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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I don't think white nationalists.would be interested in Mexico though. The US already conquered a huge chunk of Mexico long ago.
  2. Impossible. Her views are very right wing. She could start a third party of real anti Trumpist republicans though.
  3. Unrelated issues. Also the problem wasn't actually the sex but lying about it under oath.
  4. He's obviously right except I am very curious why he thinks democracy would be restored after a few decades.
  5. Dated. Crippled? Stranger men picking up a boy they met on social media to go on a "ride"? Grooming.
  6. What's hilarious is that you went with free when all I said was homes. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/02/how-finland-solved-homelessness
  7. It's coming and if it doesn't come, I will be happy to eat crow. Garland has no good reason not to do it now. If he doesn't, he will have a lot of explaining to do to history.
  8. Yes it will be (and I do think it's coming) the most politically consequential indictment in American history. But it's not needed. The case in Georgia appears to be coming along nicely. A federal case would carry more weight though, but a felony conviction is a felony conviction.
  9. Nobody said that. Again, he NEEDS to be slow about this. The political implications are just too massive to act otherwise. You can mock all you want. Doesn't change what Garland will or won't do.
  10. Because a decision to indict will be the biggest decision in the history of the office of the Attorney General. The table is being set now. Consider the issues. A former president. Never happened. An attempted coup by a former president. Never happened. This very former president promoted a big lie believed by most of his party. This very former president still controls that party. This very former president is threatening to run again against maybe Garland's boss. He's got the goods. But it's a momentous political decision and he needs to be very very certain of a conviction. He can't be rushed to do such a thing. You would be screaming to high heaven if he had done so.
  11. Murder most foul. I don't know what happened but the chances this was triggered by a surprise are almost zero. We're seeing a lot of predictable homophobic projection here.
  12. Trying to not overwhelm hospitals was completely rational.
  13. Means testing for SS is not going to happen but raising the income cap for SS payroll tax hopefully will. I don't think programs for the poor are at all adequate. Homelessness kills and rents are not even close to being affordable.
  14. Gates didn't predict up or down but his description is undeniably accurate. Those digital asset trends are "100% based on greater fool theory,"
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