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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Let's break this down. You're in Thailand. You have the MAC address of your device in the US. By what miracle are you going to be able to send ANY signal to your device if you are not connected to the LOCAL network that it's connected to in the US whether by wireless or cable? Your solution is what I do. You need to set it up so that you can login to her LAN router and then WOL your device from there. The router software that I connect to is often very slow, requires multiple steps to get to where I can WOL and often requires multiple refreshes. Also sometimes if something happened there I can't connect at all and my host needs to reset the router. Maybe your experience will be smoother. Good luck.
  2. If that's supposed to convince anyone that Putin isn't a genocidal war criminal, it ain't working.
  3. Two options. Plugged in to network with a cable. Or User logs into the Lan's router then they can wake up the target device that is connected wirelessly.
  4. If the connection of your device is wireless rather than by cable I believe you will need to logon to your sister's network to wake it up as I do. When you do that if you set that up you will get security issues on your browser used to login to her network which you will need to override. https://www.teamviewer.com/en/info/wake-on-lan/ The only requirement for operating Wake-on-LAN over the internet is that the remote device is connected to a power source and is connected to the internet via a network cable. You could I suppose just message your sister when you want a session and she could turn on your device manually.
  5. I am not a psychic. Try it and see. One tip though. Do your bidness well before due dates because when there is a problem you won't want to be under time pressure to fix it. A few times I have had to ask my host to actually logon for me to pay some bills.
  6. Yes to the sites seeing you as if you are in the US 100 percent. No to there being no maintenance issues for your sister.
  7. Some are a type of unofficial refugees. I think a few countries are accepting asylum applications from Russians subject to screening of course. Thailand obviously not. .
  8. The Russians here are a mixed bag. Of the subset that hope to leave Russia long term or for life its important not to paint them all with one brush. Some are wealthy and can afford Elite visas, some are highly skilled and can work remotely and can eventually find a country that wants them for that, some of them have brought their families, some are Putin supporters but afraid to die, some were antiwar before the mobilization. War is messy.
  9. Many of them are refugees but getting actual refugee legal status will be difficult everywhere for them and impossible in Thailand. Heck Thailand isn't even accepting Ukrainian refugees. I'm not saying they are a monolith though. Each person has their particular story and many of them will be lying about it.
  10. It's very good but I don't want to watch it again as I prefer to have the memory of seeing it when it was released.
  11. The thing with these lets go back in time "me too" thingies is that there has often been a hysterical lack of common sense and judgement that fails to differentiate one case from another. For example conflating a dead serious case like Harvey Weinstein with the rather trivial comedic prank that sunk Al Franken. This Romeo and Juliet case is just 100 percent stupid. Nudity in an art film from decades ago where that nudity was essential to the movie? Are they having a laugh? Yes it's true that today even though various kinds of media shows very explicit teenage sex scenes (not talking about pornos) if the production is in the US and some other countries they will now use young adults to portray teens. Standards did change on that at least in the US. There is nothing wrong with actors playing younger when it works dramatically but often they are casting 30 year olds that really do look too much like 30 year olds which does take away from the believability of the plots. BTW, did y'all see this film back when it was released? I did.
  12. He's truly a crumbling monster. Also of course it's yet another racist nuclear dog whistle to his white nationalist cult loyalists.
  13. Tip of the iceberg globally. Now Russia is threatening to criminalize those who have fled.
  14. To be fair the clip is a short and can better be understood by viewing the long version. It appears to be about the f-rang who was seen having public sex in Pattaya with a woman. He was caught. The video was made before he was caught. I think Michael Rappaport is funny but you can't take him too seriously. So here it is. Thailand stuff starts at 14:07.
  15. Read to the end of the BBC article. This is an ART film! These two oldsters are participating in a cynical money grab!
  16. The Republicans will need his vote so.they'll have to deal with him as long as he lasts.
  17. They have got to be kidding. It was not porn. It was beautiful and in keeping with the theme of the movie.
  18. Any sympathy I might have once had for this couple has evaporated. He should have just shown some British stiff upper lip and played the role he was born into. Whatever problems he had before he has made them worse. They made their bed now lie in it and stop being so tedious.
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