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Kinok Farang

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Everything posted by Kinok Farang

  1. No such thing as a bad dog,just bad owners. I have had a pitbull since he was a pup and he's only bitten me 5 or 6 times.Each time it was my fault.
  2. No wonder you are Bamboozled.Hope you had a beer to celebrate after that.To me that sounded harder than a day at work and i worked in construction.
  3. Open manholes galore near where i live.Some covered over with overgrown grass.Surprised a lot more people especially kiddies don't end up in one.
  4. Paranoia is a dreadful illness. Always think the worst outcome and nobody can persuade you otherwise.
  5. Bet you are a fun guy.
  6. Stood in some nettles. Much ado about nothing.
  7. Talked to a young Thai on Dongtan beach a couple of years ago.He pointed 3 or 4 farangs out that he took into the sea for a quick flick. If he's still doing that for a living the jellyfish would be bad for business.
  8. Mum always said "if you can't say anything nice,don't say anything at all"
  9. Sorry mate,i didn't realise you were talking from the landlords point of view.Seems like you have a fair decent business there.Nice one.
  10. But maybe he was writing about Bangkok.
  11. Common knowledge but of course it has never happened to you has it?
  12. How very modern.An Aseannow feminist.
  13. Any women are better than the American version.
  14. Thanks,both you and MarcelV have made me feel a bit more confident of visiting the southern provinces.
  15. I have stayed in 74 of Thailands 77 provinces. My OCD is begging me to complete the final 3 which are Yala,Pattani and Narathiwat but Fuuck that.
  16. Thanks for the advice but obviously you are much more tech savvy than me.To me any system that involves phones,cards or qr codes can go wrong. Gonna stick with cash as long as they allow me,cheers.
  17. Well,are you going to tell us?
  18. Watched the police on Theprasit rd.They let helmetless and 4 on a bike Thais sail through because they had spotted a blond haired rider without a helmet in the distance.Sure enough they pulled the Russian lady in. Guaranteed money!
  19. Common courtesy and the reactions of the guilty parties is priceless.Always a big smile and a thank you wave.Feelgood and reminds us why we are here in the first place.
  20. Just get rid of the Chinese,Ruskies,Indians and Arabs with a few Yanks thrown in. Then Patts will be back to what it was and the reason a lot of us moved here.
  21. I always stare dogs down when i'm out walking and i have only been bitten twice. I've only been here a week though.
  22. If over the years paying with your phone was the norm and a man invented something called cash to pay with the general public would all rush to pay this much more convenient way.
  23. Last time i was in the UK i used the "just tap your debit card" method.Even for a technophobe it was a doddle.Now if we could use this method in LOS it would be great but until that happens cash is still king.
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