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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. It's common sense that Hamas can't be defeated without troops on the ground (duh), but the bigger question is whether Hamas can be defeated at all.
  2. Considering that the U.S. got their prediction of a terrorist attack in Moscow at a concert proved to be correct even though Putin didn't listen, suggests people should listen. This is such a wide warning though geographically.
  3. How about the people that don't like it, just don't use it? Like tobacco and alchohol. Sorted.
  4. Begging for votes? It's called campaigning. Yes he has lots to offer. Yes Trump is a very bad man. He's a fascist and an ally of Putin. Next ...
  5. So you're saying no slot machines, free drinks, or world class entertainment.
  6. It causes paranoia in some people. If so, then stop. It's not physically addictive after all You can't die of a THC overdose. Like anything else, how about treating people as flippin' adults?!?
  7. That's too bad because if Trump doesn't weasel out with insane demands, then Joe shows.
  8. What's Las Vegas about it? Lots of hookers?
  9. Personally I think it's premature to get into speculation about what the debates will be like as Trump is backtracking on agreeing to them. Don't assume they will ever happen at all.
  10. So the Israelis are holding innocent toddlers and elderly Arab holocaust survivors?
  11. I'm more hawkish than you influenced by reality. Neither side wants a two state solution. October 7 terrorists went after the most PEACENIK segments of the Israeli public. Trust in Palestinians has been killed completely for generations. Yes it was already bad but now it is totally gone. Israel cannot and will not agree to a two state solution. They will correctly see that as a way for the Arab side to consolidate their military for their real and clear goal -- totally wiping out Israel. No other sovereign state would voluntary agree to designing their own national suicide. Why does much of the world expect the one tiny Jewish nation to do what they would never do?
  12. To Palestinians, that's all of Israel, so nice try, no cigar. I agree two states can't work but neither can one state as you've described.
  13. Based on my family history I have strong reasons to hate Ukraine. But that was then. This is now. MUGA MUGA MUGA!
  14. For anyone else interested in US urban places (from entire big cities to specific neighborhoods in car dependent cities, etc.) I highly recommend CityNerd. CityNerd - YouTube
  15. Yes I agree. Going with the no car thing, I would be looking at higher level cities such as Philly, Pittsburgh, Athens GA, etc. Are those B cities? The idea is pretty simple and it makes sense. Money saved on not having a car can be used to pay higher rent in a better city with more amenities in a non car dependent area. Also beyond the economics I don't actually want to deal with.a car. I realize that isn't typically American and that most places in the US don't allow that.
  16. Don't assume these debates will happen. Trump is already weaseling.
  17. Trump is now demanding a drug test for the debates. Biden should counter with a demand for penile mushroom shape inspection and smell test.
  18. Thanks for your long and strong comment. I will respond. I don't want to repatriate. It's a last resort for me. If I ever need to leave Thailand I would prefer being an expat elsewhere. Yes my current setup.would be impossible to match in the US without spending five or ten times more. I completely agree repatriation would be a massive reverse culture shock in my case fraught with risk. As far as one way trips heck all of us are on one way trips in the macro sense. If you're saying I could never leave if I wanted to well maybe if I spent my nestegg and went into debt. I am not totally averse to colder places but I'd rather not. I would very much prioritize places where a car is not needed. Colder examples, Madison WI Milwaukie Wi Yes Chicago Erie PA but car needed For some reason the twin cities don't Interest me. Not as cold but Philadelphia and Pittsburgh interest me a lot. Philly is better as far as transport and culture and being on.the DC NYC corridor but Pittsburgh is cheaper. I have ruled out the west coast and southwest. A place being a gay mecca doesn’t matter to me but yeah better to avoid very red very homophobic areas like Alabama. I think Athens GA would be fine. I agree it's good to be in a place with social services. As mentioned I see getting into a decent senior HUD building to be a possible long term path. In that case eveh more experience urban areas such as Atlanta become more attractive. Senior HUD housing would mean paying one third of my ss check for rent. There are very long waiting lists for such places. Warmer areas? Well maybe Memphis cheap housing but need a car and more moderate than the north St Louis without a car. I get the feeling that understandably you assume I'm much poorer than I actually am. My only income is a lower than average social security check but I also have a not too shabby nest egg. Of course I'm not going to say how much but it's less than a million not even close but enough to have some level of choices.
  19. The pro Hamas campus protests do get a lot of press but interestingly the issue is way down on the list of priorities for young American voters. The percentage of students actually participating is tiny. The Israel-Hamas war may not be as important to Gen Z in the upcoming election as recent media coverage would portray | E2024 | laloyolan.com
  20. Oh, that's really sad. Seems like a normal thing for a teen to try. I'm a chile head myself but once went for a suicide level Korean dish (I was made to sign a legal waiver) and actually did get sick (stomach pain) from it. So there are limits even for chile heads.
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