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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Too late. Unless Biden quits at the convention because of health, Trump not the R nominee, etc. Then it could be an open convention with Newsom or Klobuchar, etc. the pick.
  2. Yep. And the mass media treats this as yet another horse race. Trump going back into power would be a massive disaster for the world. It's not as if democrats worship Biden like Trump's cult literally worships him. Pretty much anyone opposing Trump would be much better than Trump and Biden is better than just anyone. The odds are Biden would beat Trump because the power of the anti-Trump, anyone but Trump is very significant.
  3. What are you on about? Clinton was impeached, Not those others.
  4. Trump is too chicken to debate even Haley. He's fallen apart dramatically since his legal problems have become more real. He's a total wreck. Why anyone would want such a mentally unhinged person as president is beyond reason.
  5. Trump winning is possble. Trump winning by a LANDSLIDE is impossible! He has his base and he doesn't grow it. It will be either a very close election or Trump's rapidly advancing dementia and being a jail bird might make it a landslide for Biden.
  6. That's ridiculous but I get the trick -- take what you are and flip. Many low information voters are fooled by that.
  7. US Israel policy is an unusually complex issue. Support for Israel isn't just left vs. right. The strongest support for Israel comes from very right wing Christian fundamentalists and the strongest anti-Israel sentiments are coming from the "River to the Sea" "progressive" left. Yes younger Amercans are definitely much more anti-Israel. They also get their "news" from Tik Tok.
  8. We don't even know the tickets yet. Trump's dementia is advancing rapidly and he may be in prison by then.
  9. Trump ran twice. Didn't even win the popular vote once. A Trump landslide -- IMPOSSIBLE. You're trippin'.
  10. Stewart is much more sophisticated than that.
  11. More. Much more. After all Trump says Mar a Lardo is worth billions.
  12. Another Jew hating post suggesting an equivalence of Israel with Nazis. You certainly aren't rare.
  13. A little bit of fantastic news for U.S. election year political junkies! Jon Stewart is coming back to The Daily Show! But ... Only on Mondays
  14. There you go again. That hateful snarky insinuation of equivalence of Israel and Nazis. Back to reality. In the original UN partition there was a Jewish part and an Arab part. There was no Palestinian part because that identity was created later. The Jews agreed. The Arabs went to war. The Arabs lost. When you start wars and you lose there are consequences. As far as Germany, in the earlier days of the Nazis there was talk of not killing the Jews but just sending them away Spanish Inquisition style somewhere far away, such as Madagascar. Later the genocidal final solution was designed and carried out. Of great relevance here the most powerful Arab in the region at the time, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem spent the war in Berlin, met with Hitler himself, and obtained a promise from Hitler to murder all the Jews back home when they got around to it (after killing all the European Jews etc.). So the desire to kill all the Jews in that area is not an original or novel idea of Hamas Arabs.
  15. By that truly perverted "logic" after October 7 Israel should have not responded, moved the entire unarmed population to the Gaza border, and then held a mass music festival / mass suicide party. Perhaps the lovely unbiased UN would have helped to take care of the mass graves. You seem to forget the very good reason that political Zionists decided that Israel must exist.
  16. You cherry picked a few items to paint a pretty pro Putin picture. You obviously don't have the beginning of a clue about what's really happening in the Russian economy in the broader sense (for the masses of people).
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