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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Interesting. I wouldn't want to move back there even if I won the lottery because I don’t like the change to being a city best for the rich and homeless. That's a loss of soul. Too many homeless is nothing new in San Francisco because of the weather and also helping programs. My politics haven't changed much since my teen years but I do recall a widespread feeling in San Francisco that San Francisco is a small place and not everyone that wants to live there can live there and that's not horrible. While I was there before insane rents I lived in very substandard cheapest housing so just above homeless. It was worth it to me to live like that to be in SF. Until one day it wasn't anymore and I moved.
  2. Yeah. Remember his "American Carnage" Inauguration speech. Never been an inauguration speech like that before and hopefully never again.
  3. That is true Walgreens has closed many stores in communities that really need them.
  4. BTW a US pint is 473 ml or 16 fluid ounces. The b and j pints in Thailand are indeed that size but other countries define the size of a pint differently.
  5. Fox News isn't life. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/prop-47-theft-california/
  6. Yes. Trump with his Putin's poodle act made me feel ashamed to be American just as many decent Russians are ashamed because of Putin. Biden's leadership on Ukraine makes me feel proud. Fighting the Nazis in WW2 was a just war. Ukraine fighting the Putin Z genocidal fascists is similarly just.
  7. Probably. I'm not aware of even one exceptionally good ice cream or Gelato shop in Pattaya. Years ago there were some decent ones but they vanished like fish massage. Yes of course you don't need a pint but there really is something iconic about a Ben and Jerry's pint.
  8. It happens but hardly an everyday thing. One time is one time too many.
  9. It's not about the politics either way but many people including me like their style which is quite distinctive. Pattaya used to have a New Zealand natural shop which was very good. Of course good gelatos beat any ice cream. This topic is about Ben and Jerry's but the larger theme is if you're craving something go for the something because the cheap alternative won't cut it.
  10. You make SF sound like a dystopian hellscape. I'm skeptical that its really that bad for most residents. I do think.that many tourists because of the locations of most of the big hotels are over exposed to the homeless crisis. No doubt there are very serious problems. Anyway l left my wisdom teeth in San Francisco where I learned about "real" Chinese food. I don't follow current San Francisco board of supes dramas but is it unfair to say a big reason Asians have been underrepresented in SF elected officials is because historically not enough of them have been interested enough to participate? Also people shouldn't vote for people only because of ethnic identity. It should be about policies. Obviously Mayor Breed wasn't elected by the black vote as SF only has 5 or 6 percent blacks. SF is a very democratic city so the politics there are always about the different levels within the democratic political spectrum.
  11. The Bay Area is great but even outside SF the rent is too damn high!
  12. That it does. But once in a decade or so won't matter. It's more expensive because its denser, creamier, less pumped in air, higher butterfat, and has larger portions of the add in chunkies.
  13. I watched that top flavor video and realized I've never tried half baked! Ranked at the very top. I see Tops has it at 375. Sounds like a good enough reason to break down and buy it. It's not that I can't afford it. It just feels obscene. Flavors on that video among my faves are Strawberry cheesecake and Chocolate Fudge brownie. Not on the video Chunky Monkey. I'm not even sure if I've tried Phish food.
  14. OK, here goes. Until recently I hadn't ever bought a pint of ice cream in Thailand. The reason being I like Ben and Jerry's but I find the price here to be obscene. I would even be embarrassed to pay it at a counter but of course it could be delivered. I remember paying as little as 2 bucks a pint on sale in the US but here it's generally 350 baht and you don’t see promotions. Yes I know it costs more than 2 bucks in the US now but still much less. Yes I'm aware it's a good thing health wise to not frequently be eating pints of ice cream. Anyway recently I broke down and bought a pint of Buds of San Francisco ice cream. Mocha Almond Fudge it was. While they absurdly promote their brand here with a very old review saying it's the best ice cream in the world I know it to be of mediocre quality. But it's been so long. Maybe I would like it more now. Nope. Still not wonderful at about 150 a pint here. Not worth the calories. So the ice cream hole I was trying to fill wasn't satisfied. Moral of the story. Just spring for the freakin' Ben and Jerry's! What's your favorite BJ flavor? I guess maybe Cherry Garcia for me.
  15. The free crime stereotype of SF is largely a Fox News fabrication..Yes you.can see some shocking videos that will give that impression. But what happened was that SF had a crazy soft on crime police chief but there was a backlash with a new mayor and he's gone. But nobody knows how to solve the homeless problem. I wouldn't want to live there now anyway but of course easy to say as I can't afford to. San Francisco has been demonized by Republicans as a left wing hell hole for decades now. Scapegoats are useful.
  16. Housing costs boomed there massively but there was an exodus during the pandemic so there has been some softening. But rich people are always going to want to live there because of the beauty, climate, and of course the geography of very limited land to build on. In other words it's still one of the most expensive US cities and always will be at least until the next great QUAKE.
  17. People can see the current demographics here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Francisco At 41 percent white and 33 percent Asian that's whiter than I thought. San Francisco was indeed a greater city when city workers people with regular jobs, and artists could afford to live there.
  18. Fair question. When I lived there there were tensions in the Mission between the majority Latinos and gay people who were mostly white and correctly seen as gentrifying. I know it's changed where there are more rich tech people, more whites, and more Asians I could be wrong but my understanding is that the homeless masses are mostly downtown Market Street, Tenderloin etc.
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