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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Get Ukraine everything they need ASAP. It's a great investment if they win and with all the help they need, they will win. Crimea back to Ukraine by year's end.
  2. So predictable. They are trans men. They exist. I realize some fascists want to "eradicate" them but not without a fight.
  3. They can't define it but they know what they hate and they hate an awful lot.
  4. You don't get it. The word has been so completely corrupted by the right wing bubble that you won't find people now referring to themselves as woke. The right wing murdered the word. It is their attack word now. The original meaning is gone.
  5. Not getting your point. Again woke is only an attack word now. The original meaning is gone.
  6. Could be something he picked up in Barthelona. Speaking of pronunciations, it's hilarious how most f-rangs pronounce Pattaya.
  7. There is no woke crowd. Right wingers perverted the actual meaning of the word.
  8. Part of anti woke is code for anti LGBT. Anti.woke is a right wing attempt to rebrand bigotry as a resistance movement.
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