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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. You never know. Sometimes it can be very hard to open new accounts here when you might need them. I have three accounts that I use for different purposes (SCB, KBANK, BANGKOK). I had considered closing the Bangkok Bank account but I posted here and was persuaded to keep it. Surprise, surprise, that's the account that I use very heavily now.
  2. What are you on about? Primaries are entirely different than general elections.
  3. The conservatives now are more old school republicans and democrats. Magadonians are NOT conservative. They're extremist isolationists like their Hitler loving "America Firsters" (literally called the same thing) before WW2. Learn from history.
  4. Yes I agree a strong majority of Americans support legalized abortion with reasonable limitations and also support of Ukraine against Putin. But in politics logic about policy positions doesn't usually trump emotions. It's going to be VERY DIRTY campaign.
  5. You want the Israeli government to not exist means you don't want Israel to exist. Hamas would love you!
  6. Huh?!? A major part of Haley's policy is about Ukraine policy! She's for supporting Ukraine and NATO. The magas are against it. It's a MAJOR issue in the campaign! It will also be a major issue in the general.
  7. Exactly. The maga party doesn't want to solve anything! They just want issues to run on. They also want Putin to win which is truly disgusting and scary to consider one of two major parties is supporting a major enemy.
  8. Putin has made it very clear what he is all about. Freakin' believe him.
  9. Back to reality. Many of the Jews that Hamas murdered on October 7 were of the more peacenik kind of Israelis. Strong majorities on BOTH SIDES do not want a two state solution. So you propose forcing that on BOTH SIDES? Good luck with that. The truth is that a two state solution was already mostly dead before October 7, but after October 7 it is even more dead. Sure it might happen someday but if so, the wait will be much much longer.
  10. I can't help you if you weren't paying attention when he was in power. The Helsinki press conference being a highlight.
  11. That's garbage. Putin wants to completely dominate and Russify Ukraine and then use Ukrainians for meat sacrifice attacks on the Baltics, Moldova, Poland, etc. Putin also wants to take over former Soviet countries to the east. He's even claiming Alaska now! Helping defend Ukraine with arms is the best way to stop Putin and avoid the need for U.S. troops to go there. Putin has no regard for Russian or any other lives. In this war he uses far provincials and minorities to sacrifice. He tries hard to avoid touching people in Moscow and St Pete because then he would risk revolt.
  12. She is much more of a classic republican (but weirder and more right wing than that with her insane there was never racism in America crap) but she's not a progressive liberal in the slightest. But I get it, to right wingers everyone else is a commie.
  13. If you're talking about Putin, Putin didn't invade when Trump was in power because Trump was giving Putin everything he wanted without invading.
  14. He might indeed but a large portion of the magadonians would stay home. Such people aren't usually real republicans. They are maga. Nikki ain't maga. Why vote? BTW -- she has already said she will pardon Trump.
  15. Yeah, charitably speaking probably the majority are just STUPID (they learned all they know if anything from Tik Tok) and following the fashion but as it gives aid and comfort to terrorists, Iran, etc. it is still not harmless.
  16. Agreed. At the very least and it's usually much more toxic River to the Sea type stuff, they are clearly calling for Israel specifically to stop fighting and making zero demands on Hamas.
  17. The most dangerous thing for the world is Trump in power! Forget the horse race -- that's the priority to stop Trump. As far as Nikki being more electable than Trump, I seriously doubt that. Magadonians hate her labeling her as a globalist. She supports Ukraine while the Maggat cultists want Putin to win. She's way too far right wing extremist on abortion for most moderates/independents. Granted against Biden she would have the younger age advantage. But then again Biden has hinted he may exit if it turns out that he isn't running against Trump. Newsom vs. Nikki would be a disaster for republicans.
  18. There is a lot of time for Trump to explode before the nomination. The media is now noticing that he is physically and mentally falling apart. They can attack Biden that way so it's fair game to attack Trump that way as there is loads of evidence.
  19. I want to make some full spectrum CBD cannabis oil. I don't think I need high end weed for that but I'm looking for clues on what and where to exactly buy for that purpose. I've been buying it for sleep but it's expensive and as I'm setup now to decarb and do oil infusions may as well make it myself Thanks for any tips.
  20. A one state solution is totally incompatible with the continued existence of Israel. Which you obviously know and are clear that you oppose the continued existence of Israel. Inconvenient that Israel exists and the vast majority of Israelis were born there and aren't going anywhere. As far as an Israel without Muslims, that's ignorant. Israel already has 20 percent Arabs as citizens. They want to stay as Israeli citizens. They are free to leave if they want! If that's "apartheid" then I'm the Sultan of Freedonia. What Israel can't have and remain Israel is a majority of non-Jews. That offends some people. Tough cookies.
  21. Based on the Hamas charter goals, the "independent" state you speak of is a radical extremist Islamist caliphate, the end of Israel, and killing all the Jews (not only Israeli Jews). Stop trying to make them sound like anything other than a terrorist organization.
  22. You need an air ticket OUT even if you're American. You can't buy land unless you're Samoan. I like that they're so fat though. So most of us can look fit in comparison.
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