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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I think it depends on the size. Normally I understand 6000 baht is worth fighting about for most people in the world, but I'm looking at the context of your story -- selling your condo.
  2. Get 6000 more out the buyer and pay it now. Life is too short. 6000 is nothing in the context of a real estate deal.
  3. Abbott Elementary It's a HIT. Now in it's second season, it has become a very popular (and in my opinion worthy) comedic show that is rivalling the previous popularity of Modern Family. It's mostly about the teacher's characters in an inner city Philadelphia school and they are really fun characters to watch. It's even better for me because I get all the Philly references but not at all required. Abbott Elementary review – the gags come so thick and fast they take your breath away | Television & radio | The Guardian
  4. Not such a bad guy for a TRAITOR! Robert E. Lee Wasn't a Hero, He Was a Traitor | History News Network
  5. The use of "rainbow warriors" sounds like something white nationalist Tucker Carlson would say.
  6. Truly horrible but I wonder why the snake did that. Was it hungry and the man small? Would a properly fed python kill just to kill?
  7. So that MAGA nation can deflect from their un-American support to illegally disrupt the peaceful transition of power.
  8. Some youtube names I suggest. Vlad Vexler Inside Russia (now a refugee) Jake Broe
  9. Many of those that fled can't really afford that for as long as it takes which may be the rest of their lives. So many are desperately seeking longer residencies and asylum anywhere. Georgia's visa policies are very generous but an understandable severe backlash is growing.
  10. Mr. Harrigan's Phone is a Stephen King story based movie and quite a good one. The trailer makes it seem as if there are super scary parts and I think that's misleading. It's more of a head trip type of thing and for me an enjoyable one.
  11. Absolutely have a dedicated device! I thought that was assumed.
  12. I have been doing the TeamViewer scheme for years. I turn the host computer on and off myself by logging into the router there. Actually it's just a box with Linux but used laptop before and the box has been much smoother. But in a sense you're correct, periodically there are difficult technical issues with this scheme and I'm lucky that the person handling this for me is very technical. I wouldn't be optimistic about computer dummies types. It's a good system indeed on paper, but the reality is sometimes a PITA. The reality is human factors. If the host person isn't technical, do you really want to burden them with this task that is so critical to your well being?
  13. The trouble is Putin is prepared to sacrifice millions of his own people for his moronic goals.
  14. Jingthing


    Best place to live in Thailand actually.
  15. I've seen one or two flavors in small size here, but I think too small. I like Americone Dream too. B and J is for when you want some man sized chunkies.
  16. I'm still working on this. I am developing a list of stocks I'm interested in. I am considering doing something few would recommend. The conventional advice for those picking stocks is to never put more than 5 percent of your portfolio on any one stock for obvious risk avoidance reasons. Well, I'm considering breaking that rule big time. Specifically for Amazon which I'm considering putting 20 percent in. It's not going to go to zero anytime soon anyway!
  17. Colombia requires expats to enter their highly rated by WHO health care system which is private but integrated into significant public oversight. It's much better if you join before age 60 as after about age 60 you can't opt for the higher end plans with lots of perks (which you would want and could afford). Preexisting conditions are included and costs are low. However, recently Colombia's visa programs got more difficult (retirement visa still affordable but more work than before).
  18. Thailand no longer has any New Zealand Natural shops. They do in Malaysia, Singapore, and Vietnam though. One of my best ever dessert memories was in KL Malaysia where I had a super thick milkshake of their vanilla ice cream blended with primo fresh durian. Their Thailand shops when they existed had special with fruit milkshakes as well but when I checked, no durian. I guess such high end imported ice cream shops haven't done so well in Thailand. Baskin and Robbins projects themselves as a luxury brand here, but like Bud's, definitely is NOT.
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