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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Yeah these "what about Donbass?" deflections clearly based on Kremlin propaganda have become a quite tedious BROKEN RECORD. Also when Ukraine armed forces conflict with Donbass rebels (we know there are Russian national operatives there) that isn't an invasion of Ukraine. Donbass IS Ukraine! That said, I assume if there is a way to negotiate a peace (I doubt it) Ukraine will probably agree to give that up.
  2. As stated before I think both sides of the political spectrum have failed Americans seeking affordable housing.
  3. Already posted on this but really I don't have to do anything. There are obviously many complex variables so in other words, bait ignored.
  4. Well, not all of California is nice but has it occurred to you people want to live there because of the: weather the beaches the mountains the ganja the tech and entertainment industries, etc. the world class restaurants the world class cultural offerings the wonderful diversity I do agree that often blue state cultural types want to live among similar (but that's different than being to afford it). Of course I agree that Cali is burdened with over regulation and a lot of that NIMBY zoning problem I mentioned before. But it's absurd to suggest this is a one state issue. This massive housing inflation especially of RENTS is a national phenom red/blue/purple. Obviously not all localities are going up 30 percent in a year but the overall picture is VERY BAD indeed for affordability. No way are wage or social security check increases meeting these increases.
  5. This is why I was trying before to discourage an ideological political debate it's a loaded black hole. Regardless of political interpretations the lack of affordable housing.crisis in the US is clearly real and its a very serious negative factor for lower wealth expats that are considering or sometimes forced to repatriate.
  6. Sounds like distorted spin to me. But back to topic his is your wonderful capitalism dealing with the lack of affordable housing in the US?
  7. How do those successful people get richer? Magic? Exploiting gouging poor and middle people isn't a part of it? So called pure capitalism.doesn't really exist and it shouldn't. Calling people communist that support a more civilized capitalism is just dumb. To add I don't blame only right wingers for the housing crisis I also blame NIMBY limousine liberals who are very hypocritical. Bottom line neither of us have a realistic solution to fix the shortage of affordable housing crisis in the US. This is OBSCENE.
  8. Israel is in a position to.help. They have close communication with Putin and a large portion of their citizens are (mostly secular) Russians.
  9. Not many I suppose. They are in effect a kind of refugee but a kind that are not likely to be seen as a.priority group compared to.women and children fleeing Ukraine.
  10. So its class warfare then? Which class do you reckon is winning? To an OBSCENE degree.
  11. Not to mention the climate change issue. Threats of nuclear war trumps all.
  12. That all is pretty silly hyperbole.
  13. If Putin thinks sanctions are an act of war, then we are already at WW3, so what is NATO waiting for?
  14. OK. So you agree with me that his "apology" is just a CYA and worthless then, yeah?
  15. I watched that long ago. You guys think you're special because you watch "intellectual" sympathetic to Putin videos. Check the views. You're not special. His theory is now blown. He has said for years Putin wouldn't actually invade Ukraine and if he did that would be totally insane.
  16. At least there now does seem to be a consensus here that the severe shortage of affordable housing in the US is a crisis causing untold misery. As far as solutions I don't see them. The so called "free" market won't solve this. It makes it worse. Well meaning liberal politicians offer band aids on a gaping wound. A different supreme court could change NIMBY zoning laws at the federal level but of course there never will be such a court. So I still think for most non.owner non wealthy expats the best way to avoid this misery is to just avoid repatriation.
  17. Who invaded Ukraine? Who is targeting civilians? Who is risking nuclear meltdowns? No good and bad you say? I think your POV is no good.
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