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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. Not that unusual in darkest banorkland - although I've rarely seen such a big age difference (17/58). The young girl will purely be thinking of 'support' and the old guy, well good luck to him. Given that neither of them are likley to be 'educated' I don't think they will have any converastional problems due to the age gap - neither of them is likely to say much more than 'pass me the rice teerak'. Old man will get his nightly BJ before passing out on Lao Khao - young girl will spend her evenings watching Korean love stories on her phone and wondering why they never happened to her. 10 years from now, she'll be a widow with 2 or 3 kids to feed and the demands on your gf will step up a gear. That's life in rural Thailand - when you're taught to accept your lot in life, you usually heed that advice.
  2. A Thai friend of mine was ripped off by her Turkish boyfriend over a period of years. Always some reason why he had no money for his flight tickets etc. etc. She's in a very good job and obviously has a good salary - she even sponsored his Thai university course during which he moved in with her. Both myself and other friends tried to tell her that he was lying to her but she didn't want to believe it. When the truth came out, including the fact that he'd also been screwing other girls, including some in her apartment block, she was absolutely devastated and remains emotionally damaged. Afterwards she commented that she felt like 'the farang'. So it happens both ways. Unfortunately there is no way of knowing whether or not your partner's intentions are good - the best of us can get ripped. So whilst I don't agree with what you say above in general, I would agree that there is often some truth in it. However, as I said in an earlier post, its natural for a female to look for financial stability in any prospective relationship. The norm is for a couple to meet, marry and have kids - at which point the female is vulnerable through losing her ability to earn an income. The female wants to know that both herself and her kids will be taken care of. Couple that with the Thai societal norm of the kids taking care of their parents in their old age and it can seem that all Thai females are interested in is you're money. Whilst that can be true, its not outright and it greatly depends on where you do your 'fishing'. I've learned to my cost that meeting females on dating websites and Tinder etc. is not at all the best place if you're looking for a relationship. I'm not even going to try guess at percentages - I'd just say that your chances of meeting a 'wrong un' through such sources are very, very high. If you go fishing in a dirty pond, don't expect clean fish.
  3. If you speak Thai, then you should know exactly what I mean. Some Thai girls are way too scared to even attempt to speak to a foreigner - that face thing where they seem to think they will be considered a lesser being if the pronounce something wrong. Both you and beachlovers are relating this to pay for play. Whereas I would never condemn that as long as neither party is being duped - that wasn't the point of my reply to Nick Carter's post. He was more or less saying that older Western males cannot have a relationship with a younger Thai female unless they are paying for it. I know that to be incorrect. A lot depends on the people you mix with and where you go to meet people. You two aren't looking for a 'relationship' - you're just 'playing the game' and at least one of you seems to be very bitter. Having had 2 marriages with Thai females that were 'in it to win it' and quickly sent packing once their true intentions became clear, I should also be bitter but I'm not. I have a lot of good Thai friends and probably mix in different circles than either of you. That is not me trying to appear any better - its just that through being involved in Thai society and mixing with far more Thai's than foreigners, I know very well that decent Thai females do exist. I also know that many of those females are not against a relationship with an older foreign man - once you break down the barriers. And there are barriers - not least of which is the way they are often viewed by other Thai's if they're seen out with an older foreigner.
  4. I seem to remember Wise saying that they would be facilitating transfers FROM Thailand a while back but there hasn't been any mention of it since. Must be some form of regulatory thing or even protectionism on the part of Thailand. Clearly money transfer companies can operate within the Thai system - hence Dee Money - maybe its the ownership that's the problem? Non Thai banks also don't seem to have much representation in Thailand.
  5. Hmmm, I'l let more wordly people answer your question but unless things have changed, Thai's don't seem to 'get' the idea that someone can have 2 passports - even though lots of Thai females do. So my guess would be that you'll have problems. Much easier if you rearrange things so that your visa and wp are on your UK passport if you can't use your Irish one in Japan. Don't forget that this problem may crop up each year. A little different I know but.......as a UK passport holder you may know that its quite legal to have 2 UK passports if you can show that you have a need them. There is no dediceted application method for that by the way. Anyway, Many years ago I had a need for 2 passports and obtained a second UK passport. Completely by mistake I got both of them out of my bum bag on arrival at Don Mueang. Jeez, there was such a fuss, I was hauled away and almost arrested. They thought that I was some kind of criminal and at least one of the passports must be a fake - I was given a proper grilling. Thankfully I had arrived on a daytime flight and this was in the days when you could actually get to speak to someone at the Brtish Embassy. A call was made and confirmation that both my passports were legit was given. I was still there for about 4 hours though.
