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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. This whole attack was a failure and a defeat for Israel , failure on all fronts . Mossad, IDF , every aspect was a failure . Israel's invincibility and strength has also now being questioned and huge weaknesses have been exposed . It was a unanimous defeat for Israel on all fronts , Israel doesn't want to publicise the photos of the atrocities caused by Hamas because its just publicising how much of a failure they were and how the Israeli Government failed its people. Israel just showed the photos to those that need to know , so they realise the extent of Israels response
  2. I admitted that I was wrong, (as I always am happy to do on the vary rare occasions that it happens) I publicly admitted that I was wrong and offered an apology. Do you also have the humility to do likewise ? Will you now be like me and maker an apology when you are wrong and also apologise for calling me a "Clown"? You claimed that "Don’t expect a response from these clowns admitting that they are wrong in this particular instance" I responded and admitted that I was wrong and offered an apology , lets see whether you do likewise and you admit that you were wrong and offer an apology .
  3. As there are no Jews in Gaza , I thought that you were referring to life in Israel . I thought that you were comparing Israeli Jews to Israeli Muslims in Israel , maybe you should have just written Gazians instead of non Jews
  4. Israel was already a Country when Folke died They didn't give Israel statehood because the U.N Mediator (Folke) was killed , because Israel was already a Country at that time of his death
  5. Are you seriously suggesting that Non Jews get treated like that in Israel ?
  6. Ah, thats where I misread . I mistakenly read it as THE UN welcomed Israel as a *Country* 8 months after Israeli terrorists had murdered the UN mediator. Rewarding terrorists with their own state, i.e creating a terrorist state, has proven to be not a good policy. Just for the record, so you disagree with Palestinians terror tactics in trying to get statehood ?
  7. You would date a 75 year old woman if she only charged 200 Baht
  8. Oh I see , you were talking about Israel's entry into the U.N , Israel joining the U.N. We had just previously been discussing the U.N.s vote to establish the state of Israel and I then quickly read your post and thought we were still talking about the U.N's vote on the creation of Israel rather than Israeli joining the U.N I misread your post and I appreciate your pointing out where I was mistaken , nice that you remained civil without resorting to any personal abuse
  9. The Holocaust again ? Jews being killed seems to be a favourite subject of yours
  10. How many Thais do you know was my questions, also, where did you meet them ?
  11. How many Thais do you know and where do you know them from ?
  12. Not all Thai people are poor , some Thais are quite rich
  13. They used tanks and helicopters to fight against the Palestinians
  14. Are you aware that this thread is about Palestinians invading Israel at murdering 1200 Israelis and foreigners , Men, Woman and Children ? Is that what you mean by "Israeli aggression" ? Its Israel neighbours that do not accept Israel's right to exist and are the aggressors . Like , Syria , Saudi Arabia , Turkiye Egypt and Iraq are upset about Israeli aggression ? Those aren't exactly peaceful non violent non aggressive Countries, are they ?
  15. There were also many armed Israelis who were killed by Hamas in the invasion
  16. Just got a London-BKK return flight for 590 Quid with a free date change
  17. I am abroad at the moment, so I will not be in , I wont be back home until the New Year , my friend is staying around my place at the moment, if you want to go around there and talk to him about the offer
  18. For the 1000 time in this thread , Palestinians do not want to share the land and I cannot be bother to write yet again about Palestinians rejecting their own Country in 1948
  19. The mediator in question was Folke Bernadotte and he was assassinated after Israel came into being . Israel the Country came first , Folke was then assassinated by the Lehi gang . After the Folke assassination, the Israeli Movement classified Lehi as a terror organisation and the group members were arrested and jailed . The reality is rather different to the story that you told
  20. It does get rather tiring going back to basics every few pages , explaining to some people that Jews didn't originate in Eastern Europe and they didn't decide to move to Israel after WW2 because the climate was warmer . "Shalom Avi, these Polish winters are freezing cold , lets move somewhere a bit warmer , that Palestine place looks nice and hot , lets retire and live there *
  21. It was a basic history lesson for beginners , which you really should familiarise yourself with before joining in with the discussion .
  22. I wasn't even born centuries ago, so I suppose what you say is technically correct . Although the Temple of David has always been the most (and only ) sacred site for Jews , the land was taken by various different peoples and Jews banished from their land . Palestinians are the latest peoples who want to banish Jews from their land and keep it for themselves .
  23. Study some history before making ignorant comments or even just read this thread . The Jewish Temple of David in Jerusalem was built by Jews over 3000 years ago and Jews have lived there constantly since then , Islam came along some 1600 years later .
  24. Brits didn't want to be there if the first place , they acquired the land when the Ottoman empire fell and Brits were left holding the land , then World War 2 came and when that finished, the Brits just wanted to go home . Israel gained statehood through the U.N voting for it , Israel didn't gain statehood through military action against the Brits. The Brits just wanted to go home after WW2
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