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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. If there had been effective red flag laws in effect this guy would have been blocked.
  2. Not all offices would accept as low as 200k and also you need to learn how BALANCE MAINTENANCE rules apply at your office for combos. Yes compared to the other methods objectively more complicated.
  3. My opinion is K-I-S-S. That's how the officers like it.
  4. No need for an agent fixer for people that are able to meet the financial requirements of one of the methods.
  5. That is actually a third method. The combination method . The most complicated method. Some offices don't even accept combo method applications The vast majority of retirees here use either the 800k bank method OR the 65k baht income method.
  6. Britsplained starting at 2:10.
  7. To begin, the 800k bank method and 65k per month income method are two different options. Either / OR. Not both.
  8. Its what I said too. I was mirroring the language in the question from the author. I am sorry if anyone misunderstood. Again. You go in to apply for an extension. If approved THAT is the relevant date for the 800k three month rule. NOT the date that the new extension begins. So if you go in a month early, its three months from that earlier date.
  9. Your comment is irrelevant to my post! Extension date is the date stamped into your passport after you apply for an extension. Usually the same day as your application. The other stamped date is the date of the expiration of the new extension. Example: Extension application date Oct 15 Extension expiration date Nov 15 The three months at 800K rule in this example starts from Oct 15 NOT Nov 15.
  10. Usually that is the same day as the extension date.
  11. Three months after the extension date.
  12. You need to understand the history of how Pride came about from the Stonewall Riots. The roots are a civil rights movement of an oppressed minority. Is there even one country in the world even now where LGBT people enjoy 100 percent equal civil rights? In much or even most most of the world LGBT people still endure severe oppression including criminalization and death penalties. For more upbeat stuff google gay anthems.
  13. No they didn't. Texas gun laws did.
  14. This wasn't motivated by politics or race.
  15. No. You have incomplete sources. A friend from boyhood reported him as basically a bad person and a violent bully himself. His mother who obviously isn't playing with a full deck herself admitted a history of violence. Now we know exactly how bad and exactly how violent.
  16. Not clear that he was bullied. Also sorry being bullied is no excuse. There are contrary witnesses saying he cut his own face, tortured animals, and shot a bb gun at strangers from a car. Evil? Insane? Its academic. He shouldn't have had a weapon of war.
  17. Too complicated for NRA owned republicans.
  18. Males can be raped but as with anything situations need to be considered specifically and I would agree its absurd to push every occurrence of obnoxious groping into the legal system.
  19. Yes. Spacey has an impressive body of work in the acting sphere. In that he is brilliant. Sadly though his aggressive interest in the bodies of blokes has done him in. Some men straight or gay get a big head when they become famous and think they can get away with anything.
  20. American exceptionalism indeed! French Newspaper Names What America Truly Excels At In Damning Editorial | HuffPost Latest News
  21. The Onion's headline, the same one they use after EVERY mass shooting. ‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens (theonion.com)

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