  6. Not 100% true. I fully understand your point but it doesn't apply to all of us. I neither 'buy younger females from bars' or have relationships with divorcees of my own age. Unless she was something amazing (yet to see one), I wouldn't even dream of going with anyone anywhere near my own age - I just don't find envelope flaps attractive. I don't have any problem finding women half my age and no, I don't throw money around or pay for them (although I'll gladly admit to having paid them in the past). I don't consider myself a particular 'catch' but I have looked after myself. I still go clubbing and I wouldn't dream of wearing a nylon football shirt or sandals with long socks. I don't doubt that a great many Thai females (that are not on the knock) look for financial stability as one of their requirements when choosing a partner and I don't see much wrong with that. Nor do I think that only applies to Thai females - nobody sensible is going to intentionally subject themselves to a life of poverty and in the main, men are still looked upon as the breadwinner. You are stereotyping but I do appreciate that more females might fit that stereotype in Thailand than in some other countries. For some its almost a national sport. Left to their own devices, Thai females will of course gravitate towards men of their own age - its natural. But stay in shape, ditch the football shirt, the beer belly and sandals and put yourself out there (and I'm not talking about Bangkok or Pattaya), make the effort and you may be surprised at the results. You have to work harder than younger guys but the results can be worth it. I also think that the more you speak the language, the better your prospects.
  7. Its a 'look at me thing'. There are lots that think that way and it gets them into trouble is so many ways. I know people that drive cars that cost far more than they can really afford but their homes are sometimes awful - why? Because people see the car you drive, they rarely see your home.
  8. Not at all, he's asking me why don't have a 'Thai bank account and use Wise like everyone else' - when its perfectly clear that I do have a Wise account.
  9. That's a very self-centered and poor attitude. Anyone can fall on hard times - often for reasons beyond their control. Sometimes not even hard times, just the cost of life - raising a family etc. The dice don't always roll the way you'd like. I've had several ups and down's in my life and fortunately, I now know that I'll be OK when I retire. Had I been retiring 15 years ago I'd be right in the do do with little time to try and put it right. I have a friend who's brother is a multi millionaire - self made. He's the most miserable guy I know - never has a smile and lives alone. He made his money by concentrating on nothing else - not even his ex wife and family. Following his divorce he married a Philippino girl - she left rapidly because of his attitude. By contrast I know several people that are '1 paycheque away from bankruptcy', are happy and have had a good life.
  10. What are you rattling on about? Did you actually read my post or did you skim read it and think you saw an opportunity to appear clever - in which case, have a tissue and wipe the egg off your face. I do have a Thai bank account, how do you think I transfer money from the UK? Last time I looked it wasn't possible to transfer it to thin air. I also got almost 45 a few weeks ago - rates go up and down you know? The rates I quoted were today's, from Wise at the time of posting (remember morning in the UK comes 7 hours later that it does in Thailand) - not 2 weeks ago. Maybe you missed this: My points remain the same: Since companies like Wise came along, for those who can, a better rate can be usually be had by transfer rather than exchanging when you arrive in Thailand, even at one of the dedicated exchanges (such as the 2 super riches) that for years, gave better rates than the banks. Also, for tourists or those without a Wise account, the bank kiosks near the train station give a much better rate than the ones belonging to the same bank upstairs in the main airport areas. By the way, today's Wise rates haven't changed much since I posted - after fees it still works out at 43.88. Any more pointless comments?
  11. For many years I've always changed my UK £ to Baht in Thailand - the rates available in the UK are laughable. Rates in Thailand can also vary quite a lot - the banks at the airport rip off tourists and need calling out on this. Change your money at one of the banks on the arrivals concourse or in the main airport at your peril - go downstairs near the train station and you'll find the same bank often giving 4 or 5 baht more! Kasikorn for example, has a booth right next to Super Rich orange and adjusts their rates to be the same. In recent years, like many I've changed my money at one of the 'Super Riches' - green or orange in Bangkok. However today, with a visit pending I checked out the rate at the green one and its 43.75 - 43.65 orange. If you can get your hands on £50 notes its slightly more but if you have a Wise account, even after taking their fees off, the rate works out at 43.88. No brainer, no queueing at Super Rich or having to risk carrying large amounts of cash - just transfer before you go.
  12. Thanks for that. Yes, I've seen City Navigator but I wasn't sure if it only included cities and not the whole country. Besides that, its around £100.
