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Kinok Farang

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Everything posted by Kinok Farang

  1. What a nob!
  2. Cold turkey for any drug is for heroes,crazy heroes. My Doc stressed i should never even consider it. My drug was alcohol and the only way is taper.
  3. Excellent advice.The same advice my Doc gave me.I'm an alki. Good luck.
  4. Most people aren't perfect "like you" though. I love me,who do you love?
  5. This is a disaster waiting to happen. Gonna be as bad as waiting behind an empty head at Big C paying with her phone.
  6. Very witty,congratulations.Haha.
  7. Bar girls who go fat are not looking after their tools of the trade.Lazy and selfish and so stupid to prefer stuffing their fat faces over making money and meeting a potential husband.
  8. I'm afraid that's how we differ.
  9. Up to now English people,have not joined in with the stabbings,muggings and rapes that your cultural enrichment has given us.
  10. Used to drink and drive but now limit myself to 6 or 7 big bottles of Chang.
  11. But even sadder that some people didn't have the brains to understand that the original poster was only having a laugh.
  12. At least the courts gave Tommy one last message to give to the dinghy dross.
  13. Meanwhile,labour councillor Ricky Jones is free to walk the streets because all he did was say that "all right wing people should have their throats slit" Go figure. By the way Ricky Jones is black. Nearly forgot about the pissed up labour MP knocking a man to the ground.Do you think this cretin Mike Amesbury should be jailed too?
  14. We keep being told that then just yesterday a Swiss lady was stabbed to death in front of her 3 kids in Algeria. And yes the barbaric lunatic was shouting "alluhu akbar"
  15. Where they can legally stick a finger up your arse.
  16. That is the biggest load of bxxlocks i've ever seen.
  17. Don't you mean "one of the MANY" giving Muslims a bad name?
  18. Excuse me,i'm not fat.
  19. Hahaha,the great escape. I eventually managed to escape too but it took some doing.
  20. Cut him some slack.This is one of his favourite subjects.Everyone should know he is a jerk by now.
  21. Western women are obnoxious too.
  22. Where did you spot me?
  23. We've all had a gf like this haven't we? No? just me then.
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