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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. You seem to have a problem understanding the English language - either that or seeing your posts online gives you a feeing of grandeur. I was previously accused of dodging questions and I've simply explained why I didn't reply for a couple of days. I have placed 2 people who I refuse to debate further with on ignore - however, even when somebody is on ignore - notifications that they have posted are still received. On the offchance that some of those posts were aimed at me, I explained why I had not responded. Nothing wrong with that and no need for you to poke your nose in. You can now join them.
  2. I get access to Qatar's business class lounges in Doha and I'm just a Gold Economy passenger.
  3. Not quite correct. If she is questioned on entry and ANY of the reasons for granting her a visa in the first place have changed, she may be denied entry. The reason would have to be a material change - which in this case I believe it is. The OP says acted as sponsor on the original application - if he sponsored her financially and now does not, that it is a material change. Also, if the stated purpose of the visit was to visit the sponsor and she is no longer in a relationship with him, that is another material change. The visa application is decided based upon the information given at the time, if that changes it can invalidate the visa. However in practice, the immigration officer at the port of entry is more likely to simply check that she left on time last time but she is taking a chance each time she enters.
  4. Not according to what I have been notified of. But if you are correct, then that's fine, I won't have been accused of dodging the questions as I was before - by someone who seemed to think he could demand immediate replies.
  5. How about bombing the areas they are told to go to? How does that work then?
  6. And you know that for a fact? Hamas terrorists don't always wear uniforms. Were any of the children who died today involved? To be justified, they would have to be killing the culprits. So by your 'justification' the 13 year old Palestinian girl who was killed yesterday, the one who's leg was blown off a month ago and both her parents killed - that was justified was it? But what the hell? They've killed a few thousand Hamas militants, its OK that around 18,000 civillians got in the way? Why should Egypt open the border? Why can't Israel let them out of the fence? What did I claim? I said he has come close, several times. There is no such thing. If civillians are present, the rules of engagement apply. What bias is that? I have stated several times that the killings on 7th October by Hamas were horrific. My bias is for life and for justice. I condemn all killing - either by state, terrorist or individual. As for the conflict in general, prior to 7th October my thoughts were that both sides needed a massive banging of heads. They both need to accept that they exist AND that they have a right to exist. Palestinians stating that they will not rest until the last Israeli is driven from the land is just pure stupid and ditto for similar thinking on the part of some Israelis. Pie in the sky maybe but without it, there will be no peace and no end to the killings on either side. However, I have read much about what has been going on over the last few years and I've also seen the news reports, heard Israel dragged over the coals at the UN for land grabbing. Are you aware of Israel's treatment of simple, ordinary Palestinians? That so called 'settlers' have been killing Palestinians very recently? Then there was Trump, he really stirred things up by moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem. In no way do I justify terrorist activity but I wonder what you or I would do in the face of an extremely well armed and powerful nation like Israel? What would we do if for years we'd had our land stolen and been pushed around, shot at, needed special permission for this and for that etc. etc. It not justification, but it is the reason. The 'occupied territory' is just that, occupied, occupied illegally by Israel since 1967 and they've been stealing more ever since but never moreso then under Netanyahu's watch. That will never lead to peace. Again, what can the Palestinians do about that? We may call them terrorists but neither of us has walked in their shoes. Sorry but your totally wrong on that one and clearly out of your depth. I have experience but rather than try pulling that one - just research military experts discussions of that - respected people with far more experience then me. Easy to find on Google. The recent escalation is a direct result of Netanyahu's ultra right wing policies. Just as the Palestinians are on the wrong planet if they think they can get rid of Israel, the same applies to the Israeli's. They have to find a solution, this has been going on for decades and all that happened is deaths. There will be some changes shortly after this conflict ends - Netanyahu's days were numbered before 7th October. If you get a moment, have a read of what the Israeli lawyer Daniel Seidemann has to say. I heard him on the radio yesterday and he makes a lot of sense. This link explains some of his thinking, I hope more like him can be found and peace can be brought to that troubled part of the world. Its s slim hope though. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/17/two-state-solution-would-mean-relocating-200000-settlers-says-israeli-lawyer-who-has-david-camerons-ear Do you not think that Israel's recent actions in Gaza will have almost certainly created a new generation of terrorists? I doubt you will give any serious consideration to any of the above but you should, if you believe in any kind of a balanced view. Some homework: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2017/06/israel-occupation-50-years-of-dispossession/
  7. Were Palestinian civillians responsible for kidnapping Israelis? Are you trying to use those images as an excuse for Israel's indiscriminate murdering of Palestinian women and children? Shame on you.
