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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Handcuffed? Maybe not. But I would like to see him muzzled. Like a dog (as he's always saying).
  2. So this doesn't mean he's off the hook. Just better incarceration.
  3. Another reason he can relate to dictators like Putin so well.
  4. Yes, not a great example but I wondered how it would do with a poem about Pattaya gay go go bars in the style of Celine. Celine wrote in French. About the legalization of cannabis in Thailand in the style of Evelyn Waugh.
  5. Is there a carb hole on that one? I think at the very least that I want a fat bottom area to hold more water.
  6. At least for the forseeable future there will be the need for very high skilled humans who can use these tools expertly and make decisions on usability of the output. But they will be fewer and fewer and currently people doing lower level "intellectual" work days are numbered.
  7. You sound like someone who incorrectly thinks AI is just pimped up google.
  8. You're wrong. It can code. And it's early days. So naive!
  9. I haven't had the pleasure. The closest I have gotten is my junior high school. Counted the days until release.
  10. AI already does coding incredibly well and passes bar exams. I think you're naive. This is going to replace perhaps half of the global workforce, maybe more.
  11. That's very good feedback @dingdongrb. If it's hard to maintain, that defeats the purpose. I remember years ago for some insane reason I bought a ridiculously fancy kitchen sink faucet. The plumber told me, this is going to cost you later to maintain it.
  12. It's not going to be my ideal bong. There are obviously more advanced filtering options on the market these days and I'm just trying to figure out what might work best for me.
  13. The entire cannabis game is quite complicated these days. Perhaps you missed my goal -- to be as gentle to my lungs as possible (without not smoking at all). On that note, I have bought some HEMP WICK which is great because with it you can light your bowl without smoking toxins from lighters or matches.
  14. My lungs aren't in the best shape but I've determined smoking is the only realistic way to sample many of the wonderfully varied strains available these days. So I'm looking for quality and as much filtering as possible. I've determined glass is the best material and a large area for more water is desirable. So the only way to get a large area for water is to buy a large (expensive) bong. But there are other options that sound desirable but also wondering about the downsides. A large bong I would presume would mean larger volume hits -- that doesn't sound great if trying to be gentle with lungs. Then there are options like space for ICE or removable glycerin coils you can freeze instead of ice. The problem with ice is you need to make it and it melts. Then there are percolators which add filtering but I assume you need to increase lung power to make that work. Built in glass screens (sounds cleaner than metal screens) Then there are some with carb holes (a hole you cover with your finger before the hit) which seems rare these days (old style bongs used to have them). To me carb holes sounds better than removing the pipe thingie. Am I wrong? I saw a percolator bong described as being good for vaporizing -- isn't that illegal in Thailand like vapes? You can't really test drive bongs at bong shops. You might buy a high end percolator bong and find it doesn't work for you. Here's a site with many bong options. ร้านบ้องแก้วคุณภาพดีมีหลากหลายแบรนด์ชั้นนำ | Bangya Bong Zing So to you bong aficionados, perhaps you can help steer me in the right direction.
  15. Finland wasn't cooperation. Finland was trump's coming out party as Putin's poodle.
  16. There is no problem depositing SS into a US bank with a Thai address on record with SS. That's what I do.
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