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Everything posted by MangoKorat

  1. Its interesting that through the correct use of language, I am accused of commiting slurs and called a bigot. That, when I have repeatedly stated that I am pro gay rights. I think those who say I'm using slurs might want to consider the use of the term bigot! Sort of takes the wind out of your sails. I repeat, learn to live with your faults, deviations or whatever you wish to call them - anything other than male/female relationships is not normal, is a deviation from the norm and the result of a fault. It is not a choice, you don't just wake up one day and feel gay, you either are or you aren't - or additinally may be bi. Either way it does not follow the norm and you need to live with that. Good evening.
  2. Do you think I'm so stupid that I would fall for that one? Homosexual means homosexual - be that a man or a woman.
  3. Nope, just stating facts. That you can't live with those facts is your problem.
  4. If you held a general vote I think you would find that you are very wrong. It may be what you want, its not what 'normal' people want.
  5. Says who? Accepted by who? Gays? It may happen, that does not make it acceptable.
  6. Same - homosexual applies to both male and female.
  7. No matter what an unofficial encyclopedia may say. The Oxford Dictionary and other similar productions are the official standard. They are the standard to which I was both taught and apply. The fact that you wish to twist English to your own meaning is a fault in your knowledge. Calling me something which I certainly am not, has no effect on my use of language. Have a nice evening.
  8. Well you would say that, wouldn't you? You just can't accept that you are not normal. Its not enough that many countries have brought forward gay rights, you will not rest until you achieve 'normality' - well you're not gonna get much rest then. Accept your lot in life.
  9. Slurs? Deviant? I am simply using the English language as intended: deviant /ˈdiːvɪənt/ adjective adjective: deviant departing from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behaviour. "deviant behaviour" Oxford English Dictionary
  10. This is the sad part about treating homosexuals equally and giving them equal rights (to which they are entitled). It started with gay and lesbian - now we have people who don't want us to use any form of gender recognition when addressing them. A man can now state that he identifies as a homosexual horse if he so wishes - world's gone mad. I guess it should have been obvious that in accepting they have equal rights, we would then be expected to treat them as normal. Normal, a word that all those who deviate from the norm hate. Why not celebrate your differences instead of fighting against something that's obvious? Just don't celebrate them in front of me - or do I not have any rights now?
  11. Why not just have a Gay Channel? Why force us to watch deviant behaviour?
  12. Then you should read my posts fully instead of selecting that parts you don't want to live with. A 'bigot' would not support gay rights, gay marriage or anything like that. I simply do not want to see gay behaviour. Stick to your communities.
  13. Given the major advances in gay rights etc. over the last 25 years or so - and righfully so. I find it interesting that normal people are now expected to accept and even view homosexual behaviour - even regard it as normal.
  14. It has everything to do with it. Homosexuality is a deviation.
  15. I knew this was coming, read my post properly. Whilst I am aware of homosexual behaviour in species other that humans, I am yet to learn of any that are able to procreate. Your statement that gay behaviour is normal but less frequent is somewhat of an oxymoron.
  16. Actually not. The fact that you are gay does not make you normal or that you form part of the majority. Things that may not be distasteful to you, are to a hell of a lot of people. Warnings are given before certain types of things such as extreme violence are shown on TV - I don't see what the problem is with warning about homosexual acts. Its time that gays and other deviants accepted that they are not normal, mainstream or anywhere near in the majority. That is in no way meant to state that they are less than equal in terms of rights - they certainly are eligible to the same rights as everyone else. However, homosexual behaviour is not what the majority of people want to see. There are, I am sure, plenty of opportunities to see such behaviour, if you so wish, within your own community and that is fine........for you. Ridiculous to state that I should research the content of TV shows - because of a minority??? No way! The TV companies have actually lost out because of their 'inclusive thinking'. Whilst they have lost a lot of viewers to streaming etc. many others have stopped watching programmes because of their gay content. I know I have and I also know of others who have done the same. As a gay, homosexual behaviour may be normal and acceptable to you, it is not to the vast majoirty of people. Just as we are asked to accept you, you need to accept your differences.
  17. Totally wrong, if you want gay TV, that's fine for you - talk to the TV and media companies. Just as gays have rights, I have a right not to see acts that make me feel ill. People should have a choice.
  18. You know very well what normal is in terms of sexuality. I used to have this argument with my brother who is gay. Normal is as nature intended for procreation - male & female. That there are deviations from normal is without doubt but that does not lessen the meaning of 'normal'.
  19. No its not 'good that we see this'. I am not anti gay and in fact support most 'gay rights' but the sight of 2 blokes kissing makes me want to puke - on TV or in real. Its just how I'm made, its not a voluntary action. I am fully aware of homosexuality, I just don't want to see it. I wouldn't go into a gay bar for that very reason, why should I have to see it on TV? Other than a peck on the cheek, I also don't think its necessary for hetrosexual couples to be kissing in public or on TV either. I think that TV/Media have neglected the fact that homosexual people exist in our society for so long that they now think they have to make up for it but it seems to me that the proportion of 'gayness' on TV and in the Media is far greater than the reality. Perhaps there should be a 'gay' warning before a TV programme containing gay acts starts, giving those of us that don't like it to switch off. Better that its not shown at all though - not necessary.
  20. Agreed, they don't even like giving you 60 days WITH your wife and will try for 30 unless you state what you want.
  21. Missed those 2. 1. Yes there are - or at least that's how they behave. 2. That depends on how much an employee is worth. I used to have no problem at all in paying my staff different rates. Two of my mechanics for example - both were excellent at their job but one was faster than the other, earned me more so I paid him more. The other wasn't bothered and didn't exactly work slowly but he consistently made me less. Their basic pay was the same but they had the opportunity to earn more through bonuses. The faster one regularly made 50 or more chargeable hours per week from 40 actual and no comebacks.
  22. Most of the Thai's I know that work in factories work 10 hours per day but in any case, let's not fight over 7.5 baht. Then that capitalist needs to wake up and discover the facts (documented from research in other countries) - in many positions, there can in advantages in employing older people. https://ageing-better.org.uk/blogs/older-workers-are-solution-not-cause-uks-productivity-problem https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33612506/ https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20191112-how-the-elderly-can-reinvigorate-the-workforce Not all capitalists are greedy but there are certainly some and possibly the percentage that are is quite high in Thailand - its not the worst country though. However, it is often found that low pay goes hand in hand with serious health and safety issues. In any case, I'm ouuta here now.
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