  8. I rarely name call but you.....well you're clearly mentally challenged. I will tell you one last time, then you're on ignore so post away, I won't see your posts. So...... I have told you many times , I am not a jew hater (or a gay hater as you childishly state in another thread). It is common knowledge that the Jewish vote is very influencial in the USA. Quite how anyone even someone with low intellect, can construe that as hating jews is beyond me. I've tried not to use big words because you clearly have difficulty with anything other than the most basic language - 'big fat lie' are you a juvenile? If you don't know the importance of jewish votes - I suggest you read the link I posted from an academic that has studied the subject for many years. Without looking back, I believe the writer, Gil Troy is a professor and has studied in Haifa - that's a city in Israel, just thought I'd let you know. I'll debate with anyone - anyone that is, who, when presented with the truth, accepts it and doesn't try to claim that black's white. What Israel is doing in Gaza at the moment is disgraceful. There is no justification for what they are doing - they can't state that they are trying to minimize collateral damage and then use 1000lb bombs. Bombs of that size do not take out specific targets, they flatten whole blocks (and yes, I do know what I'm talking about on that subject). Children are dying every day for what? Because a terrorist organisation commited attrocities on 7th October? Palestinian civillians did not commit that crime - Hamas did. What you will see in the coming years though, is that many of those Palestinian children will become terrorists and attack Israel. What would your feelings towards Israel be if as a 6 year old boy, you'd seen your entire family wiped out in front of you. How would you feel if, along with that you were subjected to 24/7 bombing? No water, no sanitation, no food, no electricity. Netanyahu has come very close on several occasions to stating that he wishes to exterminate the entire Palestinian population. It is my belief, that if he had a free rein and wasn't concerned about losing US support, that is exactly what he would do. How many times has Israel told the Palestinians to move to one area, then bombed that area? Just to be clear to you and your buddy.......it is my opinion that what Israel is doing now, is nothing short of Genocide. People are not allowed to leave Gaza and they are being bombed - its like a bloody Turkey shoot, only it not a game, its real people that are being killed. Tell me this, why won't Israel allow independent observers in to Gaza? If the are behaving lawfully, what have they to fear? Its not even their damned land to deny people access to!! On the subject of the 3 Israelis that you say were shot by 'mistake' - just examine the reports will you. In no way was that a mistake. The rules of engagement, something I expect you know sod all about are very clear on how soldiers should behave in civillian areas. Can Israeli eyes not see a white flag? I repeat, the only reason we know about what happened is because they were Israelis. The very same thing will, I have no doubt, have happened hundreds of times but the victims will have been Palestinians - so that's alright then eh? Post away now, you're on ignore. I neither wish to nor do I have time to, debate with a blinkered lunatic that continually calls me a hater of one sort or another and ignores the facts. I prefer talking to adults.
  9. Should I be worried? I'm going to work bud, post away. In the meantime, here's a little something to help your understanding - something Israel agrees with and seems proud of. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/05/middleeast/israel-hamas-military-civilian-ratio-killed-intl-hnk/index.html Note, the report is from 6 December. Enjoy your day.
  10. It was an absolute opinion. Don't even dare tell me what I mean when I write. I never lie and I ain't about to start.
  11. please let me know who's figures you will believe and I'll do my best to provide them. I suspect though, that you will simply pick through anything. What is a fact is that thousands of people, people who had nothing to do with the 7th October attack, are being killed and their homes and cities destroyed.
  12. Given the news reports, many by the BBC which verify everything they report or state otherwise, are you suggesting that just a handful of people have been killed? The videos and photos would suggest a picture of utter devastation. Finished picking yet?
  13. I did not deliberately miss out the number of terrorists. I have no idea how many died. 10 thousand, twenty thousand - what does it matter, they are huge figures.
  14. Eh? what are you on about, read the correct post.
  15. The opinon of a media outlet which is at odds with the dictionary meaning. 1 Israeli dead is too many - as is 1 Palestinian. May I remind you that this is not a competition, people are dying as we type. The figures are huge, no matter which source you use.
  16. Listen, if you think I'm going to be baited by your stupid questions and comments, you're wrong - enough of that with the other idiot. The facts here, in this particular part of the discussion is that Israel shot and killed 3 unarmed men who were waving white flags. End of.
