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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. You're correct. It's supposed to be four weeks not three. It's outrageous to be forced into that incorrect interval.
  2. In any case he's a bizarre character of questionable competence as a judge. On the other hand he helped make this trial must see t.v.
  3. He presented himself as a medic already. That was definitely a lie.
  4. You don't appear to know much about how airborne viruses are spread.
  5. They are a kind of first responder. First responders to being summoned on the apps on our dumb phones.
  6. Regardless of the verdicts he has earned his place in American history as the crying baby faced vigilante of Kenosha Wisconsin. He wanted to be famous. Job done.
  7. Yeah most are young men but I've had old men, young and old women, people bringing a toddler, and several very obese men and women.
  8. Unless you're a very talented chef I doubt you can cook the variety of choices offered on the apps.
  9. As I use such services excessively I wonder if he was carrying an order and if so, whether the company told the waiting customer the truth about why it was "late," and if so, whether he reordered. I have always realized these drivers are risking their lives to bring us the goods and as I don't drive and not bothered by their antics, I sincerely appreciate their service. Imagine the global pandemic without delivery drivers!
  10. What you did is not what normal tourists do so it proves nothing. If Thailand or any other country actually wants to revive their tourism industry then it needs to be much easier than their current pass system. That's obviously a fact. It's OK if they're not ready for that yet though. That's their decision.
  11. You miss my point here, dude. Even if the process worked for 100 percent of those that will bother, I'm thinking of the massive percentage of people that obviously look at the list of rules and say NO THANKS. Maybe will wait (how long) until they offer a sane policy like Cambodia and other countries that are actually really truly opening up to masses of REAL tourists now.
  12. OK. Nobody is forcing you to even read the topic much less do research.
  13. If you like to watch holocaust and/or World War 2 themed content, this Israeli documentary is very unique and wonderfully done. Who knew about Fredy before? Dear Fredy (2017) - IMDb This trailer doesn't do the film justice and unfortunately it is NOT available at the usual places.
  14. Better that they scrap it entirely ASAP and adopt a more sane system similar to Cambodia.
  15. Since I posted my prediction, there was a very big change in the jury instructions. The wacky judge that is the talk of the nation has allowed the jury to consider PROVOCATION by the defendant. This allowed the state to wind up the case with a stronger closing argument than they could have otherwise. While I still don't think the jury will convict on the most serious charges, but if they do, I wouldn't be shocked. I'm also kind of expecting the jury to hang on at least one charge.
  16. I completely agree the poll question is simplified. That's a poll design issue. What did you expect? Ten different complex choices of response? But above all, this like all polls here are not scientific and are instead for entertainment and discussion purposes only. Next ...
  17. That is not true which makes me even more skeptical of the credibility of your rave review.
  18. Exactly. That's typical for countries that are actually SERIOUS about opening up. How long will it take for Thailand to drop this madness which is surely repressing well over 90 percent of potential actual tourists? I don't believe they're serious yet. That's OK but don't announce you're open when you're anything but. Saying you're open and putting up these absurd barriers doesn't cut it. Also absurd is the counting press. Surely the majority of people coming have very serious reasons to travel here, such as returning expats, family here, etc. They are NOT tourists!
  19. Jomtien has never demanded a same day letter or same day book update for me doing well over a decade.
  20. INSABI. It's free but not great. Retired expats are mostly going with private insurance or pay as you go but for minor stuff INSABI could be good. So what are the costs? My impression is that paying retail for high level care is less than the expat centric hospitals in Thailand such as Bumrungrad. Obviously location matters as to what's available. There is a discount for foreign residents vs. tourists. Another reason to get residency. As far as the public options for retired expats I think Colombia is significantly better, but its not free.to enroll but it is required to enroll, and it also varies by location. Colombia has an innovative system. Its run by competing private insurance companies with government oversight. Everyone is accepted regardless of age or conditions.
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