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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. He will achieve DAMAGE. The only question is whether it will be reversible.
  2. Cool. That has the IRS forms for Americans W9 and W8BEN but I don't see the most important one, the CRS form for all.
  3. Here comes the pain. Trump sees his fans as suckers and marks. He cares NOTHING about them. Now as a lame duck he doesn't even need their votes anymore. His real constituency is his own fat ass and the oligarchs.
  4. Canadians -- I am very very sorry sorry that my lame duck criminal "president" elect is such a crass demagogic troll. You are not a U.S. state rather you are a sovereign nation and Trudeau like him or not, is your PM, not a governor of a U.S. state. Sounds like we're living in an episode of South Park.
  5. Thanks but I don’t understand. You could or couldn't complete the form with non upgraded Acrobat?
  6. Interesting. So you're confirming that the pdf files they sent you aren't fillable with Acrobat unless you have an upgraded version?
  7. Your hostity towards the Ukrainian defenders is truly nauseating. Demagogue grifter Trump has already backed off from his obviously insane campaign promises.
  8. Not talking about the election. Talking about what we're getting.
  9. Frankly. I'm worried. Trump's plans are tailored towards oligarchs and inflicting pain on the masses. I don't think we have many oligarchs here. It's interesting to compare to Argentina who elected a Trump-like character as well for economic reasons. But Argentina's economy has been a basket case for generations, and radical change made much better sense there. The worse months of the inflation time under Biden would be like a pipe dream for them. Indeed inflation is down in Argentina (still objectively quite bad though) but poverty has spiked massively as the price. Elon Musk even before the election signaled great pain was in store for the American masses, but I don't think very many Trump voters heard that (or let it get in the way of the magical thinking about the powers of "strong man" Trump). So more or less Argentina kind of HAD to take massive risks with their economy. The USA most certainly didn't. On the face of it -- INSANE.
  10. OK maybe a stupid question, but here goes. I didn't get the email but I did copy the three PDF forms that were posted on this topic. Then I found that I couldn't enter text into them. Adobe offers an upgrade but I'm not interested. Can you enter text on the forms you got (if you got the email)? If you can't enter text, of course you can print the forms and write by hand and then scan to send by email but what a pain. Response appeciated.
  11. If you don't have time to correct the address with the bank and get a new statement I think it will probably be OK as is.
  12. That is one gay scene of thousands. Would you be happy to be in a police raid?
  13. Hart is basically saying that giving blanket advice to all is both impossible and unethical. I completely agree because the actual reality is that each expat has their own situation. Hart is also saying that he thinks the vast majority of retired expats will not owe any tax and/or need a TIN/need to file. I don't know how he could possibly know that and therefore I don't think he should even say that. In my own case I found that I will not be in that predicted vast majority. There is no shortcut. To know if this will effect you SPECIFICALLY then you need to put on your big boy pants and flippin' find out.
  14. The New American affiliated with the John Birch Society. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Birch_Society
  15. The only good thing about this news is that she was so open about this. So now it's easier to push back. Also be clear that this is yet another example of "anti Zionism" being the same as Jew hatred.
  16. Don't be absurd. They would be far from the house floor.
  17. Because everyone knows that the only thing that moves Trump is being worshipped.
  18. Our current president?!?
  19. It's definitely him. A very interesting character indeed. Check out those eyebrows!
  20. The lame duck felonious president elect Mr. Trump acts like a mob boss. He doesn't need to directly order his goons to do the dirty. He simply signals what he wants. That there are still clueless fools that don't get his vile authoritarian games by now beggars belief. As far as his comment on Ukraine -- HOW STUPID! Putin is clearly teetering, the ruble in shambles. butter being locked up in markets, pensioners living on a few hundred dollars a month with rapidly rising prices, massive casualties he is unable to replace even with his North Korean slaves, the incredibly dramatic and historic HUMILIATION in Syria, and what does Trump do?!? Instead of trying to strengthen Ukraine's possible negotiating position with a weakened Russia, he flippin' trashes Ukraine and threatens cut of aid.
  21. Yeah of course you're right about Thai modesty. On the face of it, it could be seen as a theme party but then you get into the drugs part and that does sound like it's a problem.
  22. What's with the underwear? Shy guys?

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