can show them it directs you to a METV. I can't say the above will happen to you but it happened to me and a friend. I'm no longer married so I'm OK to use exempts again but if I was still married, I would stick to what the guys who let me in say - flight tickets are very expensive these days. Having said that, if the officer does single you out, you will almost certainly get a warning as I did on the first time.
  13. Reports since (on this site) have confirmed that a foreign bank account is also acceptable.
  14. Shame really, I used to quite enjoy the KLM flights. When I used them they were running 747's from AMS to BKK. A 1 hour flight from Manchester and it was then 10 hours to BKK so it felt like a direct flight but 2 hours shorter that the actual direct flights at the time. That was over 20 years ago though and shortly after, they 'priced themselves out of the market' - I have only ever found one flight with them since at 'the right price' and that was around 15 years ago. I value my status - not having to queue with 300 other passengers and use of the lounges is something I enjoy. However, if Etihad & Qatar keep up their current crazy prices - I might start looking elsewhere. Saudia in January are over £200 cheaper than Qatar - not quite as fast but not crazy times and with prices the way they are, its tempting (Etihad's economy prices are starting to approach those of business class). The airlines claim its supply and demand but my DOH-BKK and BKK-DOH legs in September were only around 25 to 30% full (MAN-DOH & DOH-MAN rammed). The post Covid demand must surely be over? If they want to run planes at 25% capacity, up to them.
  15. My last flight in September was a mix of Qatar and BA. I'm silver with Qatar but have no status with BA. As I planned to take quite a lot of stuff with me I called Qatar who confirmed that I would be allowed my additional 15kg's and all other benefits on all 4 legs. However, Qatar were operating all legs even though the MAN-DOH & DOH-MAN legs were on BA numbered flights. I think Qatar will be operating all BA's Bangkok bookings for the near future.
  16. I had thought of doing exactly what the OP suggests if the proposed new taxation rules go ahead. I contacted WISE about their card account and they assured me that their card will work in almost all Thai ATM's. There will of course, be ATM charges and each individual would have to work out if they will actually save money. Some are likely to pay very little tax if any at all, once all the regular allowances have been taken account of.
  17. Hadn't thought of that. I get 15kg extra - are you saying that on a flight advertised with no bags, I would get 15kg?
  18. Not worth the risk, what are you going to do if you are denied boarding which the airline are perfectly within their rights to do? Depending on your arrival time, it could be too late to buy an onward ticket and receive confirmation/could be a Wifi problem, anything could go wrong. Sh*t happens!
  19. That was in the 'animal' class - I had a GPZ900. Rocket ship that handled like a crab with 3 legs and had moped brakes.
  20. Yes, I was aware that KLM now do that....... KLM Light or something? As for cramming in more seats, I think a few have done that recently. My last Qatar flight in September seemed to be much 'tighter' than the one before.
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