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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. The forfeiting teams are bad sports. Reminds me of Iranians refusing to play Israelis.
  2. He's already messed up his legacy so may as well pardon his son.
  3. Policywise his real mandate is limited to make things cheaper. Not the crazy stuff. Good luck with that. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/11/26/trump-mandate-cabinet-nominees/ This is Trump’s real ‘mandate’ No, Trump doesn’t have a mandate for his extreme agenda. Donald Trump apparently has an all-purpose, get-out-of-jail-free card: his “mandate.” “America has given us an unprecedented and powerful mandate,” the president-elect declared on election night. His allies have since repeated this talking point to deflect any criticism of Trump’s choices. Apparently his “mandate” can include anything Trump dreams up, no matter how objectionable, authoritarian or corrupt.
  4. You're getting into another topic. How this happened. Well it did happen and the fact remains Trump does not enjoy majority support.for the more extremist of his announced politicies.
  5. Trump has definitely not been following the rules and you don't even know the definition of mandate.
  6. If Trump can manage to help end this to the satisfaction of Ukraine where they retain their full sovereignty on future EU NATO decisions and real security guarantees as opposed to just a temporary frozen conflict I would be happy to see Trump.win the Nobel peace prize.
  7. Yes the election is over. Trump 2.0 is just getting started. Allowing people to push a false mandate narrative without pushback is unwise.
  8. Tell that to the innocent central park kids who Trump.wanted killed.
  9. So you think citizens won't be effected by such actions? Of course they will.
  10. So why comment at all based on ad hominem? That's like reviewing a movie you haven't watched. Willful prideful ignorance.
  11. Here is the proof: It's impossible not to notice that the maga pro autocracy cult sore winners have been indulging in a nauseating virtual orgy of gloating and are trying to gaslight the masses that Trump has BOTH a mandate in votes AND a mandate for his extremist policies. But that is another Trumpist BIG LIE and don't y'all ever forget it. To be clear, Trump did win. There is no doubt. But winning and having a mandate in votes and for extremist policies are NOT the same thing. So take note. Pay attention to this going forward. So for example when Trump calls up the MILITARY against his own people to help with his mass deportations or calls for national guards to cross state lines (from red to blue states in true civil war fashion) be clear, the majority never wanted things to get that extreme.
  12. His base is mostly the old confederacy.
  13. The maga autocrats manufactured a problem that didn't exist just for political gain because they know scapegoating trans people is good for them. This is about one new member of the house. All they had to do was have an administrative clerk speak to her about the toilet facilities. There wouldn't have been any problem It didn’t even need to be news at all much less pass a new law about it.
  14. I haven't received a kbank email. Perhaps they entered lt incorrectly 20 years ago. I do get emais from them from online banking but that wax provided separately.
  15. Interesting to know the history of house toilets. When there was the first female rep in 1917 the bigots back then felt violated and threatened. It took almost 100 years for there to be a women's toilet near the house floor. There was a similar bigot backlash when the first black rep was elected. Anyone that doesn't realize that this reactionary response to the first trans rep is about bigotry and demagoguery isn't paying attention.
  16. Sleazeball religious extremist maga tool hypocrite speaker Johnson was asked whether rep. McBride is a man or a woman. He had no answer! So it's not only the.woke who can't define a woman!
  17. Who is to say a girl or woman is safe when in the presence of adjudicated rapist Trump or one of his unvetted by the FBI cabinet picks? This isn't about safety. It's about demagoguety.
  18. Another sign Trump 2.0 intends to rule as a lawless dictator.
  19. Well days later it's either still in hiding or has gotten out of Dodge. I am no longer trying to keep it out of my bedroom. If it shows up again I will try to trap it if it's in a good place for that.

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