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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. Palestinians could have accepted Israel's right to exist and agreed to a two state solution when they were offered it , but they declined that offer and wanted the whole Country for themselves , they have been trying to eradicate Israel ever since , that is why they are being treated "badly"
  2. You are seriously saying that Western guys in Pattaya have morals !!!!!!!! They only reason that go there is to act immorally .
  3. Christians are talking over Asia , The place I stayed in Jomtien Pattaya was full of them
  4. The buying a ladys drink and groping is to make sure they have the correct genitals you think they have , the bar fine comes after those checks have been carried out
  5. The suggestion was what Biden "probably" thought . It wasn't stated as a definite , just a probability , so not a "mind reading" attempt
  6. Why didn't Biden stand to one side of the stage or stand in the audience or if Biden didn't want to make a distraction , why did he attend the event ?? You are making excuses for his behaviour
  7. The London Muslim population is about 15 % and no one London borough has a majority Muslim population , so no London borough has a 50 % Muslim population
  8. She'd just gotton out the shower and there was a knock at the door and she answered the door just in her towel and it was the pizza delivery Man , as she went to take the pizza, her towel fell off and then she went to get her purse and get the money for her pizza , she walked naked to get her purse and when she came back to pay , she dropped her purse and bent down to pick it up . It was then the Thai immigration arrived and I thought that it was part of the film plot
  9. You don't seem to have asked me that question , I have looked back through this thread and you haven't asked me a question and I have looked on my notifications list and you don't seem to have replied to me before , let alone asking me a question . The reason why I have "declined" to answer your question, is because you haven't asked me a question .
  10. Isn't 100 Baht of that the cost of the drink and the grope is the other 50 Baht ?
  11. Update French state schools turn away dozens of girls wearing Muslim abaya dress The French education minister has said that nearly 300 pupils arrived at school on Monday wearing the abaya, the long Muslim robe which was banned in schools last week. Most of the girls agreed to change into other clothes. According to official figures, 298 girls - mainly aged 15 or more - turned up at school in the banned garment. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-66716533
  12. I prefer to spend my money on other things, rather than paying people to be with me , yes there are people from all Countries that need to pay for company , I just personally prefer to do other things . I do know quite a few prostitutes in real life and I can just go and visit them , if I want to talk to them , but I just get tired of the false façade and lies and attempts at "laugh-a-minute" where everything's a joke and funny
  13. Its the USA provoking North Korea with their war games . Its not North Korea sailing around the USA practicing an invasion of the USA . North Korea are responding to the USA's provocation
  14. Here's a link here Provisional data from 2021 show that overall life expectancy across all racial/ethnic groups was 76.1 years (Figure 14). Life expectancy for Black people was only 70.8 years compared to 76.4 years for White people and 77.7 years for Hispanic people. https://www.kff.org/racial-equity-and-health-policy/report/key-data-on-health-and-health-care-by-race-and-ethnicity/#:~:text=Provisional data from 2021 show,77.7 years for Hispanic people.
  15. The figure that I gave WAS for White people (Life expectancy for Black people is 70 years old and for Hispanics its 77 years old)
  16. The question was about supporting the rule of law , and breaking windows because you disagree with a legal verdict is indeed against the law and breaking windows isnt supporting the rule of law
  17. I think that its hilarious and it doesn't bother me at all . Older men giving young females a few $ so they can grope them ???? Reminds me of when I was at school , some girls would let you squeeze their breasts if you bought them an ice cream
  18. You are giving him to much accolade . More like " I love Thailand because I can go into bars and grope females for the equivalent of 1 Pound 20 pence " Imagine going into a bar in the UK and saying to a woman there "If I buy you an expensive drink , can I touch your breasts and put my finger inside your ............."Go on, i'll give you 1 Pound 20 P"
  19. I didn't mean YOU personally, I was referring to the Democrats who rioted after the Rittenhouse verdict !!!!!!!!! Rioting in the US as Kyle Rittenhouse verdict divides nation https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/president-biden-kyle-rittenhouse-angry-not-guilty-riots-protest-portland-b967323.html (Cannot make the letters smaller )
  20. Do you still believe in the rule of law if a Court decision goes against your preferences . Like in the Kyle Rittenhouse case , did you support the rule of law when he got a not guilty verdict ? Do you believe in the rule of law only when it suits you ?
  21. What do you get in return for buying the D.J a drink ? Do you get a finger in the date or a squirrel hug ?
  22. Thing is , you start to imagine what they mean and sometime your imagination is wrong ? I thought that "finger in the date" was slang for vaginal/anal penetration with the finger Was I correct about that or did I completely miss the point ? And you get that service for paying an extra 50 baht for the ladys drink
  23. Its 2023 now, Biden is now POTUS . Biden has sent his military to the Korean peninsula to practice invading North Korea and Kim has responded by firing mock nuclear weapons Should the USA continue provoking North Korea by playing war games in the region ?
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