  13. Me keep up? Most of the parts of a cow can be called beef - I suggest you check that out but it doesn't mean its all good quality. Use your brain - the prices tell the story. Just a quick check of prices in the UK averaged over a few suppliers for UK bred and reared beef: Best Beef Fillet - £49.44 per kg Lean Beef Mince (5% fat) - £6.98 per kg The price differentials will no doubt be much the same in Thailand/Worldwide. Nobody is going to mince up beef fillet and sell it for less than 15% of the full price. When you buy mince, ground beef, whatever you want to call it, you're buying all the cr%p in varying degrees. Up to you if you want to eat that. Many years ago a friend unexpectedly got a contract to line out several abbatoirs and meat packers as new hygene regulations were introduced. He called up all his mates to help out and I went to help over a few weekends as the pay he was offering was great. We had to line out a whole cutting room with laminate panels - starting Friday night and had to be out if there by 6am Monday. The room was basically square with cutting tables along each wall. In the centre of the room was a huge square funnel attached to a large mincing machine. We achieved 99.9% of our task by 6am on the Monday morning but had some minor jobs to finish that wouldn't affect production. At 6am around guys came into the room and loaded cut up animal carcasses on to the cutting tables followed by around 20 women pushing stainless steel trolleys. The trolleys were placed at right angles to the cutting tables and the women got to work. Basically the various cuts of meat were cut from the carcasses an placed on various trolley shelves according to what they were. All the time the women were throwing things over their shoulders into the funnel on the mincing machine. I won't list all the things that went into there but it included ears, tongues and sinews. Expecting it to be animal food, I asked the manager what the contents being minced up in the huge mincing machine would be used for. Sausages and minced beef etc. was the answer. Burgers weren't so popular in those days but I am absolutely sure the same meat will be used for them. I asked him what best mince was - his answer was 'less cr%p but still crap, we don't make that here, too much messing around. The actual meat used for animal food was parts cut off the carcasses on division which was minced up in a different room. I haven't touched a sausage since then and in my entire life, I've probably eaten less than 50 burgers. I eat less and less meat and what I do buy is easliy indentifiable as fillet, steak etc. That goes for beef, pork. chicken and any other meat. Yes, burgers and sausages etc. can taste great but that taste comes from the flavouring that's put in. They are also 'bulked up' using waste cereal products, breads etc. You're welcome to it mate but don't try to tell me to keep up - I'm fully 'kept up' - its you that puts cr%p in to your body. The prices speak for themselves.
  14. Do you have any idea of just exactly what they are allowed to call beef? Nobody in their right mind would grind up a beef stake and sell it to you for a tenth of the price - think about it.
  15. Its complete rubbish - if you want to eat rubbish, up to you. Mind you, Mcdonalds are very smart when you think about it - take all the rubbish bits of meat, much them all up, add flavouring, some fake chips and a coffee and persuade you to pay around £6 for it (UK). Smart - rubbish and chips £6! They could make excrement taste good with a little flavouring - probably include that anyway. Would you put rubbish petrol in your car?
  16. I may have asked this question before but I can't find it - getting old . I have 2 old Satnavs - 1 Garmin and 1 Tomtom. Garmin is a Nuvi 205 WT - can't find the Tomtom at the moment but its around 12 years old. They both have UK/Europe mapping installed. Garmin want almost as much as a new SatNav costs and are not clear on what is available for Thailand - could just be city maps. I haven't yet checked with Tomtom but I guess they are not much different. What I would like to do is install Thai mapping that works as if the device had been bought in Thailand. Is such a thing available at a not stupid price? I'd prefer genuine but I'm not stuck on that as long as it works and doesn't damage my device. Yes, I know I can use Google on my phone but I don't want that - someone always calls me at a crucial time when I'm trying to choose which of 18 lanes to choose in the middle of Bangkok at the same time as I'm trying to deal with mad Thai 'lane changing' drivers. And yes, I know a new or s/h Satnav is not that expensive but I already have these 2 devices and would like to put one of them to good use - there are far too many unused devices out there, not good for the planet. I believe that it may be possible to get such maps on something called a torrent??? Not familiar with these things, are they safe? Where and what are they?
  17. A little late - that information has already been provided.
  18. How do you know how long the power line had been down? I would however agree that the Thai authorities don't seem to do much, if anything, to stop repeats of this sort of thing. They also have far too many overhead lines, despite beginning to sink some - its taking woefully too long and instead of making it compulsory for lines to be underground on new developments, they are still being built with power supplies overhead. I suppose joined up thinking hasn't yet arrived in Thailand.
  19. Why not? We go to Thailand to find much younger girls.......................whoops, what have I said? I of course mean 'to see Temples and to learn about the culture'.
  20. He is actually correct. Several people have been killed by fallen power lines in the UK during recent storms. Another in Australia recently. Just google it.
  21. Has the woman in the photo got breasts, sorry envelope flaps, on her back?
  22. Nope, I have a lot of fun at parties - maybe because I don't make cheap quips based on an old fashioned understanding of a word. What's your problem, does someone pointing out your mistake hurt your feelings? Its nothing, don't let it bother you. Over & out.
  23. Not supporting any viewpoint but just to correct you - nobody, but nobody, gets a 'little shock' from overhead power lines. If you don't believe me, climb a pole and grab one.
  24. I think my point is quite clear, I was commenting on your mistaken understanding of the word, nothing else.
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