  17. I have no said they haven't. Indeed, if you get to one of my later posts you will see that I mention that both sides will be the subject of an investigation by the ICC.
  18. Given that just about everything I've written has been the subject of countless news reports recently, I didn't see the need to reference what I consider to be common knowledge. I will be leaving shortly but if there's something specific you wish to be referenced, I'd be happy to when I have time - however, I'm at work for 4 days solid now.
  19. I have already shown that deviant is not a slur - it is the correct name for homosexual sexual behaviour. I have never suggested that gay's are less than human - just that some form of fault causes them to be attracted to the same sex. Its not a choice, its a fault. Nothing like hate speech - my opinion on a subject raised by the OP. I do not have to watch gay activity on TV and I shouldn't have to, it makes me feel ill. I believe that I have a perfect right not to be subjected to gay activity and that TV shows etc. have a duty to issue a warning as they do with other things that may offend. Yes, offend, that's the word. Gay activity offends me but I don't in any way hate gay people - I just don't want to see gay sexual activity. You on the other hand, may wish to see such things, that is your choice. We both have choices or we should have - on the rare occasions that I watch TV these days, it seems pretty hard to avoid gay activity of some sort - its even on adverts. So, if you have some factual comments to make, feel free to make them - don't tell me what I am based on your own deviant views. That is views that deviate from the norm by the way. Not that you even accept the existence of a norm.
  20. Remember this, many of the IDF's soldiers are conscripts and its possible that just as there are dissenting voices in the Israeli civillian population, once this is over, any potential dissenters in the armed forces may well tell the story of what actually went on. I've heard it said that the numbers of civiallians being killed in this conflict is way out of proportion with that in other recent wars. Traps are something a soldier has to deal with and that cannot be by simply killing anyone suspected of trying to trap them - otherwise that excuse could be applied to just about any situation involving civillians. Should they shoot and kill an apparently injured child for example, in the fear that she might be concealing an explosive device? Whatever, there will I suggest, be an investigation into the actions of both Hamas and the IDF carried out by the International Criminal Court into war crimes. Based on the reports that I've seen on both UK and Israeli TV, the evidence in the case of the 3 young men killed would strongly suggest that war crimes were committed - evidence that I am yet to see Israel deny, only their conclusion is different. There is a case to answer for breaking the standard rules of engagement and for the unlawful killing of unarmed civillians. A soldier cannot engage as an enemy, anyone who does not present an immediate threat to either human life or infrastructure unless otherwise ordered to do so by an officer he is subordinate to - even then, he/she is on thin ice. In that case, responsibility for any crime committed partially passes to that officer. Given the reported facts, it may be possible for a soldier to claim some form of mistake for shooting the first two men (doubtful) but the third young man who went inside a building and then called out in Hebrew?? Not a hope. The first mistake, if indeed it was a mistake, or the possibility of a mistake would by then be clear and the second man should have been told to come out with his hands up. The fundamental point here is that a white flag was being waved. That is an internationally recognised sign of surrender and I don't see how any soldier could argue his/her way out of that. There are agreed ways of dealing with both civillians and opposing forces displaying a white flag - methods designed to give the dominant force protection. The sheer amount of Palestinian deaths points towards an indiscriminate bombing of clearly civillian areas, schools and hospitals - again illegal. Israel's claims that Hamas hides in such places have not been backed up by convincing evidence. From sympathy over the 7th October Massacre - support for Israel has fallen drastically across the world - if not by governments, by the people. Here in the UK the government has failed to outrightly condemn the actions of Israel in this matter but recent polls show the public strongly against Israel's clearly indiscriminate bombing of Gaza. The place is just a wasteland - even the worst photos and videos from Ukraine don't show such utter devastation.
  21. This might explain things to you: https://rudermanfoundation.org/white_papers/the-jewish-vote
political-power-and-identity-in-us-elections/ Its common knowledge and not something that politicians of any flavour tend to ignore. And once again, just in case you are having problems with your understanding mechanism..........I am not a jew hater. I don't give a damn about anyone's religion, what is wrong with you? Do you have a problem with English of are you just another 'selective reader'........doesn't wash with me mate. Way above your station. As I have explained at least twice, I was simply trying to explain the influence of the jewish vote on US government policy.
  22. OK, I was speaking figuratively but it is well known that all US governments rely heavily on the jewish vote. This has been reported on for years by all sides and is why the US would never stop funding Israel etc etc. That was well known before the current conflict began - all US Presidents have had to pay much attention to the jewish vote.
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