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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Personally I wouldn't make waves and just comply with the 400k baht thing which you have at least some evidence your office requires. Combo method is more complicated. Local office enforcement rules are what matters most if they accept combos at all.
  2. Is it your position that presidents and ex presidents are supposed to be above the law? Or only when its a president that you like?
  3. If a case is made that Trump conspired to defraud the United States by pressuring Pence to not do his constitutional duty any issues of whether he believed he lost or not are moot. Also in a potential Georgia "find me the votes" case. Trump defenders are grasping at straws
  4. Nobody is forcing you.
  5. The Trump republicans don't need any basis in fact or reality to attempt to overturn elections. They have become the party of autocracy. There were efforts made by the democrats to check that, but they were blocked by Joe Machin. Almost half in new poll sees likelihood US will ‘cease to be a democracy in the future’ | The Hill
  6. The problem is that he needs to run against Trump (who hopefully will be behind bars) to have a decent chance against the republican. I can't see him beating DeSantis at least based on the current political environment. That could change.
  7. The people that won't accept a gay president are mostly republicans anyway. A non complete list. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/586948-ten-democrats-who-could-run-in-2024-if-biden-doesnt/ I continue to like Amy Klobuchar.
  8. Very annoying and decidedly unhelpful. It would be best if he keeps his papal mouth well shut in future on this subject.
  9. Good questions. The next in line is speaker of the house Pelosi. Harris wouldn't be required to have a Vice President. That initial period would not count as her first term. If she later ran for president she would choose a running mate to be VP if elected.
  10. Then you're not paying attention clearly out of bias.
  11. Biden can't say one term too early if that's his intention because that makes him a premature lame duck.
  12. A few points. Not aware of any members saying his performance is perfect. Also he has been majorly blocked by fellow "democrat" Joe Manchin. Personally I think his performance has been objectively mixed but he doesn't get credit for that because of inflation and poor white house communication. As far as living in the US or not, I think its usually unwise to expatriate or repatriate based on who is currently president so I'm not even buying your premise.
  13. None of that was expected. Pure white resentment right wing fantasy fear mongering.
  14. I rate the chance of Garland Indicting Trump (with a view to almost definite conviction) as probable. He is correct to be cautious but the groundswell is growing.
  15. Conspiracy to defraud the United States. FELONY
  16. I could have predicted this. A losing issue. Its not gonna get better. Pick your fights wisely. https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2022/06/13/washington-post-umd-poll-most-americans-oppose-transgender-athletes-female-sports/ ISSUES Most Americans oppose trans athletes in female sports, poll finds Even as an increasing share of Americans report familiarity with and tolerance for transgender people, most oppose allowing transgender female athletes to compete against other women at the professional, college and high school level, according to a Washington Post-University of Maryland poll. The poll, conducted May 4 through 17 among 1,503 people across the United States, finds 55 percent of Americans opposed to allowing transgender women and girls to compete with other women and girls in high school sports and 58 percent opposed to it for college and professional sports. About 3 in 10 Americans said transgender women and girls should be allowed to compete at each of those levels, while an additional 15 percent have no opinion.
  17. You seem to be intentionally misunderstanding me. So bye.
  18. I have much personal experience with this and again LONG AGO you really had to watch out for PCP in pot. Of course some people wanted it.
  19. That's pretty ridiculous if you have glaucoma. For me pot is a hallucinogenic but not for. everyone. LSD alters your brain.
  20. It was talking about long ago and then sadly it was fairly common.

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