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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. He did make that claim This is the claim he made "The Sinai was never part of modern Israel, and they lost it in the last Egyptian campaign anyway." "They" being Israel , "lost it" was about the Sinai and he claimed that Israel lost the Sinai in the last Egyptian campaign The reality is that Israel gave back the Sinai in the 1979 peace deal with Egypt
  2. This is a conversation about the current war between Israel and Hamas , really don't need to keep hearing Americans going on about "They sunk our boat in 1967"
  3. Then Israel fought back and won the war and kept the Sinai TBL's claim was that Egypt won the war and gained the Sinai back, which just didn't happen .
  4. You really should read all the posts in the thread , the thread title seems to be incorrect
  5. You make a false claim which you cannot back up .
  6. Which war was that ? Which war did Egypt overwhelm the Israelis in the Sinai
  7. I do believe that its considered to be far right Neo Nazi Anti Semitic to label Jews as being like Adolf Hitler . But lets not go down that road and stay on topic , as Anti Israelis seem to keep going on about Hitler all the time
  8. Its quite acceptable to disagree with him if you want and you can liken him to anyone in history, anyone apart from Adolf Hitler . Gengis Khan , Pol Pot, Julius Ceaser , Putin, Kim Jong Ill , Saddam Hussein Try to think of someone else, other than Adolf Hitler for a comparison
  9. You have no idea what you are talking about . Israel gave back the Sinai to Egypt when the two Countries signed a peace deal in 1979 The peace treaty between Egypt and Israel was signed 16 months after Egyptian president Anwar Sadat's visit to Israel in 1977, after intense negotiations. The main features of the treaty were mutual recognition, cessation of the state of war that had existed since the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, normalization of relations and the withdrawal by Israel of its armed forces and civilians from the Sinai Peninsula, which Israel had captured during the Six-Day War in 1967. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egypt–Israel_peace_treaty
  10. Israel gave back the Sinai to Egypt , and Jordon, who previously ruled the West Bank , said they didn't want the West Bank back , so the West Bank was vacant land because the Jordanians didn't want it back again
  11. Is that when Egypt, Syria, Jordon and Lebanon all invaded Israel simultaneously on the same day and Israel fought them all off and found themselves ruling the West bank , Sinai and Golan heights ?
  12. This is what was reported from inside a Israeli bomb shelter where they were hiding
  13. One more victim identified . The lower photo is of her in the back on a truck after being murdered and her copse being desecrated and spat upon whist they were shouting "Allah Ahkbar" . She was attending a musical peace festival when she got taken
  14. Egyptian authorities do like wise , they also have a closed border with Gaza , so the Egyptians are also committing genocide ?
  15. That "Genocide " isn't going too well is it . Many Countries have a declining population and the Palestinians have an increasing population https://www.ceicdata.com/en/indicator/palestinian-territory-occupied/population
  16. Palestinians launched an attack on Israel with the intention of killing as many Israelis as possible and that equates to Israel committing genocide of the Palestinians ?
  17. Palestinians bombing the power station that supplied Gaza with electricity was the cause of Gaza having their electricity cut off
  18. That case has been referred to to the International Criminal Court for Judgement , will the current Palestinian murders also be judged by the I.C.C ?
  19. Neither side is being held accountable , so its a free for all fight . No Queensbury rules in the Middle East
  20. When will Hamas be held accountable for their violations of international law ? They cannot really complain if Israel responds to war crimes committed by the Palestinians , if no ones going to hold them to accountable for their actions . Palestinians murdered Israeli citizens , Woman and Children included , they cannot complain about any response to their war crimes
  21. So the Palestinians invading Israel to acquire land is illegal under international law ? How about the war crimes committed by the Palestinian invaders ? Shooting and killing unarmed civilians is a war crime .
  22. "Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu tells Gaza residents to “GET OUT NOW” as he vows to use all IDF capabilities to destroy Hamas. “We will win this war, but the price will be unbearably heavy. Hamas wants to murder us all,” Netanyahu said. “Murdering children and mothers in their homes, in their beds. It is an enemy that kidnaps elderly people, children, young girls.” “What happened today has never been seen before in Israel and I will ensure it never happens again. The entire government supports this decision. The IDF will immediately use all its power to destroy Hamas’s capabilities.” “We will fight them to the bitter end and avenge this black day they plotted for Israel and its people.” Lots of Israeli tanks filmed en route to Gaza
  23. Do you know which river they mean in that slogan ?
  24. Thats the Palestinians who want that
  25. Netanyahu deliberately left the gates unlocked , sent the soldiers home for Shabbat and then gave Hamas a call and invited them over ?
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